
Monday, January 2, 2012

{Mauritania was my 148th Country visiting on December 31, 2011}

Wow, this is so neat that since I've put my Flag Counter up on July 10, 2011 on New Year's Eve I did find my 148th country being listed! Just wanted to share this with you. The world is getting smaler and smaller, however there seem to be 210 different flags, according to Flag Counter! Ways to go...
This image shows the time, 5:20 PM on 12/31/2011 with the Newest Country being Mauritania, from West Africa.
Just click on it  to enlarge...
All 148 country flags pictured here...
Just 1 follower short of 300... 

A Happy New Year to all readers, world wide and thanks for visiting!

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  1. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche dir einen guten Montag und grüße dich recht herzlich


  2. Liebe Mariette,
    whow, du eroberst die Welt im Sturm mit deinem Blog. Ich wünsche dir und Pieter ein wunderbares Neues Jahr und dass all eure heimlichen Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  3. It is amazing how we can visit anyone in the world with just the click of a button. It's a small world after all. Hope your day is great. Tammy

  4. You have been around! Congrats
    Happy New Year

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Hope that your day is going well, for the start of the New Year.
    Yes, the world is getting smaller and interesting to see the different flags of visitors to your blog.


  6. Dear Mariette,
    Congrats on the many visits from all over the world. It is amazing how we can connect to so many from every walk of life through blogland.
    Happy New Year to you and yours with many blessings in 2012.
    Thank you for your gift of friendship.
    Love to you, CM

  7. Congratulations my friend!! IT's so wonderful to be able to connect with some many wonderful readers! I am certain 2012 will see many more flags being added... Your wonderful informative and inspiring posts ...bring so much to us readers. Can't wait to see what magic you will be sharing with us in 2012! I know you inspire and motivate me in so many wonderful ways. I'm so blessed that our Angel's brought our paths together!! Happy New year .. XO HHL

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zu sovielen treuen Leserinnen aus aller Welt! Die 300 wird bestimmt bald folgen und es werden bestimmt auch noch mehr dazu kommen!

    Ich wünsch Dir einen wunderschönen Tag !
    ♥ Liebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  9. Dear Mariette,
    Congratulations to your award :)
    I am your newest follower. Hope you're having a fantastic day!


  10. Hi Mariette,

    WOW! That is so cool!!!

    Congratulations on your award.



Thanks for your visit and comment.
