
Saturday, January 21, 2012


Just like to announce this great GIVEAWAY from SAVANNAH SECRET CELLAR. This is a newly opened Etsy shop from blogger friend and Georgia neighbor: Savannah Granny. Click on the word GIVEAWAY (than scroll way down!), here above, after you have a look at what you will be winning here below...
You will get 6 Erasable Ceramic Place Card Easels - NEW in a satin lined box!
Wishing you good luck. 
GIVEAWAY ends January 25, by midnight...
Don't forget my Worldwide GIVEAWAY
To the right on my blog at the top...
ends February 4!


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist eine schöne Überraschung.

    Herzliche Grüße


  2. Hoi Nichtje van me,

    Mooi hoor! Vooral als je vaker een etentje geeft!
    Jammer genoeg is ons huis daar te klein voor!

    Heb jij je volgers ook bovenaan neer gezet? Lekker vrolijk niet, al die fotootjes!

    Het weekend begint hier weer goed,regen regen en nog eens regen!

    Jammer maa niks aan te doen.

    Lieve groet uit een zeer nat Panningen,

    Thea ♥

  3. My friend how grand a giveaway is this!!! I will be making my way over later today... Thank you for sharing this with us... Savannah Granny is great .. can't wait to see what her secret cellar has for us!! Happy Saturday...

    Little Miss M. and us will be baking this afternoon ... xo Blessings, HHL

  4. Thanks for sharing the giveaway on your blog! We'd love to have visits from your friends here!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  5. Hallo Mariette,
    unglaublich, was für schöne Sachen verschenkt werden. ich gucks mir demnächst mal an. Hoffe, ihr habt ein schönes Wochenende.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  6. Dearest Mariette, Thank you so much for not only promoting the giveaway but Savannah Secret Cellar as well. As I have said previously you are a kind and gracious lady. Glad to have you as a neighbor.
    Love to you, Ginger

  7. So happy you introduce bloggers and shops! You are so sweet! I love meeting new blogger friends and seeing items from crafters. I will have to visit Savannah Granny soon.

    Hope you have a blessed week!



Thanks for your visit and comment.
