
Monday, February 27, 2012

{HOW to Prolong the Life of Your NEW Shoes?}

Want to Learn from Mariette? Well, under wardrobe care certainly belong our shoes. For decades we've always brought our new shoes right away to a professional shoe repair man. We are lucky, as for us there is such a great quality shoe repair here locally. 
This is not REPAIR work but HOW to Prolong the Life of Your NEW Shoes, like these...
Adding rubber soles. That protects the leather more from getting wet if rainy and you are a few mm elevated now from the 'wet' area. This prolongs also the life as rubber does not wear off as fast as the original leather soles. Besides, it is a great safety feature as you will not slip as easily.
Both, my husband Pieter and I, have been practicing this as said, for decades. It really pays off!
Yes, Good Year makes for a great rubber sole that is skid free and Prolongs the Life of your NEW Shoes. Preventive maintenance and safety is always important!


  1. Bon soir my friend Mariette!! Oh how I have been missing some of my fav blog visits and post reading - like your fabulous blog. Having a bit of a challenge sleeping so, I'm making the most of it .. by catching up on some visits and post reading... and also some correspondence I have fallen behind on.

    Your birthday brooches and that pill box gorgeous!!and the thimble with the glass tip ... beautiful You are deserving of that is beautiful. Your mantle clock had me swooning... love that it tracks the moon as well... the detail is exquisite - they certainly do not make them like they use to. Love that it needs to wound manually!!

    The floral frame/vase is most unique. The Christofle knife rest, swooning, over here!! Your angel toile hearts are darling.

    And you always share the most wonderful tips ... I have had my shoe repair man in the city, give life back to a few pairs of heels over the years by adding new rubber soles ... but this is a much better solution - preventive maintenance will certainly add life and as you pointed out ... be a lot safer. I wish we had a Presstine Cleaners in Canada... I will need to look into a one stop service like them in city .. and plan some visits when we are there.

    From your photos it looks like you are being blessed with some wonderful weather. Enjoy my friend... many hugs and blessings to you and Pieter!! xo Celia (HHL)

  2. Nice shoes and now I know one thing. I will never show my shoes on the blog *smile*. Have a great day.


  3. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe


  4. My mother always put rubber soles onto her shoes and mended her own heels. We live in Australia and don't have anywhere like this. The key cutting,shoe mending booth at our shopping centre charges more than a new pair of shoes.

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    nun habe ich fast eine Stunde bei dir nachgelesen. Wie immer sehr lehrreich und informativ. Die Schuh-Tipps finde ich toll. Leider gibt es die früheren Schuhmacher nicht mehr. Da muss man doppelt vorischtig sein.
    Liebe Grüße
    Irmi (die sich hiermit zurück meldet)

  6. Geweldig! Good Year onder je schoenen! Nou als je dan niet valt loont het de moeite, toch!
    Fijne dag!

  7. Hi Mariette,
    A wonderful idea..I have had non-slip rubber pads glued on my dress heels one wants to fall when all dressed up and going to a formal dinner!
    I love your guilloche' brooche's they are so beautiful. I have a few brooche's and wear then on sweaters for work.
    The blue toile heart sachets are so pretty! I have blue toile pillow slip covers and chair covers I made. I love to change out pillow covers and chair cover for a new look now and then. In my new post there is a photo of one of the blue toile chair covers and one pillow.
    Mariette I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for always leaving me such sweet and thoughtful notes you really are a dear one and your blog is so delightful to visit. I look forward to your posts. You are a very special gal..
    Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  8. Dear Mariette,

    I do the very same thing - shoes with leather soles, are slippery and wear out quickly and getting them resoled helps them last a lot longer.
    Your shoes are lovely.

    Enjoy your week

  9. I didn't know those rubber soles existed. Great way to keep shoes in better shape. In Italy we still have people that will repair shoes "il calzolaio", but over the years the new generations are more prone to just get rid of the old shoes and buy new ones.

  10. Jetzt habe ich doch noch schnell gesucht ... Deinen Post werde ich in meinem Beitrag verlinken.
    Wichtig finde ich auch Sohlen, mit denen der Fuß abrollen kann. Eine starre, sehr harte Sohle ist für einen Fuß niemals gesund! Viele moderne Schuhe sind aber leider so aufgebaut.

    Alles Liebe auch hier


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