
Thursday, February 9, 2012

{Today 39 years ago I lived in Panningen, Netherlands}

Today it is exactly 39 years ago that I started living in Panningen, in the Dutch province of Limburg. How fast time goes by! There I lived 5+ years and went each day to work by car in Horst, some 20 km or 13 miles north of Panningen. Together with my 1st cousin Thea from the blog Crea by Thea I attended the Scheidegger course where we learned how to type blind with the 10-finger system. Years later, I did find Thea back on Blogger; incredibly small world! You can read Thea's story about it Ik vond mijn nichtje.... By the way, you can click in the heart ♥  below the 1st photo: Crea by Thea for helping Thea get a German Brigitte (magazine) Award. Just showing you some images from my Panningen era...
This is with my pure bred Dachshund Mauzie on the River Meuse in Kessel, Limburg. 
Mauzie was the daughter of a Dutch male Dachshund Champion.
Mauzie immigrated later with me to Georgia/USA and enjoyed 2 more years as American Dachshund.
Underneath this post there is another link, where you can find out more about Mauzie.
Mauzie on the River Meuse; she was crazy about water. During the weekends we always took her for a long walk in the area.
Mauzie with some crocus flowers. Photo by my brother; Martin Van den Munckhof 
With Mauzie on the patio of the home in Panningen. 
Cousin Thea and I, actually lived only 150 meters (or 164 yards) distance from each other! 
The brown, cropped sweater in linen bouclé had an ajoure lace v-neck and was at that time my favorite. 
Bought in Bonn, Germany where we went shopping often as my late husband's Mom was from Germany.
From Kessel Castle overlooking the River Meuse.
I'm wearing here a Salzburger Dirndl with Roses from Trachten Stüberl in Bad Münstereifel
Roses have been my favorite as long as I can remember...
My Mauzie traveled the world, here she is in Bad Münstereifel, Germany with me.
The story about World Animal Day reveals more about Mauzie my Dachshund.

Related links:


  1. Dear Miss M...what a JOY it was to read this post and view all your AMAZING photos. What I wouldn't give to have some of me taken during my growing up years. I have only a handful.

    You are such an amazing interesting with all your travels...

    LOVE IT!



  2. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich, dass ich deinen schönen Blog besuchen konnte.

    Herzliche Grüße

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely and nice young lady :O)))
    Love your littel Dachshund too! he was so cute!

    have a nice day,
    sending love and hugs,

  4. Wooow, welch ein fesches, junges Deern (das ist plattdeutsch)!! Du hast wahrhaftig einiges von der Welt gesehen und erlebt.
    Und die Welt ist manchmal tatsächlich kein! Sehr erstaunt war ich, das Thea deine Cousine ist. Ich kenne sie auch aus der Bloggerwelt.

    Liebe Grüße von Elvira

  5. Hoi Nichtje lief,

    Wat een leuk logje heb je er van gemaakt!!

    Mooie foto's ook! Die Dirndl, prachtig! Die zou hier met de carnaval niet misstaan!!

    Leuk dat Mauzie met je mee is gegaan! Lekker gevoel natuurlijk!

    Och ja, Keetje kwam uit Duitsland. Spreekt vanzelf dat jullie toen al vaker in Pruuses gingen winkelen.☺
    Wij gaan meestal om de 6 weken ongeveer. Ze hebben daar toch heel andere dingen en sommige zijn nog steeds veel goedkoper!

    Vandaag de laatste dag van de winterschilder,poeh heel je huis ligt overhoop! En alles zit onder de stof. Maar ja, als alles klaar is, en goed gepoetst kan het er weer een tijdje tegen!
    Vandaag kan ik gelukkig weer achter de pc, dat is ook al heel wat waard!!

    Fijne dag, of ga je nu slapen??

    Liefs Thea ♥

  6. Hallo Mariette,
    tolle Bilder und so ein süßer Hund!
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Hallo achternichtje
    Ik had al gereageerd via facebook maar toch eens proberen of het hier nu ook lukt!!
    Wat een mooie foto;s zeg!
    En ja zoals mam al zegt wij komen nog steeds heel graag in duitsland zeker bij dm bijvoorbeeld dat scheeld zo veel tegenover hier het kruitvat.
    Heel veel groetjes van uit het koude brrrr beringe ;-)

  8. Loved your post with all the gorgeous photos! I went to visit your cousin Thea's blog and loved it as well so I became a follower of hers today also.
    What a sweet puppy!
    Tina xo

  9. I love these posts when you take us back in time. Your photos are wonderful and your little furbaby ... adorable!! Just popped over to vote ... she is at 114 votes now and counting!! fingers crossed ...xo Blessings,HHL

  10. You look so beautiful in the photos and Mauzie was soooooo sweet and cute. By the photos it looks like you two really loved each other and shared a special life together.
    Love, Lorraine

  11. Hoi Mariette,

    Ik heb met veel plezier gekeken naar je foto's van lang geleden. Wat sta je er prachtig op! Leuk om te lezen dat Thea je nichtje is. Wat is de wereld toch klein :-)

    Lieve groetjes van Madelief x

  12. Eri una bella ragazzina ieri e una bella donna oggi!E sono sicura che sei anche bella dentro!Ciao bellissima!Rosetta

  13. Lovely to finally see a picture of Mauzie! What a sweetie !!


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