
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

{The Truth about GFC - Google Friend Connect}

There have been quite some rumors going around about GFC. So let's clarify this and showing the truth about Google Friend Connect. On March 1, 2012 Google Friend Connect will retire for all NON BLOGGER sites!  
Check here for the complete story. 
  • There is no need for panick.  Even though there are some fear mongers who spread rumors, trying to influence you to actions not needed.

  • Don't Worry; Be Happy!

  • All those that have not yet taken the Word Verification off their blog, I urge to do so. 
  • When trying to comment on some blogs I still ran into those aggravating spy messages that I had to squint my eyes for in order to decode them. PLEASE take them off, or else I might no longer stop by for commenting... Check my tutorial about how to take it off: {Word Verification is Time WASTE!} 

Have a Great Day!


  1. Dearest Mariette,

    I did take off thie thing, it was soooo hard to read the words, so I took if off and no more disturbing and hurting your eyes :O)))

    have a lovely day,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Thanks for your information. I have turned the word verification off. You commented about it being hard to read my pink text...not sure why but my blog post are set to black and on my computer it shows black but for some reason it shows up pink on my iPad!!

  3. Thanks for your information. I have turned the word verification off. You commented about it being hard to read my pink text...not sure why but my blog post are set to black and on my computer it shows black but for some reason it shows up pink on my iPad!!

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, some rumor going on... I hope no influence for us, as you said.

    It has been a taxing days, haha. Thanks a lot for you♡♡♡ And I also fiddled with link page, so I tried test post and checked google reader. Thank you very much for the concern♪ I wish nothing is wrong for my next post.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Thank you for helping to spread the word about Google Friend Connect and Word Verification Mariette! I am hoping everyone takes the Word Verification off. It's so frustrating.

    Wishing you a happy week!
    xo Catherine

  6. Ha Mariette,

    Ik zit liever niet te veel te rommelen met blogpsot, heb jouw berichtje verwijderd, vond het niet zo leuk staan, maar nu is ook mijn achtergrond weg, kan toeval zijn. We zoeken het uit.Word- verification wordt toch wel veel gebruikt, nog geen probleem voor mij.

    Groetjes Janny.

  7. Hi Mariette,

    Thank you for spreading the word about that annoying word verification. I thought it was bad enough before, but now it's just plain dreadful. It makes leaving a comment painful!

    I hope bloggers read your post and get rid of word verification right away.

    Hope you are well!


  8. Mariette,

    Thank you so much for sharing how to remove the word verification feature on blog comments. I have been so frustrated with this, so glad to know it can be changed. I'll have to share this on my blog as well.

    Have a great day!

  9. Thank you for this post, Mariette. I know I turned off my word verification way in the beginning of my blogging. xo

  10. abbiamo avuto lo stesso pensiero!!!!!! un abbraccio grande Lory

  11. I've noticed the word verification went from one word to two...I have really good vision but even so, I had a terrible time trying to make that 2nd word out on some blogs!!!

    Thanks for the info. I did add the Linky Link follow to my blog just in harm in it:)

  12. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich wieder über deinen
    Blog, und ich grüße dich herzlich


  13. Dearest Mariette, You go girl! You are right on all counts. I love it when you get the facts out there.
    You are my favorite go to lady for the techno stuff.
    Love to you, Ginger

  14. Dear Mariette,

    Thanks so much for clarifying that, I did wonder about that and would not like to lose my followers.
    about the word verification, do hope people will turn that off, so frustrating when you have made a couple of attempts trying to decipher what the codes are.

    Hope that you are enjoying your week

  15. Sound advice dear Mariette.

    I've never subscribed to word verification either and it is annoying to find it when leaving a comment.... overkill I feel - hope we're right#?!

    Shane x

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you for keeping us up-to-date with all these changes in blogging tools, etc. I appreciate you taking the time to research and educate us, posting graphics to help us understand better, etc.

    Hope you're having a marvelous week!


  17. thanks so much for clarifying that.

    I heard so many different things it was ridiculous!

  18. Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, liebe Mariette, wird Friend Connect also eingestellt? Ich kümmere mich ohnehin kaum um diese Dinge. Mir war nur aufgefallen, daß man auf zweierlei Weise Blogger "verfolgen" kann, einmal über besagtes Friend Connect, einmal auf dem herkömmlichen Weg. Hauptsache, es funktioniert!

    Wie geht es Deinem Bruder? Ich hoffe, er ist auf einem guten Weg. Ich muß öfter an ihn denken ...

    Herzliche Grüße

  19. a big AMEN to the anti-word verification message! :)

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    I always love reading your comment you leave for me always.
    I like to write about things that interest me.
    I fell so much to read and comment on all other bloggers.
    As you knew because of interest in certain of my friendships.
    Often I'm getting with more comment with for other.
    Yesterday 27th I was playing golf at 31 hot weather 8-30 time to 12-00 I believe that just don't me anymore...but I will be back...
    Hugs and love to you always!

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    I always love reading your comment you leave for me always.I like to write about thinking that interest me.
    I feel so much to read and comment on all other bloggers!
    As you know because of interest in certain of my friendships.
    Yesterday I has play the golf at 30 hot weather but I start 8-30 and 12-00.
    I need to truly more experience because two bad without lost the days.
    Hugs and love to you always!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
