
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

{March 14, Written Life Message for me by my Favorite Great–Uncle}

On March 14, 1963 my most favorite Great–Uncle and Priest, Dr. Sjang Nelissen (brother from my paternal Grandmother) or in Dutch 'Heeroom', wrote the following words for me in my (poezie) poetry album:

Lijk op de Zon,
Look like the Sun, 
Straal licht en warmte uit,
Radiate light and warmth,
Altijd en overal,
Always and everywhere,
Waar ge ook zijt.
Wherever you will be.
Horst, 14 maart, 1963
Horst, March 14, 1963
Heeroom became a priest in 1929 and he studied Church Law in Rome. This photo shows him, to the right, in Rome.
For 4 years he had been a professor at the seminary but that asked too much of him. In 1938 he left for Indonesia where he stayed a total of 30 years, in Kupang on the island of Timor. He was a pastor, spiritual head of the seminary, leader for the regio Timor and adviser to several Bishops. He died in Manilla, Philippines, while at a conference there. Heeroom did marry my parents in 1949, while on his first leave from Indonesia. Times were tough for Priests at that time, they were not allowed to go home soon; nor often... Kind of cruel I think. 
How I would have loved to speak with him, while ending up working and living in Indonesia; HIS country. But in my heart I know that he has been with me very close, always. 
Heeroom on his horse in Indonesia
How I longed for his letters with beautiful stamps that I did study with a magnifier. I was so in love with Indonesia's flora and fauna. Heeroom must have lead me there...
While on his leave from Indonesia for the Second Vatican Council in Rome, Italy, he did write this message in my poetry album. He also presented me with a special gift, as a thank you for all those years that I'd written letters to him. That was a package with Second Vatican Council stamps for my collection. I have no idea where they are now... I've always lovingly passed everything on to my siblings and thus I lost them. Hope that someone is still keeping them as they were very special.
Heeroom's Dutch Memoriam Card.
Father Dr. Sjang Nelissen SVD
Certainly Heeroom was a male role model for me and I guess I inherited his love for languages and writing... So far, I've followed him to two countries as well: Italy where we worked and lived for one year—speaking the language and Indonesia where we lived and worked for about three years—speaking the language. Even adopting a foster daughter from his beloved country...
Finally manage to write this post in honor of my Heeroom: In Memory of my BEST Role Model EVER


  1. la tua vita sembra una favola....molto bella la dedica di tuo zio....un abbraccio Lory

  2. Dear Mariette,
    ...what a wonderful and unforgettable memory of your great-uncle which you always keep well, also in your heart.
    We were on Indonesia island of Java for holiday four weeks ago and will spend our holiday there again next year.
    Warm regards.

  3. Truly a beautiful life story!
    Buona serata Mariette

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    sehr beeindruckend.

    In Liebe


  5. Liebe Mariette schön das du dieses wunderschöne Schriftstück hast.Wunderschön sind solche Erinnerungen.Viel Freude damit.Edith.

  6. ... und wahrscheinlich ahnte er zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon, wie sehr Du eines Tages von den Rosen fasziniert sein würdest!

    das ist ganz wunderbar, Du Liebe, was er vor so vielen Jahrzehnten für Dich in Dein Poesie-Album geschrieben hat ... und sein Wunsch: Sonne, Licht und Wärme für Dich, wo Du auch immer sein mögest, hat sich ja erfüllt!

    danke, dass Du uns von ihm erzählt und Dein persönliches Album für uns geöffnet hast!

    alles Liebe von Deiner Rosabella ♥

  7. Oh Mariette, I love this story! Very special memories for you. I would love to see your vatican stamp collection :)

    Hey I am writing this from my new blog, don't forget to follow as I will be deleting my other blog.

    Hope you have a blessed week my friend :)


  8. My dear Mariette,

    Thank you so much for visiting me from my dearest cyber Sis Michiko's blog. What a treat to meet you.

    Although you cannot tell from my blog we, you and I have several things in commom incliding reading preferences.

    i am within 15 miles of Knoxville, TN by the way.

    All the best..thank you again for the visit..

  9. I am sorry that Google would not let me follow your blog except through my cat's blog. So you will see Katie Isabella..that is she. Maybe one day I can try again and follow as myself, Ramblingon.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, what a special person your Great-Uncle is for you♡♡♡
    It amazes me how many of your family member influenced you a lot and he is one of them.

    PS> Michiko's update does not appear in my dushboard. And found about it from her sister's comment here. Thank you very much
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  11. That's a lovely message from your great-uncle. And a wonderful story of his life! Thank you for sharing it. I enjoy reading personal stories like this one.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely and very special post!
    Thank you for sharing!
    have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs

  13. Wat bijzonder zeg! Mijn moeder had ook een tante die in Zuid-Afrika diende en maar heeel af en toe mocht komen, maar ze voelde ook n speciale band met die tante!
    Have a nice day!

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    du hast eine große Familie mit vielen interessanten menschen von allen Kontinenten. Kein Wunder, dass du so international interessiert bist. Dein Onkel wird sicher noch vielen Menschen in Erinnerung sein. Es ist schön, dass du diese Erinnerungsstücke so schätzt.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  15. Sono sempre molto belle le storie che ci racconti della tua famiglia! Un bacione cara Mariette, Anna

  16. Love the words he wrote and what a wonderful person to have known. Have a great day. Hugs Anesha :)

  17. Hello Mariette!

    What a wonderful keepsake you have in your poetry album. I'm sure reading through it brings back so many lovely memories. Such a lovely post about your Great Uncle.

    I hope you are having a beautiful week!
    xo Catherine

  18. Ich finde, solche Erinnerungen sind die Wertvollsten...

    LG Alexia

  19. his message to you is very special. wonderful. :)

  20. How wonderful to have such sweet memories and such treasured handwritten thoughts.

    My sweet friend, I would say by how you have lived and continue to live your life, your uncle is most proud of you! For you are sunshine and warmth not only to those you see in person but also to too many across this continent known as BlogLand.

    Wishing you a lovely week- xo and Blessings, C. (HHL)

  21. How wonderful to have this small message from your great uncle. Surely you followed in his footsteps as you traveled to Indonesia and Italy. Great photos. Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

  22. Dear Mariette,

    What a beautiful, beautiful post! How some may never know exactly what they mean to us. His poem to you is so heartfelt and encouraging—what a treasure. And you do! When we first began reading one another's blogs, 'warm' is exactly one of the words that instantly came to mind :) What an encouraging, and in my mind, courageous man...

    Thank you for sharing this story with us.



Thanks for your visit and comment.
