
Sunday, March 25, 2012

{Our 2012 Scilla Campanulata}

After the rough summer of 2011 with extreme heat and drought, the garden is not looking its best this spring. But I would love to show you the masses of our Scilla campanulata, also called Spanish blue bells as they originate from Spain and Portugal. For better images, look at my post from last year, link is below this post. 
Nestled in a bed of fall leaves...
Close to our gazebo and walk way...
This photo is from Saturday, the dogwood blossoms start falling off and the pink dogwood is still holding on to its blossoms, see to the left in photo.
Nice to see new green though! This is the view from the breakfast area from the bay window...
Anyone interested in making our Garden Tour + Tea/Coffee in the gazebo: Book an Event.

Related link:
{Scilla campanulata - Spanish Blue-Bells in our Garden} | previous post by me


  1. Oh your garden looks lovely Mariette - bursting into Springtime.
    We are almost into Autumn, and then out of the blue we have hot days like yesterday and today - crazy!!
    I would love to do your garden tour and have sip my tea in your gazebo - what a shame we live so far apart....
    Enjoy your Sunday

  2. I love the garden and your gazebo - my year is so slanted I can't have one - but yours is so pretty.s andie

  3. Het word weer echt genieten in jullie geweldige tuin !!....heerlijk....fijne zondag ...liefs

  4. Lovely photos Mariette,
    I love the gazebo!
    We have beautiful spring weather here in Dublin, IE today :)
    Enjoy your Sunday!


  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Spanish blue bells look really beautiful♡♡♡
    I wish I could stroll down to the gazebo and enjoy your garden♬♬♬

    I thought it got warmer but today we are having strong chilly wind here in my area!
    Hope you are having wonderful weekend, Love you always, Miyako*

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    auch bei mir im Garten macht sich die eisige Kälte und große Trockenheit bemerkbar. Es will nicht so recht sprießen. Aber ich warte es geduldig ab.
    Deine Fotos sind wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße

  7. So beautiful and green! I wish I could book a tour and a tea party in your gazebo. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  8. Beautiful pictures and I just love the Spanish blue-bells.


  9. Hello my dear friend Mariette,
    Your garden is so beautiful, to see these pictures make me wonder how would it be in Summer time, and I guess will be fantastic, I'd love to book a tour in your garden and have a nice cup of tea in your gazebo, I bet it would be lovely...but I'm so far from you, but who knows? maybe someday we could meet.
    Send you big hug with lots of love

    Laura =)

  10. Oh Mariëtte, ik zou zo willen boeken, maar het is helaas te ver weg voor een bezoekje, dus ik geniet maar even van de prachtige foto's.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  11. Hello Mariette! It's been far too long since I last visited your lovely blog! Your garden is gorgeous, how lucky you are to have all that!!! I love your gazebo:)

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  12. Oh I love your gazebo! I always place a gazebo in my daydreams :)

    Wishing you a happy week!


  13. Your garden is looking so beautiful Mariette! I would love to sit with you and have a lovely glass of iced tea! Enjoy your sunshine!
    xo Catherine

  14. Liebe Mariette,

    die Sonne strahlt, und ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag.

    In Liebe

  15. You live in such a lovely place!!! A peaceful place where to rest and charge battery when life is so chaotic!
    Have a nice week!!!

  16. Oh dearest Mariette! you've got a wonderful garden. Do you know how lucky you are??!Living among all these beauties.... it's fantastic.
    Love and have a nice time,always!

  17. Waauw!! jij woont mooi, !!!! een schitterende entourage voor het fotograferen van mijn sjaals! hart. groeten


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