
Friday, March 23, 2012

{Paper Roses from France + Great News}

Already for quite a while now I did have these three paper roses from Janny, from the blog: Vintage Paper Roses ←(click it). She did ship them from France, as a gift! There was a good reason for not posting this sooner... Janny did mention to me that she would be published in an American magazine soon. Well, to be patient always pays off. Now I not only can let you know that this Dutch lady, living and creating the prettiest paper roses in France, will be featured in the next issue of Rozen van Papier. You can see this announced here as: Vintage Charm... on Janny's Dutch blog about her Paper Roses. 
BUT, the biggest news is... that Janny has become a first-time Grandmère to her daughter's baby-girl Lyla Rose. You can see her Dutch post about her granddaughter Lyla Rose being born already: Mijn kleindochter LYLA ROSE is al geboren!. Once more Janny; Congratulations with your grand-daughter Lyla Rose!
Photos made outside on the little patio near our Rose Suite and the live oak tree is shedding its catkins...
Vase is: Sanssouci Rose-Ivory (Gold Trim) by Rosenthal and is available at Replacements Ltd. 
They look so real...
A nosegay of 3 paper roses...
White; pale pink and a darker pink...
Paired with some real creamy white Moondance AARS roses from our garden.
Moondance was a 2007 ARS ←(click it) All America Rose Selection winner.
Shown here in a French Baccarat crystal vase.
Quercus Virginiana catkins all over...
Both look lovely, the French Paper Roses and our new Moondance!

Related articles:
World's Prettiest Roses by Janny | previous post by me
{La Vie en Rose - MERCI Janny!} | previous post by me
{LOOK who's in the French Style of May/June 2011} | previous post by me


  1. Oh my goodness they are beautiful and do look real - no allergies! sandie

  2. Le rose di Janny sono meravigliose!Io conosco il suo blog e ci commentiamo a vicenda!Ho già fatto a lei gli auguri per la piccolaLylia Rose!Bacioni,Rosetta

  3. J just wanted to close my computer I saw your message on top! Thank you so muchMariette, you did made beautiful pictures! Yes I am so happy for my daughter and he rhusband withj the litlle Lyla Rose, but she has to grow now a little bit more, only 7 months!
    Tahnks again Mariette an dHope you will enjoy the roses,

    Love from France!

  4. Sorry voor de spellingsfouten Mariette, het is al laat!

  5. beautiful...
    all of them...


  6. Dearest Mariette, Those paper roses are truly beautiful and so realistic. I love your Moondance roses as well, they are so lush and creamy.
    Thanks for sharing Janny talent with us.
    Blessings, Ginger

  7. Die Rosen sehen so schöne aus, fast wie Echte;)

    Ich liebe Rosen, die Vase hat es mir auch angetan...

    LG Lea

  8. Dearest Marieste,
    Thank you for visiting and posting a very kinds coming over to cheer me.

    Thank you for just stopping I'd say a friendly hello and wish a blessed.
    Beautiful all of and wish a blessed.

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    those paper roses are georgeous!
    And Congratulations to Janny and her gradn-daughter! :O)
    Have a happy weekend,
    love and hugs

  10. Hi Mariette!
    Så very lovely roses!
    They will last and last forever.
    ave a nice weekend.
    Hug Anna

  11. Hallo Mariette,
    Janny's Rosen sind wirklich wundervoll und wer könnte die besser zur Geltung bringen als du! Dass sie eine Enkelin bekommen hat, habe ich verpasst. Da werde ich ihr gleich mal einen Besuch abstatten.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  12. Liebe Mariette,

    schöner geht es nicht mehr.

    Sonnige Grüße


  13. Janny is such a creative person and her roses are beautiful!

    I'm off to read her post too - thank you dear Mariette for visiting and your good wishes too - I wish you could have been there too!!!

  14. Hej Mariëtte, wat een heerlijke rozen post. Leuke nieuwtjes rondom Jannny, oma zijn natuurlijk het mooiste. Geniet van je rozen, fijne dag, lieve groet

  15. sono meravigliose!!!!!!!!! buon week end e un bacione Lory

  16. Ik wil al zo lang op die rozen maak cursus van leren rozen maken. Maar jij kan het al Wat knap. Net echt. Kun je dat soort papier overal kopen? Bedankt voor je commentaar op mijn blog! hartelijke groeten van mieke

  17. those paper roses are impressive! :)

  18. Dear Mariette,
    They look gorgeous, and so real.
    Thank you so much for stopping by at my blog :)
    Have a lovely weekend!


  19. Oh - ich kenne Jannys Rosen.
    Sie sind wunderschön!!!
    Ich habe auch welche zuhause.

    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes, sonniges Wochenende!


  20. They're just beautiful!
    Happy Weekend to you.

  21. Dear Mariette,

    These are just lovely—wow! I had to take a second look... I think the lavender/soft blue are my favorite of all :)


  22. Wow! Those paper roses are absolutely gorgeous! Now I have Marie Osmond's song going through my head. :) Paper roses, paper roses, Oh how real those roses seem to be ... your real ones are beautiful too. Best wishes, Tammy


Thanks for your visit and comment.
