
Friday, March 2, 2012

{Salix Caprea Pendula - Weeping Pussy Willow}

FINALLY after all those years we got a Salix Caprea Pendula - Weeping Pussy Willow! We were in Atlanta and of all places, Trader Joe's had them! Sure enough we grabbed one and it came home with us. It is in the greenhouse still till spring is really there, but it is blooming already. These photos are from February 17. Don't you love such a Weeping Pussy Willow? We grew up in an area where Pussy Willows were really thriving. In late winter we did cut off its branches and had them in a vase till they would open up at the stage shown in these photos. So again, fond childhood memories for both of us...
The pot with Pussy Willow I've put in front of the greenhouse on a teak chair on the patio.
The Tree of Enchantment
Weeping Pussy Willow...
The Story of Salix Caprea Pendula
The weeping pussy willow is among the most graceful of trees.
It is connected with all that is feminine-dreaming, intuition, emotion, enchantment, healing and revitalization. 
The willow has long since been recognized as a sacred tree by poets, philosophers and religious leaders because of the flexibility of its twigs.
The willow's flexibility symbolizes resilience and inspires us to move with life rather than resist what we are feeling.
Magic has it that willow is bestowed with magical power capable of fulfilling wishes. 
For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the willow explaining your desire. 
Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it expressing your wish. 
When your wish is fulfilled, return and untie the knot.
Remember to thank the willow for your gift.


  1. Dearest MAriette,
    so beautiful pictures from this plant! Looks liek Spring is coming NOW :O)))
    Have a lovely weekend,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Liebe Mariette ,schön ist dein Weidekätzchen !!!Ja ich kenne sie auch nur zu gut aus der Kindheit .Wir sind immer über die Felder und am Flüsschen lang zu unserer Oma .Wenn die Kätzchen da waren wussten wir ,gleich wirds Frühling und die schöne Jahreszeit kommt .LG Ina

  3. I never knew there was a legend by the pussy willow. It looks so pretty in your greenhouse. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  4. Dearest Mariette

    I used to ADORE this precious little tree as a child - and I still do. The images are lovely. And it was very special to read the special meaning of the weeping pussy. Thank you for sharing it.

    Much love from Greece,

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    du hast uns reich beschenkt.

    In Liebe


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, "Weeping Pussy Willow"!!!
    I have never seen willow with this type and what a romatic flower it has♡♡♡
    Your pictures are so GORGEOUS.
    Thak you very much for sharing the story.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Hi Mariette!
    So lovely! i do understand your love especially whith those childhodmemories.
    Have a nice weekend!
    Hug Anna

  8. Oh how beautiful Mariette, I love your gorgeous pussy willow plant.....
    I would love to find one of them....
    Thanks for sharing your little beauty with us....

    Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  9. I have never seen a weeping pussy willow plant before. It really is quite lovely. Exquisite detail on your close-ups! The story is so very beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  10. That I didn't know. Beautiful little tree you have. I have my kids willows in a vase without water, so they last a long time but the strange thing is that wicker kids disappear like that is pretty empty branches * smile *. Have a nice weekend.


  11. Só tenho uma coisa a dizer:
    muito, muito, muito lindo!!!
    Bom fim de semana!
    ♥ •˚。
    °° 。♥。
    ●/ ♥•˚。˚
    / \ 。˚。♥

  12. Dear Mariette,

    Such fond memories for me too, I used to love the pussy willow tree.
    They really were such a beautiful tree and I loved seeing your gorgeous photos.

    Have a lovely weekend

  13. Oh my friend!! I beamed with smiles as I saw your photos!! Reading the legend of the pussy willow you shared ... when I read " intuition, emotion, enchantment, healing and revitalization" "flexibility symbolizes resilience and inspires us to move with life" It became clear that this beautiful plant would came to you, Trader Joe's an unlikely place; put it was there to give you strength in all that you are facing. We keep your brother in thought and prayers. Wishing you and Pieter a beautiful week-end filled with sunshine and warmth! Blessings, Celia (HHL) xo.

  14. Hei Mariette,

    Werden deze katjes vroeger ook niet gebruikt om een paasboom te maken? Ik kan mij zoiets herinneren.

    Groetjes Sandy

  15. Hoi Nichtje,


    Die blijven leuk he, in een vaas gemengd met tulpen.

    Leuk dat dan je kindertijd weer naar boven komt!

    Vroeger stonden ze echt overal.Ik heb ze wel eens gezocht,om er stiekum wat te snijden!!! Maar je moet tegenwoordig hard zoeken.

    Beidewei....geen gevonden hoor!

    Liefs van je nichtje ♥

  16. Lo compre en diciembre y le platico y ahorita esta lleno de hojas nuevas alegra mi sala y gracias por su historia

  17. It was given to me as a gift, by a lady I respect, admire and appreciate. Her teaching and direction helped me succeed in my career. Love it and appreciate it. It is beautifully blooming. Thank you so much LJM


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