
Saturday, May 5, 2012


These fun photos, taken in mid March by my husband Pieter, show you our TURTLE KINDERGARTEN in the pond! Are they not precious? The way they  all line up on a piece of wood that is left in there where once was the fountain on an island. It got too often clogged up and we had to row to it in a boat for cleaning it up. 
Here are at least four KINDERGARTEN TURTLES and some bigger ones with a larger teenager.
But as soon as you show up, they dive into the pond...
Taking a photo was so tricky!
In the pond are the new leaves of the waterlilies as well as old leaves and catkins from the huge semi evergreen oak tree.
Can you see them? To the right of that tall tree's shade in the water...
From a different angle. 
Life as a Turtle is good...
Below are two links from previous posts where you can see the mama turtle digging in the eggs.

Do you have turtles in your pond or garden?
Have you ever seen baby turtles grow up?

Related articles
{TURTLE} | previous post by me
{White Waterlily Nymphaea odorata in our Pond} | previous post by me


  1. Yes. Always happy to see the turtles.

  2. Aw...dear Mariette, those sweet creatures are adorable! Nice pictures.

    Hugs to you and Pieter.


  3. My goodness, Mariette. You have your own pond? This is so pretty... and you have turtles too! You probably do not miss the city too often when you can look at all this every day... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. Hi Mariette,
    lovely turtles :O)

    Thanks for your message, but there are no problems with my blog. I checked everything!

    Have a happy weekend

  5. Mariette! This is wonderful! We've seen turtles lay eggs in Florida and we adopted desert tortoises while living in Southern CA. How fun to watch the nesting!


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Would like to have Turtles in pond or garden.

    Thank you for your kind comment and friendship.
    I love you so much.

  7. Stupende fotografie!! felice giornata a Te....ciao

  8. Hoi Mariette, het hebben van uw eigen vijver schildpad is een grote voldoening, als je de ontwikkelingen op de voet volgen! groeten. Rose Marie

  9. Oh my goodness they are so cute! How nice you have a pond where turtles live! Unfortunately I don't have such pond. When I lived in Florida, I saw a big turtle on a golf course. There are many lakes and ponds there so I could often see such creatures :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend, Mariette!

  10. Stupende queste foto!
    Mi piacciono le tartarughe!
    buon week-end cara Mariette!
    un abbraccio

  11. I am thinking life as a turtle in your pond truly would be a wonderful life Mariette!

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
    xo Catherine

  12. Dear Mariette,
    Your turtles are so sweet, and these pictures reflects lot of tranquility.
    I'm having serious problems with my blog, I got a background form Shabby Blogs, and every time I want to see my blog, it says a warning saying that my blog contains content from shabbyblogs, a site known to distribute malware and your computer might catch a virus if you see this site, I don't know what to do, I've tried to change it to the old way, but when I try to change the background, the shabby blogs background keeps coming and coming, so if I don't know what to do, I'm afraid I will have to close it, and I cant delete that background, I will let you know.
    Take care my friend,
    lots of love,

    PS You can email me, I have no virus there.

  13. Hello again my dear friend Mariette,
    Just to let you know that fortunately I was able to delete that background and everything is normal again, but this time, I will keep it simple and I won't add any modifications to my template but blogger's, that is safer.
    Love to you,
    Laura :0)

  14. Beautiful photos... I love turtles!

    Have a nice weekend:)

  15. Beautiful photos... I love turtles!

    Have a nice weekend:)

  16. Beautiful photos... I love turtles!

    Have a nice weekend:)

  17. This wonderful post brought a big smile to my face. You know it's spring when the turtles start basking in the sun on various perches. What fun! Fantastic photographs!

  18. What a beautiful place. I want to be you when I grow up! :D
    Theoritacly, turtles are my favourite animals. They are slow but noticeable which is not the case with snails.
    About the necklace thing - I really wanted it to look short (in the neckline) on the pictures. But my "photographer" told me to leave it. I'll definetly won't be listening to her again. :/ :)

  19. Hallo liebe Mariette, die sind ja süß!
    Ihr habt aber auch einen riesigen Teich, der ein wahres Paradies für eure Schildkröten sein muss. Wir haben nur einen Mini-Teich, in den sich ab und zu mal Kröten verirren und in dem Wasserschnecken leben. Aber auch das ist schön für mcih zu beobachten :o)
    Lieve groetjes, Traude

  20. Oh hoe cool is dat zeg..een eigen schildpaddenvijver..super..
    Lieve groet Chris

  21. Your turtles are precious. We see them back in the creek sometimes. sandie

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    du wirst es nicht glauben, die amerikanische Schmuckschildkröte kommt inzwischen massenhaft in Deutschland vor. Hier sind es alles ausgesetzte Tiere, die ihren Haltern lästig geworden sind. Kaum jemand weiß nämlich wie viel Arbeit diese kleinen Dinger machen. Früher wurden sie billig verkauft, schnell angeschafft und schnell ausgesetzt. Wir fanden ein zugewandertes Exemplar im Garten, das dann jahrzehntelang bei uns im Aquarium überwinterte und im Sommer in einem Privatabteil des Gartens lebte. Ich mag Schildkröten sehr gerne, das sind faszinierende Tiere. Süß, wie sie da sonnenbaden.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  23. Wow so nice with baby turtles. So happy for you. We don't have turtles in Sweden but you can buy on to have indoors. Have a nice weekend.


  24. I've never seen turtles in the wild. Only in zoos and as small as pets.
    How exciting to have them in the garden!
    HAve a nice weekend // Kajsa

  25. These turtles are very cute :) Great photos.
    Have a lovely weekend!


  26. Wat een bijzondere bewoners van julie tuin Mariette.

    Een fijn weekend!

    madelief x

  27. Dearest Mariette,
    They are so cute.
    We have a lot of turtles in the lagoons in our community. They are fun to watch.
    Thanks for sharing your babies.
    Love to you, Ginger

  28. Dear Mariette,
    You have a lovely garden and is even more beautiful every day to watch the evolution of creatures of the earth.
    I thank you for this wonderful pics.

  29. Que imagenes tan deliciosas, es un entorno fantastico!

    Los Mundos de Nika Vintage.


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