
Thursday, June 28, 2012

{My Lace Crocheted Handkerchief #2}

Another hand crocheted lace handkerchief from my private collection I love to show you here. They are all looking so different with their delicate lace pattern. Again I made my Lace Crocheted Handkerchief #2 out of very fine French DMC thread and with the thinnest crochet hook. Have you, your Mother or Grandmother done any of this work? Like to know if you also are holding on to such lace heirlooms.
Against a backdrop of my highly prized vintage train case. Painted by the talented Rebecca from A Gathering Place. As usual, you will find links related to this post, below.
Some of our own roses and a gardenia...
A detail of the Swiss cotton batiste embroidered handkerchief with my crocheted lace edge.
Before adding the crocheted lace, the handkerchief looked already very feminine and elegant with its hemstitched edges.
Our Aimee Yoshioka Gardenia goes perfect with it...
The selection of the lace edging is quite tedious as one needs to COUNT the hemstitched openings, that are in the purchased batiste hankie. Counting and checking IF the pattern will work with it. Once the first round is done, in about seven more tedious hours you usually finish such a bridal handkerchief.
It sure feels great for creating such romantic heirloom pieces...

Related links: 


  1. Adorabili questi centrini di pizzo!Ioli uso come centrini e sulle poltrone!Baci,Rosetta

  2. Wobderful handkerchiefs!
    Thank you for showing us!
    Have a happy day,
    love and hugs,

    P.S. I have a question ... in my Posts the numbers of comments is not shown any more. Do you have any idea?

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße


  4. Zo mooi !!! fijne dag...liefs

  5. mooi zeg en je roosjes en je zakdoekje,groetjes irena

  6. Hello Mariette, the handkerchief is a small masterpiece, as is the case well decorated! In my family my mother and grandmother have never been crocheting and embroidery but only grilled! A great big kiss Anna

  7. Hello

    wonderful, I love this kind of work.


  8. What a nice romantic hanky and beautiful roses. What unusual color it is on the reddish. Have a nice day.


  9. Liebe Mariette,
    dein Haus ist voller Schätze. Ich habe auch einmal Taschentücher umhäkelt. Eine endlose Arbeit aber das Ergebnis ist wunderschön. Dein Taschentuch ist fast zu schön, um es zu benutzen. Es ist auch ein wunderschönes Deckchen. Und mit den Blüten und dem tollen Koffer wieder bildschön arrangiert.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  10. So very pretty! And such a beautiful display with the flowers and lovely train case. Have a great day. Tammy

  11. Ich liebe diese alten Taschentücher mit Häkelspitze auch sehr, besitze auch einige davon.
    Welch mühevolle Arbeit das ist. Aber wer seine Freude an solchen Tätigkeiten hat, wird diese auch mit Liebe ausführen.
    Wundervoll auch Deine Bilder in Verbindung mit Rosenköfferchen und Rosen ...

    Liebe Grüße

  12. Wat een prachtig zakdoekje heb je gemaakt en de foto's ook zulke mooie stillevens. Fijne dag, lieve groet

  13. Greetings Dear Mariette,
    Your hankie is so beautiful and your work is stunning as always. Love your pics with the roses and gorgeous train case.

    Thank you my friend for all your kindness and uplifting words over the last month. It has meant so much.
    Have a wonderful weekend and blessings to you always.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  14. Dear Mariette, Thank you so much for your very sweet and kind (and helpful) comments. I have just discovered your beautiful blog.

    Your hankerchief is so lovely and delicate, especially next to your beautiful train case and flowers. xx

  15. Mooi gemaakt Mariette. En zie rozen en gardenia's geven er nog een plusje aan.

    Groeten Janny

  16. So beautiful and I can just smell the gardenias!!

  17. bellissimi e molto eleganti....un abbraccio Lory

  18. bellissimi e molto eleganti....un abbraccio Lory

  19. Hi Mariette, your handkerchief is amazing! I don't think my mother or grandmother have crocheted. You displayed it very beautifully, too, with pretty flowers and vintage train case :-) I always enjoy seeing your photos!

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Lace Crocheted Handkerchief is really gorgeous and beautiful☆☆☆ Yes, "heirloom" it is!!!
    Thank you very much for the feast for the eyes as usual♡♡♡
    Sending you lots of love from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    ps> I really am sorry that I troubled you with my clumsiness again. I accidentally hit the post button for the one I am planning to post tomorrow . I put it back to draft, haha. (trying to link it) Sincerely,

  21. Beautiful pictures and beautiful colours. I love your work. Too bad I am too "anti" for anything handmade. My DIY purse looks just fine but it's not what I want it to be, it's not perfect. Anyway, I had on my mind to show it in one of my next posts.
    I don't like horror movies, not at all. :) I am not really sure about that abandon house. It's probably abandoned in the last war (1991-1995). I was born 1993 and not dead by luck. :D
    I like visiting old places covered with nettles and mystery. I always imagine someone drinking their coffee there. (and me taking pictures in empty room, only at different time)
    Time and space, time and biggest confusions. But I sure took too much space for this comment. :)

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    It all would be interested so that I will have put a few comments on your photos I enjoyed so much.
    Love you so much!

  23. Passei para uma visitinha.
    Muito lindo, esse bordado é maravilhoso.
    Tenho dificuldade para postar comentários no seu blog, quase sempre não dá certo.
    Bom fim de semana!

  24. Oh yes. As beautiful as all you do. And as I said a few weeks ago, your handwork is a thing of beauty and completely amazing. My grandmother on my Father's side did an enormous lot of crocheting. I have a bedspread she did and a tablecloth as well. Two of those. Counting the hemstitched edging openings and adjusting your lace work to those...I am just "knocked over" by the work and how tedious it was in a manner of speaking.

    1. Dearest Carole,
      Thank you so much—from your mouth it means a lot to me.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
