
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

{How to get a FLATTER TUMMY}

Summer is still in full swing, at least I hope for most of you... That means we will be more often wearing a bathing suit or anything that will reveal more 'TUMMY'. Now the question of How to get a FLATTER TUMMY... Let me show you some great tips from.
Swap your jelly belly for some lean, mean stomach muscles...
Eat three servings of vegetables every day this week...
Want a sexier tummy, better blood pressure, and the energy you had 10 years ago?...
Get yourself a pedometer and start walking.
Good carbs include most fruits and vegetables; 100% whole-grain anything...
We only use whole grain, for all baking and for our popover pancakes etc. 
Our delicious bread comes from Costco wholesale.
Are you eating 100% whole grain anything too? Love to hear your thoughts!
Costco Wholesale  sells them in a 2-Pack and they weigh 2 lbs or 908 g.
It is yummy and healthy!
Read labels carefully for low saturated fat and trans fat close to zero...
Our Costco bread is excellent as it has zero trans fat! See above photo with Nutrition Facts.
Stair climbing we do a lot daily as we have a two-story home.
Are you also climbing stairs daily?
The bigger your waist, the higher your stress...
Guess summer time is the perfect time to relax!
Did you know that releasing tension will also ease stress eating?
Watch portion sizes, choose healthy foods...
About portion sizes you should read friend Celia's High Heeled Life post about:Size DOES Matter...  
Plate sizes have increased by 50% since the 1960s!
It's true that your waist is more important than your weight!
Okay, my waist is 70 cm (27.6 in) and my weight is around 52.5 kg (116 lb). 
My height is 167 cm or 5' 6"... Now you know all about me!
Notice that husband Pieter keeps me 'CHAINED'...
It is however a good reason for NOT gaining as this 22 kt gold chain, a dear souvenir from our life and work in Indonesia, would burst.
Does your husband/partner keep you chained as well?... 
Reward yourself...

Are you daring enough to reveal your waist size?

Related link:


  1. Loved it!! I've done this all year up to hear, a new kind of life and I eat a lot and lost 15 lbs.!! I am so happy and my stomach is flat for sure! Thanks for reasuring me. Have a healthy week.

  2. Some wonderful tips and information. We can not read or see these reminders often enough. They help keep us reassured that there are small steps that will together will result in large goals.

    As you know I am working on lessening the extra pounds caused by meds and lack of movement over the past few years. I'm happy to say over the past 45 days I have managed to eliminate 10 of my 30 pound goal for the end of 2012. Whole grains and walking (even if it's just a little - a few times a day). I'll be sharing more in posts to come.

    I love the chain!!! Now that is a fabulous incentive. xo Blessings, C. HHL

  3. Dear Mariette...
    I need a chain!! :0)
    Just joking, but seriously this is a good idea, so this way, as soon as I feel the chain is about to break, will mean that I should do something about it. Thank you very much for your tips, and I will follow them, I'll let you know my achievements.
    Send you a huge hug, my dearest friend, con mucho cariño,
    Laura :0)

  4. My stomach has definitely gone to pooching over the past couple of years. I eat right most of the time, but just can't get in the walking I would like because of the weather. I should make myself do more indoor exercises. :) Have a great week. Tammy

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist GEKONNT!

    Sonnige Grüße


  6. Dearest Mariette
    This should be taken seriously. You learn that the older you get the more important it becomes to keep an eye on weight.

  7. Great post. Yes I've got a lot of extra kilos on my body but the problem is I have difficults to walk but I will try after reading your post and eat a lot of vegetables. Have a nice day.
    Beautiful chain.


  8. Dearest Mariette,
    It was one away for not your waist..
    At present time today I played my golf to day form 9-00am till 3-00am
    I was a bet too much but I will be back next Fridays.
    Have a good day for you.
    Love you!

  9. ✿✿¸.•°
    ✿¸.Boa segunda-feira com tudo de bom!

  10. Cara amica simpaticissimo questo post!!
    Io non posso lamentarmi,mi ritengo giusta......
    Sono alta 1.70metri e peso 60 chili,anche se non mi dispiacerebbe pesare poco meno!!;DDDD Hi hi hi hi
    Invece mio marito fa molta fatica,non resiste al cibo ed io lo controllo!!;DDDD
    Un bacione cara!!

  11. Olá

    Muito interessante este post, bons conselhos para todos nós é só seguir.


  12. I wish I could achieve this. I burn fat very fast, but my stomach won't go away. :(

  13. Dear Mariette, these are excellent tips for whittling down the waistline and a good inspiration to start. I think having the chain around your waist when you reach your goal is a great idea to keep trim! I will start right away with eating veggies 3x per day. I don't eat enough of these. And bragging on funny! But a good idea! Thank you for such good tips and for being such a dear friend. xx

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    it always looks so easy......but the truth is, it takes ages! ;O)
    Have a happy day,
    love and hugs,

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Whole good tips, aren't they♬♬♬
    Pedometer must be really helpful and it is kind of a a fresh surprise to read "eat well". Sure is reasonable!!!
    Haha, with the heat my appetite got reduced at the moment and hope to help me lose a bit weight.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  16. Whole grain, that should be what I eat! I love all kinds of unhealthy food, greasy fries and sweets and so on. Sigh.
    Fortunately my tummy is kind of flat, but my bottom is enormous. Thank you for good reminder for healthy eating...I needed that!

  17. Dear Mariette,
    I love this post and following this way of life too. I am a big fan of Realage and get their updates each day. Yes, the waistline number is very important. It should be half our height in inches or less.
    Love your waist chain. What a gorgeous piece.

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my friend. Hope you enjoy a wonderful Tuesday.

    Love, Celestina Marie

  18. Hi Mariette,
    You are just a tiny thing..I am not brave enough to share my waist size as a matter of fact I'm just plain chicken..I know I need to lose a few pounds well more than just a few. Your gold waist chain is really pretty!..
    I enjoyed reading your post today and it has reminded me to eat better.
    Hugs, Elizabeth

  19. You have a great waist Darl!!!!!!!!!!!!magnificent!
    almost the same with me, 69 of mine, but I have jelly under my navel hick;( after 2 pregnancy in 3 years.. It's so hard to get flat back as before ;(... I Think I need more push-up or mayb I need the pedometer.... hardly truth that I have no time for myself with my 2 babies...but with two babies around are burning my calorie and muscle building except my under navel;)

    Love to you

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    I love to working this time..
    About five month ago...May al Verbenas?
    I will look another picture ...
    see you soon,
    Hugs and love to you!

  21. Dearest Mariette, I so needed this post. I am struggling with a slippage into unhealthy habits. Saw my cardiologist this week. Got a great checkup. I hadn't gained any weight in the last six months but I surely hadn't lost any. You and Fabby are very encouraging.
    I am not chained in gold. We couldn't afford enough gold to circle this waist. LOL!
    I will let you and Fabby know my progress.
    Love to you, Ginger

  22. Dearest Ginger,

    You are the queen of humor, the way you explain why you are not chained...
    Love to you and Bob,


  23. Health is so important. And although I am much smaller and much healthier than a year ago, I'm still keeping my weight and my waist size a secret. LOL!

    Very pretty chain!
    xo C


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