
Monday, July 30, 2012

{Our Balcony}

First I like to thank all of you that helped identifying our mystery plant. Check my previous post about the outcome...

Our balcony is accessible from the master bedroom and is on the South West side of our home. It is nice for having dinner alfresco, having tea or reading under the umbrella... Lots of uses! Besides, it provides a perfect view over the pond, and into our garden and adjacent wood garden.
Photos are not excellent as they had to be taken through the window of our living room...
This is in April with the teak Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger and teak table out. Chairs are folded and ready for use.
The Confederate Jasmine, about to bloom...
This is in May, the blossoms of the Confederate jasmine are falling off already...
We purchased a new Suncast Resin Deluxe Deck Box with Seat; shown here.
Great for storing the teak chaise lounge cushion!
Here the view is almost obstructed by the enormous fig tree...
This photo is taken on July 25 and it is way too hot for being out on the balcony!
You cannot bear to walk bare foot on the tiles!
This is the temperature in the shade at 15:45 o'clock on July 25.
The 'Roasting' temperature for the balcony would have been way above 43°C (109.4°F) earlier in the afternoon.
The above is from 16:12 o'clock...
Do you have a balcony as well?
Tell me if you do much reading or lounging on it right now.


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations or happy to know that you knew the name of the plant now. How wonderful this blog land is♡♡♡
    Oh, beautiful Balcony☆☆☆ It sure must make us feel refreshing to have a meal outside here or have a cup of coffe (for me, Japanese tea, haha)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Liebe Mariette,


    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße


  3. prachtige uitzicht,mooie tuin,groet irena

  4. We have two balconies but they are way too hot and dusty to enjoy right now. About the only time I get to use them is in the winter months; keeping them clean the rest of the year is a task, but I so enjoy having the plants and Jingles needs a place where she can feel like she is enjoying the great outdoors without feeling threatened. She is such a scaredy cat. Your deck is beautiful. And that fig tree really has grown. I love fresh figs. Have a great day! Tammy P.S. Glad to see someone was able to identify the plant in your previous post :)

  5. Beautiful photos. Sooo hot. Here we had a cold and rainy summer so far. Still hoping for warmer days.

    Have a nice day

  6. Wat een heerlijk balkon..........lijkt me een fijne plek om te vertoeven...liefs fijne zondag van

  7. It's a lovely place to sit and relax. No I don't have any but I've many places around the house. Have a nice time.


  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Really enjoyed this post thank you for sharing it was us shown.
    Great for storing the teak chaise lounge cushion this photo is taken on July 25.

    Thinking about you!!

  9. Cara amica il tuo portico con il tuo giardino è bellissimo,con tutto quel verde!!
    Buon relax e buona domenica!!
    Un bacio!!

  10. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    es muss wundervoll sein, auf einen so wunderschönen Balkon inmitten herrlicher Bäume, Sträucher und Blumen zu entspannen - da kann ich dich nur beneiden - es sieht so nach Ruhe und Frieden aus - herrlich auch die duftigen Blüten am Haus -

    hab eine schöne Zeit -lg. Ruth

  11. Balconies are the best features a home can have for enjoying the summer evenings or early mornings (when the temps are reasonable and not the extreme we all seem to getting this summer).

    At our home in the city - we have a wonderful balcony off the second floor - and I always enjoyed sitting and taking in the evening coolness after a long day in the corporate rat race.

    We have a balcony in process off the current master suite (which will eventually be a guest room - when the second phase of renos (a complete new addition)is done. It over looks the whole garden area. in the new addition we are planning a few balconies.

    Your balcony is wonderful and I love the lush green ... oh the jasmine must be so lovely to enjoy with a cup of tea and take in all of Mother Nature's beauty!

    Wishing you a lovely Sunday and wonderful conversation with your mother. Hugs to you both... love the Canadians. xo C. (HHL)

  12. bellissimo il balcone sul tuo giardino!!!!!!! che meraviglia!!!!! un bacione e buona domenica Lory

  13. I should be so happy living there! How lovely!
    hugs and love

  14. Lieve Mariette
    Wat prachtig om daar te wonen.
    Lieve groetjes Carine

  15. Che bella terrazza,Mariette!Qui in Italia si muore dal caldo!Baci,Rosetta

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    wie wunderbar, so einen Balkon zu haben und so ein tolles Wetter, auch wenn es schon wieder zu heiß ist. Ich kann mir den Duft des Jasmins vorstellen, besonders am Abend. Das muss betörend sein.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  17. Dear Mariette, you truly have a beautiful balcony and the garden! You also have fig tree?! I love fig! My balcony is on the South East/South side of the house and now is too hot to seating or reading there :-((Even with the umbrella!
    Love, Jagoda

  18. Hoi lieve Mariette,

    WHOW.....wat een heerlijke tuin en balkon heb je.....daar kan je echt gaan wandelen want enkel om je as draaien net als in mijn kleine stadstuintje dat lukt niet om ALLES te zien.

    Wat zal het heerlijk ruiken met die prachtige Jasmijn tegen het fraaie huis!!!

    Wat een hitte bij jullie......pffff....krijg het al warm bij het kijken naar de thermometer wijzer.

    Maar bij wat mindere warme dagen zal het heerlijk zitten zijn op je leuke balkon.

    Lieve groeten en ik wens je een fijne week!!!

  19. Hi Mariette,
    Oh your deck is beautiful and the perfect spot to enjoy watching the world go by. Of course when it is a bit cooler!!! We are frying here too with triple digits. Today it is 106 and due to be like this all week long.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely outdoor deck space. I see many happy hours there year round.

    Have a great week my friend.
    Love, Celestina Marie

  20. I wish I did have a balcony- and your looks very inviting...
    Love the scent of Jasmine-- fabulous.
    Have a great week dearest Mariette- much love to you, Pieter and all your beloved cats

  21. What a pretty balcony you have dear Mariette! It must be wonderful to sit and enjoy the scent of Jasmine in Spring. We have a deck running the length of the house in back on the South East side. We waited many years for it and enjoy it every day. We are having a very cool Summer here in Washington State, but usually it does get hot at mid-day. I like to have my morning coffee there and the cats love a safe place to lounge about on the cushions. I hope it cools off for you there, soon so you can enjoy some balcony time once again! xx

  22. Gosh your backyard is glorious! How lovely it would be to sit on your deck and drink tea with you Mariette. :)
    xo Catherine

  23. Liebste MAriette,
    Euer Balkon und der Ausblick sind traumhaft schön! Da würd ich, glaub ich, oft sitzen :O)
    Ich wünsch Dir einen guten Wochenstart!!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  24. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog:)

    I love this balcony - I think I could really enjoy it, but not in 35C!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jeg kom bare lige forbi.
    Gode billeder.
    Tak for kigget.
    Ha´ en dejlig dag.

  27. What a stunning balcony! I think I would find it difficult to ever go inside if I had such a lovely view.

  28. What a beautiful balcony and the view!! It's breathtaking....oh I wish I could have afternoon tea or morning coffee there!
    How wonderful you found the name of your mystery plant. Power of blogging is strong!
    I wish you a wonderful new week!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
