
Sunday, July 8, 2012

{Our Copy Cats}

Raising a feline family is not difficult because you have one and the rest are just 'Copy Cats'. Have a look at some of our Copy Cats. These photos were taken the day before we went on our cruise to the Bahamas. When I came outside to empty the bucket after mopping the floors, they were lined up on the retainer wall and I had to make some photos. It was just hilarious. See for yourself and tell me if you too have cats that mimic one another. It is so much fun to watch them get along. When we work in the garden, they follow us like a doggy. Also when we make the rounds, at the end of the day for instance to check our wood garden and other garden, they follow us on foot. Our dear friend Mariëlle called that: The Cat Walk...
Here Barty, our male Alpha Cat, (to the right) is instructing Speckie our youngest girl how it is done...
Okay, let's line up now! Barty is in the center and Bandido is in the front...
The alternating look: Bandido looks to the right, Barty to the left and Speckie to the right...
Now all facing the road to the left!
Turn around and look the other way... Bandido is not yet turning his head as he listens to Barty!
Okay, got it! But it's my fault for not capturing Speckie's face...
This 'Copy Cats-show' made me laugh! 
Guess cats do have a great sense of humor too.


  1. how adorable! such an entertaining and loyal crew you have!

  2. Our furbabies truly give us so much love and bring a smile to our days. Your little family is adorable and these photos are a perfect treat. Wishing you a fabulous week-end..xo C. (HHL)

  3. Dearest Mariette、
    Oh, 'Copy Cats-show'♡♡♡ These pictures depicted very well how they do thing same way. Really adorable, aren't they(*^_^*)
    I am SO jealous to you having these cute fellows, my friend p;) Wonderful trio:)))
    Lovely pictures with your GORGEOUS garden with rich green in the back of them☆☆☆
    I hope you will have a wonderful weekend, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    es macht einen großen Unterschied ob man eine oder mehrere Katzen hat. Ich finde, mehrere Katzen sind besser, weil sie sich natürlicher verhalten. Es ist so schön zu sehen, wie sich deine Katzen vertragen. Der Frieden und die Harmonie eures Anwesens wird da richtig sichtbar.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    da hast du wirklich ein ganz aussergewöhnliches Katzen Trio.

    Bewundernswert, wie friedlich sie alle miteinander umgehen.

    Herzliche Grüße und ein zauberhaftes Wochenende, Mary

  6. Wonderful pictures, I love them *smile*. Have a nice day.


  7. Dearest Mariette,
    You are very luck these picture of the copy cats.
    As same time is all the ways cats are very happy to listens for you.
    Love you!Take care!!

  8. Dear Mariette, I am back in Seattle after a three-week European vacation. I finally have some time to visit my friends' blogs! I am glad I stopped by yours today. What a fun post. These pics are hilarious, so perfect, they almost look "staged" (but we, cat owners know that there is no staging a picture if a cat is involved. They only do as they please :-) Bon weekend, Mariette. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  9. Dearest Mariette
    I really love the pictures!
    The cats look so cute when they doing the same all of them ♥

  10. Hi my dear friend Mariette,
    Very nice pictures and your furry friends looks so healthy and relaxed, send you a big hug my dearest friend and have a wonderful weekend, love to you,
    Laura :0)

  11. Hahahha !!..leuke post ...liefs

  12. they do!!! :D...ik kan uren naar onze jongens(katten;)) kijken! Hoe de een de andere probeert over te halen om een potje te stoeien...hoe die andere daar GEEN zin in heeft en dat zonder woorden HEEL duidelijk aangeeft.....en ga zo maar door...dikke maatjes! maar elk met zn eigen plaats in het duo;)

    Liefs uit Limburg!

  13. Geweldig Mariëtte, het lijkt wel ingestudeerd.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  14. Dear Mariette,

    How beautiful, I adored seeing all your darling cats putting on a little show.
    They really do bring a smile to our face.
    Also love your fragrant Magnolia, they really are gorgeous flowers.

    Happy weekend

  15. How are you dear Mariette? so nice visiting your lovely world again!!!
    sending you lots of hugs

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    I like bright inside House house with back view,for distance clean window and compact near garden.
    I love all yours time..

  17. Son unos gatos preciosos. Que tengas una buena semana y que disfrutes de tu precioso jardín. Besos.

  18. Che simpatici i tuoi gatti!Buona domenica a te e Peter!Baci,Rosetta

  19. How cool. Great cats. Wish we knew what they are thinking :-)

  20. Grappig Mariette! Ik heb een kater uit Nederland en een poesje uit Frankrijk. Alletwee met grijze streepjes, meen dat je dat een cypres noemt.

    Groetjes Janny

  21. Lovely cats- what would we be without them! I adore the black cats you have- used to have one myself once upon a time in Holland..

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    I love to playing the sleeping time
    in cold weather time.
    Thinking about you Mariette!!

  23. Dear Mariette,
    Love those pics! They are such adorable copy cats!

  24. Dear Mariette,
    Your fur babies are adorable and perfect for the camera. Beautiful copy cats and easy to see lots of love in your home for these precious felines.
    hugs, XO Celestina Marie

  25. Liebste MAriette,

    ich hab herzlich geschmunzelt, als ich diese wunderschönen Katzenbilder sah! Herrlich, als ob man sie da so hingesetzt hätte :O)))
    Vielen Dank dafür!

    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen Wochenbeginn!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  26. Your little copy cats are so adorable. What a pretty view they have on their little wall. Cats are so entertaining. What would we do without our little feline friends to keep us entertained? I hope you have a happy week.

    Thank you, Dear Marietta for your sweet and kind comments on my blog. It means so much to me. xxoo

  27. Dearest Mariette,
    I really like that Celestina Marie
    You are very painting I really like that one!!
    Thank you!

  28. Leuk zo'n catwalk!

    Groetjes Sandy

  29. OOh!! Que maravillosas fotos!! Que tres gatitos tan fotogenicos y que bien posan, son preciosos!!
    Muchos besos!!

    Los Mundos de Nika Vintage


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