
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


From my favorite French language  Le Journal des FEMMES, again some great tips.
Learn from Mariette.
For those of you that don't have a translater, I have translated it for you below:
Use the TEA to lose a few pounds, while eliminating toxins from your body...
There is still so much to be learned about tea... Like Lisa Boalt Richardson writes: Tea Twist or Tea Travesty? and:  
Tea with a Twist! 
This is yet another aspect of TEA.

Are you using tea for slimming down?
Let me know.
YES, I drink tea every afternoon, it is a ritual here and we both enjoy it!
Those two books are a MUST have... 


  1. Hi Mariette,
    This is very good. Tea is so good and has so many health benefits. I drink it all day long, hot or cold. I am really into healthy eating and stay away as much as possible from all processed foods.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Also, thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. I am so crazy busy right now, but tis the season right?
    Hugs and blessings sweet friend,
    Celestina Marie

  2. Hi Mariette, who always interesting your articles! I am discovering just drink tea this year I have read several articles about wine. As a child I remember the amateurs who were my grandmothers and for different situations of the body they sought to take the drink above. marie rose greetings

  3. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    Tee ist wirklich eine interessante Sache. Angefangen von den diversen Heilkräuter- und Früchtetees bis hin zu den Tees aus der Teepflanze. Wir trinken schon lange zum Frühstück Tee und jetzt in der kalten Jahreszeit auch abends. Es gibt mittlerweise hier so viele leckere Sorten, dass man viel Abwechslungsmöglichkeit hat. Danke für deine interessanten Informationen, so manches war mir och nicht bekannt.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  4. Liebe Mariette, danke für deine lieben Grüße...
    Ich wünsche dir einen wunderbaren Tag und bin mal gespannnt wie es heute läuft!
    GGLG Astrid

  5. Liebe Mariette,oh ja Tee ist mehr als ein gutes Getränk.Ich habe lange Zeit in Japan gelebt grüner Tee wird dort den ganzen Tag über getrunken,ich mache das auch grüner und weißer Tee ist ein Elixier für unseren Körper.Was ich nicht mag sind aromatisierte Tee,ich bevorzuge Natur!Edith.

  6. Hello Mariette! This looks like a very good diet plan and so easy and healthful. I love tea and need to remember to drink it more often. So good for you! Thank you for sharing this and thank you for your sweet comments on my newspaper article. You are so thoughtful, always thinking of others. xx

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist wieder ein sehr lehrreicher

    Sonnige Grüße

  8. I drink tea every single day. When I gave up diet drinks (diet coke) I went to tea and I LOVE IT!

    Very good diet plan! Thanks for sharing. Always wonderful info here sweet friend.


  9. I love tea and drink a lot, especially green tea. When I drink green tea, it feels like the tea is cleaning my system. I also like English teas. I like to have a cup of English tea with sweets :-)

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, like Tamago-san said; as a Japanese, I drink green tea at least 3 cups a day p;) Inevitable item in the morning for me♬♬♬

    PS> Oh, so sorry that I missed your posts a lot. Whew, busy week I had; bit feeling tired, (^^;)

  11. Dearest Mariette, Great post. I was so glad to hear a source honestly state that all tea comes from the same plant. I toured the only tea plantation in USA, outside of Charleston. The green tea is processed immediately upon coming in from the fields. The next tea is allowed to sit in the hoppers for 15 minutes before processing.
    They are all processed the same after the oxidizing period. Black tea waits the longest but I don't remember the time.
    It is sold at the plantation "The Charleston Tea Plantation" and gourmet shops. The tea plants are from China and were brought here in the 1800s.
    I am reading over the meal plan. It should really work for anyone who follows.
    Thank you so much for sharing, Love to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
