
Sunday, September 2, 2012

{Our Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum in Wonosobo, Indonesia}

  • Yesterday I showed you our large fixed planter box on the patio of the house in Wonosobo, Indonesia. 
  • I've also pointed out the green leafed plant in the center, to the right. Well, that is our treasured Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum. Let me introduce it to you here...

  • Heavenly fragrant Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum...
  • We found them adjacent to our home in Indonesia and when we carefully dug them up, we found they were bulbs. So those bulbs we treasured and had them in that fixed planter box.
  • Sure enough they did cross the oceans with us, will show you in our next post how they did here.

  • Their sweet fragrance is indeed heavenly!
  • In the bright tropical sunlight it is not easy to take great photographs... 

  • They have multiple blooms and than another repeat.

  • You can see the planter box here. 
  • The leaves of the Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum are rather broad and a bit weavy
  • Below are two links from 2010 and 2011 where they bloom in our garden here in Georgia, USA.
  • Will show you again some great blooms from this July.
  • Hope you enjoyed this exotic and rare fragrant bulb!
  • Wish I could reproduce its fragrance for you...

Related links:
{Heavenly Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum} | previous post by me
{New Heavenly Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum} | previous post by me
{Our Tropical Patio with Orchids in Indonesia} | previous post by me


  1. What a lovely flower and as you say, it is fragrant, like it's name says in Latin..I understand it, as Spanish comes from a Latin language as well. How wonderful that you have it so close, just next to your house in must be fabulous to live there, so exciting and exotic! Thank you for the lesson on antiques, really, Alejandro and me know that an antique is actually, something 100 or more years old and that something vintage, or retro is something as old as only 50 or more years, like me, hahaha.. The Italian chandalier will be soon, as it is from 1920, lol..Thank you darling Mariette for your visit, I enjoy it so much lovely Dutch lady. Hugs,

  2. Oh these are truly amazing Mariette.
    I am imagining that wonderful fragrance!
    I'm always looking for perfumed flowers in the plants I buy - they attract butterflies too!

    Wishing you a happy week
    much love
    Shane xox

  3. Heel mooi hoor!!...hele fijne zondag saampjes !!...liefs

  4. What a beautiful flower. Have a nice sunday.


  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm very happy for your introduce your I was carefully your bulds was transured in planter box.
    Hags and love to you always!

  6. Wat een prachtige bloemen.....ik ben lang gelden in Indonesie geweest en heb me toen al verbaasd over de schoonheid van het land. Jij laat er nu eentje zien.....
    Een hele fijne zondag.
    Gr. Bianca xx

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    I've been to the links and enjoyed the pictures there as well♡♡♡ They sure has gorgeous big flowers and wish to have a chance to enjoy their sweet fragrance♬♬♬
    I checked the name with Wikipedia and found that Hippeastrum is Amaryllis. I thought I have seen the red ones on TV. Wikipedia page of Hippeastrum Fragrantissimum has white flower picture like yours. Oh, it has the "fragran~~~ in its name☆
    Thank you very much for introducing this elegant flower♪♪♪

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Hallo Mariette,
    das ist ja eine prächtige Pflanze und blüht wunderschön. Mir gefällt an deinem Blog dein neues Header-Foto. So eine schöne Tasse und das feine Silber dazu.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  9. Hi Mariette,

    That is one beautiful flower. I wish I could smell it now. :)

    Thanks for your sweet note on my blog. You are so kind.

  10. From your other posts, it does look like this pretty flower has transplanted well in Georgia. :) Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

  11. I wish I had a scratch and sniff computer, I'm sure the scent is wonderful!

  12. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich, dich wieder hier zu

    Alles Liebe

  13. Dearest Mariette
    It's amazing just how much love and passion you two have put into your amazing garden and it's obvious it gives you back pleasure and pride in abundance. It's a really lovely feeling and it's awesome seing all your remarkable flowers and plants. I guess it's the living embodiment of the phrase "As you sow so you shall reap"... so very pleasing to the senses!
    With much love
    from Joan
    P.s. Thank you for your comment today. You are so very right about Snowy - he's battling all the chemicals and I feel so very tender towards him as he is putting on such a brave fight. It has not been easy for him in his young life but at least he's also been stuffed full of love and we hope it's enough to keep him going.

  14. Cara i fiori hanno sempre un fascino particolare!!
    Io li adoro!!
    Un bacione!!

  15. Dearest Mariette, This is a beautiful flower the fact that it is so fragrant is a bonus. So glad you were able to bring them with you and they are thriving.
    Love to you, Ginger

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    those flowers look so fragile and beautiful! I am sure, their fragrance is lovely!
    Have a happy week,
    love and hugs,

  17. Sembra una varietà di gigli ma immagino che sia qualcosa di ancora più raffinato! e chissà che meraviglioso profumo....
    Foto splendide: sei riuscita a cogliere "l'attimo fuggente"!
    Un bacio e buon settembre


Thanks for your visit and comment.
