
Monday, September 24, 2012

{TIP for Fine Needlework SUPER POWER READERS}

For us girls with somewhat 'older' eyes, we can now do our Fine Needlework with SUPER POWER READERS! No more squinting and straining your eyes. Mine arrived only after our trip to Curaçao where I did manage to do some fine counted cross stitching and VERY FINE crocheted edging around two pieces of antique French filet needle lace. Will show you that tomorrow. The batteries of my magnifying tool had given out... so I  only had my reading glasses and the sunshine to work with! 
But here is the TIP for you, to obtain from Solutions such great SUPER POWER READERS, till the maximum strength of +6.00.
  • These are my SUPER POWER READERS in bronze and yes, in a +6.00!

  • They are very reasonably priced at $ 29.98 and they do come in a pretty hard case.

Maybe a great idea for starting your fall and winter projects or for finally finishing a project you started years ago...?

  • This company also sells Bi-Focal Sunglasses.

I received mine and keep them in the car all the time. 
Practical for reading, e.g. iPhone without having to change your sunglasses for reading glasses.
Both are great products and I highly recommend them.


  1. These are stylish and practical, Mariette, and yes, I need my glasses, too. Thanks for sharing this link. xx

  2. What nice glasses!! We can do needlework and they look very cool! My coworker got glasses that are supposed to correct the vision by wearing them. Not sure how effective yet, but I thought it was interesting, too.

  3. Thank you Mariette!
    I'm one of those with fading eyesight - I'm unable to do fine work now however, I seem to manage with my magnifying glass on the heavier linen.

    I would be reluctant to move straight into +6 as where would one go after that.
    I was once told that we do have to work our eyes and not make it too easy, sadly!

    Good to know I have room to move so I will be able to embroider for a few years yet!!

    Shane xox

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche dir eine gute neue Woche.

    Alles Liebe


  5. Ja, Mariette ook ik heb mijn leesbril nodig om te lezen en handwerken.
    En zo oud ben toch niet of wil ik het niet weten hihi.

    Groetjes vanuit een fris en zonnig Noorwegen.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, I'm using 3 types of glasses; for usual use, reading and for PC; I take off glasses when I take pictures (#^.^#) Really troublesome, haha. Happy for you to find this glasses.
    I'll check the link later, thank you very much.

    PS> Yes, I had enjoyed the foot-bath. And I had many experiences seeing foreigners having trouble for their legs in our tatami-room, haha.

    Lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ich habe auch schon lange eine Brille zum Arbeiten und Lesen, allerdings noch nicht so stark. Die angebotenen Brillen sehen wirklich hübsch aus. Danke für den Link.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  8. Ook ik heb een leesbril, althans sinds kort een leesgedeelte in mijn bril.
    Ik had 'm eerst alleen voor veraf, maar daar redt ik het niet meer mee hihih...
    Mooie bril trouwens.
    Groetjes Bianca xx

  9. Nice glasses, and there've been so with age that without glasses I can not read anything.


  10. Hi Mariette, So glad you found some wonderful glasses. They look stylish too. I am still fortunate to not need any up close glasses for reading and such. I wear one contact for distance. So far so good.
    I love your pic at top of the wee totes and hearts. I love mine.
    Have a great week and blessings always.
    XO Celestina Marie

  11. Hallo Mariette,

    Draag al vanaf mijn 11e jaar een bril,heb al van alles op mijn neus en in mijn ogen al die jaren,van lenzen tot multivocale glazen,
    maar kwam wat prettig en scherp zien toch telkens weer bij bril uit met sterkte in enkelvoudige glazen voor mijn bijziendheid,en als ik over het montuur heenkijk zie ik de dingen van heel dichtbij nog het allerbeste.

    Moet me weer eens gaan verdiepen in een andere bril,ander montuur.....het oog wil ook wat;-)

    Fijne dag en lieve groeten!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
