
Saturday, October 27, 2012

{202 044 600 Entries for Gone With the Wind - Most Viewed Movie}

Because we do live in the State of Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind, I love to share this very special information with you. On the French you can see this information. 
Who has NOT seen this movie? 
Or read the books?
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Sure, from my website's Links page you can go to Visit Scarlett (click it) and find lots of information!
Enjoy it. Oh, while on that page, you may add me to your Google+  -- THANKS!

Let me know if you watched the movie, and/or read the book.


  1. i read the book when i was in junior high school (my older sister brought it home from the high school library for me). and i've watched the movie several times. it is a classic.

  2. I didn't even like that stupid movie Avatar! I have 2 CD's of Gone With The Wind, as it is long and the book I inherited from my dad,and read it when I was young. Dad was such a fan. I've seen it at least 20 times throughout my life..and now that you remind me, maybe I'll watch it gain this weekend, as it's been a few years I haven't seen it, lol.. Totally love this movie!!Thanks for the post!
    Have a happy weekend.

  3. Dear Mariette,

    Gone with the wind is such a classic and have watched the movie a few times and read the book. Loved both and thanks for sharing this.

    Enjoy the weekend

  4. I never sit down to watch the whole film or read the book, I know its a well know movie and a book. I love reading when i was little... Chinese most the times, my English isn't very good to read any book when I left school at 16, but as gone with the age, my English improved slowly and I start reading books from the library. My English still poor even now, but I can managed lots of things now on my own... like buying house, deal with solicitor, go to court, complaining things etc. I will watch GONE WITH THE WIND one day with out house work, it was always things to do when I saw the film on tv. I want to watch it today, but I got to help my friend to cook for a party, she is doing a surprise party for her sister's 40th Wedding anniversary for tomorrow. Life is supposed to have more free time now but I find time like GONE WITH THE WIND... time like fly in the sky. After reading you mention it again this morning, I got to watch the whole film without house work soon. Have a great weekend, Mariette.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Maybe, I might have written in my blog that the movies I saw in the theater when junior high and so moved were the "Gone with the wind" and "East of Eden"!!! Oh, wonderful good old movie and gave me a huge impact♡♡♡ The scene she was holding the carrot and said that she would be strong was the most impressive for me☆☆☆ I went to watch avatar with my husband but he became feeling bad with the 3D screen, haha. I love good old classic movies♡♡♡ I remember my father really loved John Wayne.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist ergreifend, wie du alles so schön darstellst.

    Alles Liebe


  7. Hi Mariette!
    I have abselutely seen the movie Gone with the wind, and i love it!
    Have a nice saturday.
    Hug Anna

  8. Cara amica anche io ho visto il film,bellissimo!!
    Sono passata per un saluto augurandoti buona domenica!!
    Un bacio grande!!

  9. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your nice comment.
    This is a nice old movie :)
    Enjoy your weekend!


  10. Dearest Mariette
    I have both seen the movie and read the books several times. Imagine such an old film still attracts so many people.
    Of course I thought of you live in Georgia where Scarlett is also staying.
    And that song that I do not remember the name of: "It will never be a cold summerday in Georgia" is it true anyway?
    Hugs to you

  11. I've never read the book but I have seen the movie more than once! I know I'm going to sound REALLY weird saying this but, I wish it was in black and white! I adore old movies, they're pretty much all I watch, but I so adore them in black and white as opposed to color. I think that's why GWTW has never been one of my favorites!

  12. Who does NOT know this wonderful Film ;O) Can't tell you, how often I have seen it.....
    Have a hally new week,
    Love and hugs,


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