
Sunday, October 14, 2012

{4 Weeks for a Flat Belly}

From my favorite French Journal des Femmes I got this valuable information that I love to share here with you: 4 Weeks for a Flat-Belly. Sounds like a deal or not? You can click the link from Journal des Femmes and have your own translation from French. The one from Google-Chrome is a bit funny so I try to correct some of it... The recipes I did not translate however. But you can read them off the screen savers.
Indeed, the belly is often a source of complexity. Jeans that don't close, a roll that settles down and you feel not happy in your skin.  To remedy this, there is a targeted slimming program. Discover, without further delay.
The book "Flat Belly Diet" was directed by Lise Vaccariello, editor in Chief of Prevention magazine health number 1 in the United States, by Cynthia Sass, graduated in nutrition and Dr. Martine  André, specializing in health and nutrition.
The concept
This weight-loss-program has for primary objective, to melt the fat on the belly. To do this, daily calorie intake is lowered to 1600 calories, divided into four meals. The content of the plate is of course essential. Foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids are essential for the success of this plan. Why? Because they do play a crucial role in lowering the insulin levels in the blood which significantly affects weight-loss and fat melting.
The "Flat Belly" program takes place in two stages:
Start-up phase: for 4 days, you follow a well-defined menu to delete all feelings of discomfort and bloating. 
The feeding program of 4 weeks or the period needed to establish new eating habits. Choose from quick and easy recipes to realize this without depriving yourself. As long as you follow some basic principles. 
The Promise
Thanks to this regime, it will be possible to lose between 1 and 3 kilos (2.2 and 6.6 lbs) and about 8 cm (3") around your waist during the start phase. NOT 8 inches as Google Chrome did translate!
In practice
The "Flat Belly Diet" is based on four fundamental principals:
The reduction in daily caloric intake to 1,600 calories - the choice of foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that help lower insulin levels in the blood - the food choices that promote lower rate of fat in the blood - the practice of regular physical activity.
The Start Phase
During the four days of the starter stage it is important to:
- make four meals a day for a total of 1,200 calories per day
- make a digestive walk after each meal
- drink Sassy water (recipe below)
- eat slowly
- keep morale
Recipe for Sassy Water
Sassy water is an indispensable part of this weight loss program. It eliminates most, and above all, at the level of the abdomen.
You need:
- 2 liters of water
- 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
- 1 English cucumber peeled and thinly sliced
- 12 fresh mint leaves
"Put all the ingredients into a large pitcher. Stir, cover with plastic wrap and let stand overnight in the refrigerator so that the flavors mingle."
Phase 4 weeks
To successfuly complete this step for one month, you must follow three rules:
1. Do not consume more than 400 calories per meal
2. Never stay more than 4 hours without eating
3. Eat food rich in monounsaturated acids for every meal
To help you in the realization of your meals, you will find many recipes in the book, combining fun and lightness.
During these four days, be sure to have four meals a day of 400 calories each, make a digestive walk after every meal, drink one liter of Sassy water per day, to eat slowly but above all keep the morale up.
"Look for a mantra that you will repeat after every bite, for example: I have this plan for me, and nobody else but me."
"Concentrate on the present moment and on what you eat. Do not get distracted by exterior elements (radio, TV, newspaper) enjoy every bite." 
"Laugh!" A child of 4 years on average laughs 400 times a day against 15 times for an adult. "Even if you are alone, laugh."
"The Flat Belly Diet aims to ensure you of the number of calories to achieve your weight."
The Google Chrome translation above reads: Eat a plate and cutlery. WOW!
"Eat from a plate, using cutlery." "It is scientifically proven that people who sit down at table have less of a waist circumference than those who eat on the go."
I do sit down at table to eat my meals! Would that be the reason I am what I am now???
What do you think?
"You can take a snack between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner or between dinner and bedtime."
"Attention to portions." Use plates and smaller dishes than the usual. "You will have the impression of having more food than you do have in reality."
"If you are forced to stay in the office, take a break and do not work while eating." "Take a deep breath and savor every bite."

Related link:
Flat Belly Diet book at by Liz Vaccariello, Cynthia Sass


  1. You rascal you ... got me with the post title! SO much great information here, I'm going to give it my best effort. How is your dupuytren condition doing? I'm having a lot of arthritis in my fingers now that the weather is growing cooler ...

  2. Dearest Helen,

    My Dupuytren condition is not bothering me right now. It did more so when we had a rainy week. It always doubles as an accurate weather forecast, even the fingers in my other hand manage to do that. You must be living in a colder region than we. On the side of my blog you always can see our local weather forecast. Important is to stay in a 'dryer' environment and the dual function of air-conditioning achieves just that. It removes the humidity from the air that is being brought in from the outside. For everyone with arthritis problems, living in an air-conditioned home is a blessing!
    Hugs to you,

  3. I eat like this pretty much this year I dropped lots of weight, which made me happy. I love it that lots of cloths fit and I can just go into a store and buy cloths size 6-8 and fits perfect! Great tips too..and yeah, I do have a very flat stomach, but my mom does too, so I think it's part dieting and party genes, lol.. Thank you lovely friend.
    Big hugs,

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, I always do admire the way you take care your diet and be aware of your weight. I don't think I gain weight easily. However after retirement, my husband gained weight more than 5 kilograms. Because of his handicaps of his legs, it seems making him a bit harder to move around(^^;) I wish him to listen to me more p;)
    Men are always like that, haha!
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Dearest Mariette
    I don't know if this menu is hard , but I'll try because I need to loose
    some kilos ! Thank you !

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    It was very nice to make show I read them 4 weeks for a Flat Belly (Calories) to achieve weight
    The just keep up all my tamey what I eat.
    Thank you and love to you always!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    das hört sich immer verführerisch an und wenn ich dich so sehe, bin ich schon etwas neidisch. Aber ob ich mich dazu umerziehen könnte, weiß ich nicht. Ein Versuch wäre es wert.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    das finde ich nachahmenswert.

    Sonnige Grüße


  9. I think it's impossible for me to loose my stomach fat. It's there even when I am skinny and don't eat anything.

  10. Dit ziet er allemaal veelbelovend uit Mariëtte.
    Durf nu bijna niet te zeggen dat ik het recept van de Pompoen-quiche nu op mijn blog heb gezet, ben bang dat dit recept niet ten goede komt aan een platte buik.
    Bedankt voor je reacties op mijn posten.
    Fijne zondag en een lieve groet, Mea

  11. It sounds like a good idea but I'll probably never be a flat stomach * smile *. I can not walk sigh.


  12. Great idea!my dear mariette, unfortunately...seems hardly for me to get back my flat belly back hick..hick..hick.

    love to you from ROME

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    this sounds really good, but it always is hard to realize :O(
    Have a happy and healthy week,
    Love and hugs


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