
Thursday, November 1, 2012


November 1st is ALL SAINTS DAY for the Catholic Church. November 2nd is ALL SOULS DAY... We remember our loved ones that have passed on and our thoughts are with them. Because of hurricane Sandy, we lost many more lives here in the USA. Our sunny days from last week have vanished as it is windy and nippy now. So many people are still without power... We need to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
This is a very peaceful French etching done on silver plated metal by L. Bottini after a tableau of the famous Murillo.
We keep this in our living room on the windowsill of the arched window.
Above is a photo I took and below you find a scan...
It represents the Immaculate Conception.
Let us pray to our Heavenly Mother for guidance during difficult times.

Related link:
L. Bottini Silverplate Box This is another etching that I found on the Internet

The link to this fruit bowl, also done by L. Bottini, in São Paulo, Brazil is no longer working...


  1. a lovely etching. my mother always acknowledged these feast days.

  2. Hi Mariette,

    Yes, the pictures on my blog post today are from Breezy Point in New York after Hurricane Sandy.

    Thanks for asking.

    Your etching is magnificent! Wow.

    Perfect post for All Saints Day.



  3. Hi my dear Mariette!

    I love your etching, it's stunning, specially because "Our Mother, The Inmaculate Conception" is my favorite Virgin, I have Her in a statue that belonged to my grandmother and she's my treasure. We celebrate here the 2nd. of Nov. every year All Souls remember our loved ones that passed before us.Thank you for sharing this lovely piece. Big hugs to you.

  4. Dear Mariette,

    Your French etching is so beautiful and thanks for showing us - lovely to take the time to remember your loved ones.

    Sending hugs you way

  5. Dear Mariette, Beautiful etchings. We celebrate the same in Sweden, All saint/souls day.
    Have a lovely day!

  6. ¸.•°`♥✿⊱╮
    Sâo lindas!
    Tenha um lindo dia!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ein schöner Post und eine wundervolle Gravur. Ich bin immer noch schockiert über das Ausmaß an Schäden, das Sandy hinterlassen hat. Es sieht auch wie nach einem Krieg. Wie übermächtig die Natur ist, wo wir Menschen uns doch einbilden, alles zu beherrschen. Es tut mir so leid für all die Menschen, die ihre Angehörigen oder ihr Heim verloren haben.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    auch ich bin sehr betroffen von dem schrecklichen Ereignis - ja.. lass uns gemeinsam zur Mutter Gottes beten, damit Leid gelindert wird -

    euer Bild der Gottesmutter ist so schön -

    lg. Ruth

  9. Gorgeous etchings!!! Wishing you and Pieter many blessings on this All Saints day and All Souls day... xo from us all, Hugs, C. (HHL)

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    wir sind hilflos, und wir können nur beten.

    Alles Liebe


  11. There are many who have got into trouble during the storm, and we think of them. What a wonderful etching.


  12. Dearest Mariette,
    yes, let us all pray for the people who got in trouble because of this bad storm!
    I watch ist every day in the news..........

    The etching you shown us, is wonderful!

    Have a good weekend and take care,
    love and hugs,

  13. Dearest Mariette
    What a beautiful etching.
    Hope it may soon be well again for those affected by Sandy
    We celebrate All Saints Day tomorrow. You put candles and winter plants on the graves, it is very beautiful with all the candles flame that glows in the dark on cemeteries
    Hugs to you

  14. The Indian lady who takes care of the front office at school was just telling me the other day about how they go to church to celebrate All Saints and All Souls Day. I'm not Catholic so had not heard of these days before. The silver etching is beautiful. Best wishes, Tammy

  15. Dearest Mariette,

    Happy all saint days and soul day today and best wishes for you and your husband.
    your silver Immaculate conception so beautiful.

    I'll be back by tomorrow



Thanks for your visit and comment.
