
Friday, October 5, 2012

{Claudia a Blogger I Admire and her Gift for Baby Stef}

On August 25, I did post about HAPPY NEWS, see link below post. Our Goddaughter Elvira delivered baby boy Stef into the world. For several years I've been following and admiring Claudia from NuNu's Garn- und Stofflabor and it is time to share some of her incredible work with you. My first encounter with her was at Carolyn's, Little Bear Studio, understandably as both do make BEARS! Now let's have a look at what she did create for Baby Stef:
Claudia did even create this special card!
Her stitching is fabulous.
Here she designed the personal label for Stef...
Perfect bag for taking to the Day Care when Stef's Mommy is going back to work!
NuNu's own label is sewn onto each of her creations.
Stef's parents have a tiled living room so this special padded blanket will make for perfect playing on the floor.
The padded blanket is completely double.
Fun text with dinos...
All spread out...
THANKS CLAUDIA for creating these fun pieces and for shipping them out to Stef!
Please pay Claudia a visit and know that her English is perfect too, besides her native German.
Her husband is likewise gifted but he only works with wood...

Related link:
NuNu´s Garn-und Stofflabor


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely surprise in the early morning ( here it is 5:38am and I just got up ;O) ....).
    THANK YOU so much for this so wonderful and kind post about my work!
    It was or you and little Stef :O)a great joy for me to do those things f
    I really appreciate you and your Blog and I am so glad I met you here in the big WWW :O)
    And it is always a pleasure to visit your Blog and our little chats we have :O)
    Thank you so much again!
    Have a beautiful rest of the week and a Happy Weekend!
    love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,

      You are more than welcome! It is a pleasure getting to know special blogger friends and interacting with them.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  2. Wat een geweldig leuke baby-uitzet. Het kaartje is ook super leuk.
    Lieve groet,

  3. Buenos días Mariette. Desde luego que todos estos trabajos son muy bonitos. Este bebé llega con todo preparado para no pasar nada de frío. Felicidades para el y para todos los que esperan su llegada. Besos.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    bei dir ist es immer gemütlich.

    Alles Liebe


  5. Claudia is doing a lot of beautiful things and I'm following her blog.

    Have a nice weekend


  6. Ik vind het allemaal erg leuk hoor......liefs fijn weekend van

  7. Precious! A lovely gift that will be treasured and passed down the generations. xo C. (HHL)

  8. Really nice gift for mom and baby!
    I have to look at Claudia's blog.
    Have a nice weekend ♥

  9. Oh, was für wundervolle Geschenke für das neugeborene Baby, liebe Mariette!!!
    Ja, Claudia hat wirklich ein großes Talent, ich bewundere es auch immer wieder!!!
    Alles Liebe an dich und auch herzliche Grüße an Mutter und Kind!!!
    Deine Traude

  10. Carissima amica d'oltreoceano, trovo queste creazioni davvero fantastiche e un meraviglioso dono per mamma e bimbo. Colgo l'occasione per ringraziarti di esserti ricordata sia della ricorrenza del mio papà che del compleanno di mia madre. Non so per quale ragione non mi appare più il tuo blog nel mio blogroll. Parlerò con l'amica che mi aiuta nel gestirlo, perchè io con il pc.....sono meno di "0"! Ho intuito fin dalle prime volte che ti ho conosciuta che sei una donna sensibile, che hai un cuore grande e che intuisci molte ma molte cose che nessuno sa leggere "tra le righe". Vorrei tanto ci fossero vicino a me persone come te! Sei davvero una BELLISSIMA PERSONA e NON CAMBIARE MAI! Un fortissimo abbraccio e GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE. Paola

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, Wow what lovely gorgeous gifts to your Stef♡♡♡ Marvelous work for new born baby♬♬♬ I was surprised to find that I haven't left a comment on the day you posted about him. Fabulous works, aren't they(♥^_^♥) I'm sure that your Elvira is happy all these wonderful items for her son.
    I missed your posts; I was a bit below par but getting better, haha.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  12. Olá

    Que trabalhos mais bonitos, tão coloridos, adorei.
    Continuação de bonitos trabalhos.



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