
Thursday, October 18, 2012

{Missing Blogger Pattie...from The Joy of Nesting}

It was August 03, 2011 when DocPattie, as is showing on her email address, did post for the very last time on The Joy of Nesting. No reply to emails and even a friend that got mentioned by her in a post did not know any news about her. Pattie did live in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. She was from the USA, a retired RN with a PhD in Investigative Psychology, a Mom of 3 grown children and grandma of 3 boys. 
Doc Pattie has vanished from the radar.
Would anybody know about her?
There must be some connection, somewhere...
Maybe all together we can find out. This blog community is huge and together we can do a lot.
This is a comment from Pattie on the blog of Chez Fifi .
Somewhere there must be a link... Someone that knows her three children.
Just hate to think of a terrible fate...
As much as both of us love Mexico, having worked there for 11 years as consultants, fact is that a lot of drug related crimes have happened there. 
So please, if anyone knows about her whereabouts, let me know!


  1. How scary Mexico is...actually, I'm scared to go visit it, we have friends there! Wow, I hope she shows up soon, but I think if there's no news of her, maybe.. "no news is good news?" I'll be praying for her too. Thank you for sharing this Mariette and if you have some news, plaese let us know. Big hugs.

  2. i hope your friend is fine and just moved or something. too scary to think of the alternative.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    In this blog land, this kind of out of touch must happen sometime. I don't have much knowledge about Mexico... I DO hope you will be able to have some information and your friend is safe, doing fine.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    whart a sad story. I hope you will find out some news about your friend in Mexico and I hope everything will be fine!
    If you get news, let us know.
    Have a good week,
    love and hugs,

  5. Liebe Mariette.

    dein Blog ist bereichernd. Darüber freue ich mich.

    Sonnige Grüße


  6. Unfortunately, I know nothing, but I know how it feels when someone bloggers just disappear. I hope she is doing well.


  7. It's always so worrisome when blog friends simply stop blogging. Sending good thoughts that she is OK!
    xo Catherine

  8. Hi Mariette,

    Oh my I sure hope your friend is alright.


  9. Dearest Mariette,
    I know how worrisome it can be when a blogger friend drops out of sight. I will keep you and your friend in my thoughts and prayers, I am sure she will pop up on your screen soon!
    Please let me know if there is absolutely anything I can do to keep your message circulating!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist immer beunruhigend, wenn ein Blogger plötzlich nichts mehr von sich hören lässt. Ich habe auch so einen Fall. In meiner Sidebar ist als letzes Bill, der uns jede Woche mit immer neuen wunderbaren Tablescapes überraschte. Auf einmal ist Ende und keiner weiß was. Vielleicht ein Unfall, vielleicht eine Veränderung im Familienleben, das dem Bloggen ein Ende setzt und niemand ist in der Lage, den Bloglesern Aufklärung zu geben. Man kann nur hoffen, dass es vielleicht nur an technischen Gründen liegt.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  11. It is worrisome when bloggers just quit blogging with no explanation and yet their blogs are still there. I always wonder what happened. Did life just get in the way or is it something more. I hope Pattie is okay. Best wishes, Tammy

  12. Dearest Mariette,

    So worrisome story... how scary Mexico for the drug crimes. I have no clue for this,Just be in my prayer and hoping that your friend Pattie is well and we 'll get her news as soon as possible.
    best wishes
    hugs and take a good care


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