
Monday, October 29, 2012

{Our 5 Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments}

Halloween is not something I love... but this is the very modest way in which we celebrate it. With some German made Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments hung in our kitchen bay window. That's IT! Nothing else, no contribution of trash from our part. These small ornaments are Eco friendly and they are for keeps. They would be way too expensive for tossing out.  D. Blümchen & Company in New Jersey makes those vintage Dresden, Germany style ornaments. Click the hyperlink to see more. 
That's my view from the breakfast table, looking towards the road (barely visible).
That's it; five ornaments! You see our evergreen Southern Magnolia tree and it actually is sitting on the lawn with its branches.

Wishing you all a Happy Halloween!

Related link:
{My Old-Time Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments} my previous post


  1. they are quite unique! i like the spider webs. :)

  2. Lieve Mariette,

    Heb je goed aan de zuignapjes gelikt;-)zou toch eeuwig zonde zijn als de glazen ornamentjes naar beneden zouden vallen.

    Ook ik heb niks met Halloween.
    Alhoewel ik een uitgeholde pompoen in het najaar met lichtje aan de voordeur wel grappig vind staan en tevens als welkom voor gasten.

    Fijne week gewenst en lieve groeten!!

  3. The Halloween ornaments are so cute in your pretty window my friend. I don't have anything at all for Halloween and don't really wish to decorate my house with it either. The tablescape I did was with all those ugly creeters and rat my g'girls left here some time ago, lol..They love all the ugly stuff...hehehehe. Enjoy your week ahead.

  4. These are cute little decorations Mariette! I turn the lights off in the house and ignore the doorbell on Halloween. ;)
    xo Catherine

  5. Hola Mariette, son unos adornos muy bonitos. Yo también adorno mi jardín para Halloween, porque pasan muchos pequeños a recoger sus dulces y caramelos. Besos.

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    ich bin ja nicht so für Halloween-Grusel-Deko, aber deine ist wirklich süß. Kein Wunder, wo Katzen drauf sind. Das sind sehr schöne Ornamente, sowas sieht man heutzutage nur noch selten.
    Schöne Grüße und Happy Halloween,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    The four silver Halloween,the tea strainer from Germany I don't have the top silver I am so much into is sitting on the lawn its branches shooping basket.
    Enjoy next week be happy for you!
    Hugs and love to you always!

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind wieder ganz besonders schöne Eindrücke.

    Herzliche Grüße


  9. Dear Mariette,
    The ornaments are beautiful, I don't have any decoration at all.
    I am more use to having the All Saint's Day back home, where we
    decorated the graves with wreaths, lights and such.
    Have a lovely day!


    1. Dearest Eva,

      That's exactly our feeling too! Only for us, we are far, far away from any family grave...
      Enjoy your week!

  10. Ik heb helemaal niks met halloween.....maar ze zijn mooi hoor...en van glas ??....fijne dag liefs van

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja hoor 'spun glass' betekent gesponnen glas! Je kunt op de hyperlink van D. Blümchen & Company meer lezen over deze bijzondere handgelakte ornamentjes van de 1920s.

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments are really lovely♡♡♡ The spider web, cat; it sure must give you the atmosphere of Halloween♪♪♪

    PS>I don't know the exact place you live and the course "Sandy" is takng. But I hope it wo't affect you, dear friend!
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  12. Dearest Mariette:

    your decorations are brilliant! We don't really celebrate Halloween - but I love to decorate for Harvest Season this time of year. I can't wait to get into the Christmas items this year! For me it's a first in long time (6 years) that I'm actually looking forward too, without just going through the motions.

    Wishing you a fabulous week! xo C.(HHL)

  13. Good Morning Dearest Mariette,

    Finally possible for me to say hello after 2weeks in are you.nice and cute these Halloween ornaments. me too I don't like Halloween, no matter how, happy Halloween to whom who celebrate.

    love to you

  14. Those ornaments are lovely. I don't decorate much -- just a few things that I bring out every year and that's about it. We don't really celebrate. The kids can dress up for school but don't usually even do that anymore. Have a great week. Tammy

  15. Dearest Mariette
    Halloween tradition did not come to Sweden until about 15 years ago. Now it's an excuse for young people to drink ...
    Those decorations you show is just right.
    Thanks for the link to "Cold summerday"!
    Hugs to you

  16. This is just lovely and not to much. Here in Sweden we doln't celebrate Hallowween very much. It's a new tradiition for our country.


  17. Hi Mariette, your ornaments are so cute! The spider web is really pretty with orange color :-)
    We don't do much for Halloween, either. The door bell scares Niko so we don't want people coming for trick-or-treat. But I enjoy all the Halloween decorations I see in many places :-)

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    your Halloween-Ornaments are lovely!
    Wishing you a Happy Halloween too! Enjoy it!
    love and hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
