
Monday, November 19, 2012

{Crocheted Baby Boo-Pumpkins}

When reading the Swedish blog: Elna-Sudden, I was amazed at her post about 'An Exciting Day'. Not only did she become a grandparent for the second time, but she also did receive a parcel that day from Jule, in Germany. That contained two Crocheted Pumpkins and one was a white Baby Boo. Going to the German blog: Jule Macht Was | Jule Creates Something, I fell in love with her Crocheted Pumpkins, especially the white Baby Boo, so I did order three as a gift to our German 'son' and his family. They are made of Mercerized Cotton and filled with synthetic fiber batting. This was at least one way for getting even with all the surprises we receive from Germany.  
Here is what they received in Germany as a surprise gift! I would have loved those myself; they are so pretty. What do you think? 
The nice thing is, they can be stored away and used again for years to come.
Below this post you find the link from Jule's blog so you can see other colors. Tell me what you would have loved most...
My choice was easy: WHITE BABY BOO!

My sister Gerd loved them also very much as a gift...

Related links:
HÄEKELKÜRBISVIRUS | Jule Macht Was | Jule Creates Something: Pumpkin Crocheting Virus 


  1. Hello my friend, the green and deep yellow also look nice ... but the white ones are darling. Your son and his family will treasure your gift, most definitely! Wishing you, Pieter and the furbabies a wonderful Thanksgiving week... hugs and love, xo C. (and Family)

  2. Dear Mariette, Thank you for sharing these links of these beautiful blogs! As for the pumpkins, they are all so lovely I cannot decide which is best. Your gift will be much appreciated, I am sure. Happy Thanksgiving week! xx

  3. Dear Mariette

    I also cannot decide which is best. Never seen anything like them, they are fabulous.

    It always amazes me what people will think of to create, they really are something else.

    I'd like to try and make them.

    Thanks for the links.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    those pumpkins are always so nice!
    White always is wonderful, but I lioke them in other colours as well :O)
    have a lovely week,
    love and hugs,

  5. Ze zijn geweldig Mariette! En natuurlijk zou ik ook voor de witte kiezen!
    Fijne dag nog!

  6. Owww wat zijn ze leuk !!!...liefs van

  7. Wat zijn ze mooi in deze kleur!
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  8. Baby Boos are so cute. I too saw them first on Elna's blog. I didn't know there were so many colors.
    enjoy the day..........*S*

  9. The pumpkins are very nice and I like them all. I'm very happy for my pumpkins and Jule doing such fine things.


  10. Hello

    Those pumpkins are wonderful, so lovely.


  11. Oh I love these pumpkins!
    They are so cute!! I am sure your German son and his family will be very pleasantly surprised!

  12. Hej, Mariette! Danke, dass du so lieb über meine Kürbisse berichtet hast! Ich freu mich, dass sie in nah und fern eine neue Heimat gefunden haben! liebe Grüße, JULE

    1. Liebe Jule,
      Du machst ja auch klasse Arbeit und auch aus schöne mercerisierte Baumwolle. Nochmals vielen Dank!
      Lieber Gruss,

  13. What a beautiful gift Mariette. They look lovely!

    Wish you a happy new week and Thanksgiving!

    Madelief x

  14. Wirklich hübsch, liebe Mariette! Die hab' ich schon lange bewundert.
    Gibt es dabei einen Trick, daß solche Wollteilchen über Jahre ansehnlich bleiben?
    Bei mir geht das so wie mit Pullovern - irgendwann sind gehäkelte Sachen nicht mehr so schön, selbst wenn sie eingelagert sind. Und auch wenn sie gewaschen wurden ... aber keine Ahnung ... ??
    Jedenfalls schauen sie wundervoll aus!

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Den Trick braucht man ja nicht, da es sich hier um mercerisierte Baumwolle handelt und keine Wolle. So habe ich es auch beschrieben. Hohe Qualität mercerisierte Baumwolle bleibt jahrzehnten schön und ändert ihre Struktur nicht.
      Lieber Gruss,

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    da hat sich dein Sohn und Familie bestimmt drüber gefreut. Die sind super dekorativ und schimmeln nicht. Sind wirklich schön gearbeitet.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  16. Wat een leuke pompoentjes!

    Groetjes Janny

  17. Dearest Mariette,

    so cute these pumpkin crochets.very very cute.I believe they will be happy for it.

    big hugs

  18. They are wonderful ! It is a nice gift !

  19. They are so pretty and definitely make a nice surprise gift. I bookmarked a pattern to try and make my own but haven't done so yet. Have a great day! Tammy

  20. Preciosas calabazas!!
    Son ideales!!
    Muchos besos!

    Los mundos de Nika vintage.


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