
Monday, November 12, 2012

{Our Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon}

Have to share with you our once delicious Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon... We did plant an exotic tree and it was November 8, 1999 that we took these photos of an abundant harvest. They were so sweet and firm like an apple. Sure, Diospyros is Greek and meaning Food of the Gods. We had a total of no less than 105 fruits, so many that we took them also with us to work in Indonesia. Funny, nobody there had ever seen or tasted them. The second year we only harvested a good 30; WHY? Because all the critters in the area, like raccoons, or THE BANDITS as they also go by, had discovered them too. Pieter became 'smart' the third year and put plastic bags around the little fruits and stapled them. So they could not get to the fruits. Guess what? The neighbor's yards were full of plastic bags with branches. They had chewed them off regardless. We felt embarrassed so the Japanese Diospyros Kaki tree is no more... We gave up on it. But it was sad for having to do so. 
Still on the tree... perfect orange fruit!
They don't have a long stem and are not that easy for harvesting.
At least not for humans; a raccoon seems very apt in removing them or chewing off part of the branches.
Part of the harvest. To the right you see another persimmon variety we had behind our greenhouse.
LOVED the Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon which you see to the left!
Now we only do have: Our Diospyros virginiana L - Eastern Persimmon and we leave them ALL to our  Wild Life... You can click the hyperlink.

Do any of you have a Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon tree?


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    how lovely , so many delicious fruits!
    HAve a happy new week,
    love and hugs

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    viel Freude und Sonnenschein wünscht dir


  3. Liebe Mariette,
    so hat man immer "Mitesser", wenn man schöne Früchte hat. Statt Plastiktüten wären vielleicht kleine Drahtkäfige besser. Aber immerhin habt ihr noch einen Baum im Gewächshaus.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  4. Dearest Mariette
    Off regaredless Japaness Diospyros Kaki tree Your Pieter became "smart"the third your and put plastic bags the little fruits and stapled them..Indonesia.
    I has beautiful Kaki tree in Japan. A cold winter time.
    It must be something wrong in the weather? 8-11-99.
    Miyako san will tell you about kaki persimmon.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  5. I must have missed something because I've never seen these before. Have a nice start to the week.


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh my!!! Thank you SO much that teaching us Japanese Diospyros Kaki has the meaning of "Food of the Gods" in Greek. We see some trees here around my area as well. And actually, sometimes we are given some from neighbors around this time of the year. So sorry about raccoons "THE BANDITS". Must be delicious for them as well(^^;)
    My husband also likes "hoshigaki" as well.

    PS> You have had all electric system for such a long time!!! It sure is surprising for me(^_^)彡☆

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. This looks a lot like the persimmon tree that my cousin had in her yard while we were growing up. I wish you had been able to enjoy the fruit of your tree, but at least the bandits had a feast fit for the gods. <3

  8. Dearest Mariette,

    I love these delicious fruits!
    Great post!

    love and hugs


  9. Ik ken ze niet...moet ik me nu schamen???...maar nu wel ...van jouw geleerd.....hihihi.....liefs van

  10. I love kaki! I had kaki trees in the garden when I lived in Japan. They are very sweet but if you pick them too early, it can be very bitter! I picked a wrong one once...oh it made my mouth very unhappy! Sorry your kaki was taken by raccoons etc. Our kaki was often taken away by crows.

  11. Wow! That first harvest was a big one. My husband has been bringing home a lot of persimmons lately. He loves them! Have a great day! Tammy

  12. I have it Mariette ;), we have planted 2 months a go,
    no fruits at all ha;).
    It's true, in Indonesia, I have never tasted these fruits even seen them in the supermarket.
    exotic fruit but have no idea why doesn't grow in our country ^-^.
    I prefer kaki vaniglia more crunchy

    have a good day

  13. Oh, I love persimmons. We have had no success growing them in our backyard, where there are gangs of raccoons and squirrels who love to steal our fruit. This last summer, however, I did receive three from a neighbor who'd brought them home following a visit to her family. Oh, they were so delicious!

  14. Tolle Sachen wachsen bei Euch, liebe Mariette! Da habt Ihr wirklich eine Menge zu tun mit all den Pflanzen und dem großen Areal. Ich weiß es noch aus dem Waldgarten ... die meisten unserer Nachbarn beschäftigten Gärtner, da so ein großes Grundstück allein kaum zu bewältigen ist, vor allem, wenn man noch erwerbstätig ist und kaum Zeit hat.
    Waschbären gibts im übrigen auch bei uns. Mein Mann hat schon mal mit unserem Jüngsten zusammen einen gesehen, ich leider noch nie.

    Alles Liebe nochmal


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