
Friday, November 30, 2012

{Our Oak Tree after 22 Years}

When we did purchase our lot to build the home we live in, there were several trees we wanted to preserve. Just like to show you what a difference time and space can mean for a solitary tree. This is Our Oak Tree after 22 Years...
Strong, solitary and HAPPY. It is a semi-evergreen variety and gives us pleasure year round.
Our Oak Tree's humble beginnings... Home not yet finished and the pond got dug already.
This in order to fill in other areas where it was too wet, taking soil from the pond digging.
You see all those black drain pipes? Those are dug in, for draining into the pond area.
To the left, the little tree with the green leaves on, is Our Oak Tree. Just a baby then.
All others around it have been cut down to give it space to grow up solitary.
To the left it is, ten years later and heavy from snow and ice... but growing!
YES, we can have winter time, if only for a day.
Reaching for the skies, to the left again. The willow opposite the pond died meanwhile...
Five years ago a photo taken from our balcony and Our Oak Tree looks majestic.
Still reaching up to the heavens it is HUGE and HAPPY.
What a joy it is to witness a hardwood tree grow up!
Lovely to sit on the bench, beneath Our Oak Tree.
Do you have any similar experiences with a favorite tree in your garden?


  1. Hello Mariette, What a treat this post is; the photos of your tree and yard in all seasons are enchanting. The winter shot is stunning, although I am one who believes that a little winter goes a long way. Perhaps I was most taken with the spring scene; I love how that small building creates a focal point.

    By coincidence, I am just reading Gene Logsdon's Organic Orcharding, and he makes the point that the time to plant trees is now, and that trees can grow in surprisingly fast. When I was growing up, there was a young apple tree in our back yard. We really loved this tree, climbing it, eating the apples, and having a wooden lawn-swing under it. We were heart-broken when it finally died and we had to cut it down.
    --Road to Parnassus

  2. i just love trees. oaks especially. i am so glad you have this treasure in your yard!

  3. Dearest Mariette、
    Good Morning from Japan♪ Oh, ow wonderful to see your oa tree and yard in a various season and the time♡♡♡ Love the most of the shot with now covered; just looking from inside would be better p;) I could see the way you said "What a joy it is to witness a hardwood tree grow up!". It is always feast for my eyes to see your precious yard☆☆☆
    Have to head for seeing my father.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. How lucky that you kept all the snaps...!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    lovely photos from your green Oasis round your house and through all the seasons! I love yout big oak tree!
    Have a lovely day and a wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs

  6. Mariette che belle foto!Mi piacerebbe vivere in tanta natura come fai tu!E' meravigliosa la quercia e tutto cio' che è intorno!Praticamente ,un angolo di Paradiso!Baci,Rosetta

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    diese Eich hat ja auch ideale Bedingungen, um sich zu entfalten. Einfach prächtig, wie sie gewachsen ist. Dein Garten sieht wirklich herrlich aus.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  8. Ciao Mariette, il tuo è un parco da sogno...un posto fantastico!
    Io ho un giardino molto più piccolo però ho il mio albero preferito che è un salice...d'estate mi piace sedermici sotto a leggere!
    Ti mando un bacione grande..ho letto nel commento da me che anche tu hai tanto da fare e poco tempo...allora buon lavoro cara amica!

  9. What a great tree. We have a lot of old oaks here in the south of Sweden.
    Have a nice weekend.


  10. Dear Mariette, I sooo love oaks, and you tree is realy majestic! Beautiful photos you are taken, especially the winter one, so magical...I so love your estate, so beautiful:)
    Hugs, Jagoda

  11. Dear Mariette,

    You have such a beautiful garden and I loved seeing the gorgeous old oak tree in all seasons. It must be so peaceful looking out on all the greenery.
    Love it with the snow also.

    Wishing you a happy weekend

  12. This is a beautiful tree in a very beautiful peaceful and serene, and what a difference from the beginning to now! A true labor of love and now rewarding you with beauty in all seasons. We don't have these beautiful native oak trees here, but I remember them from my childhood in Massachusetts. Lovely and well loved, I'm sure. Hugs, xx

    1. Dearest Karen,
      When we bought this property, initially people thought we were nuts. It was swampy in certain areas but we drained it and by digging the pond out, we had dirt for filling in those wet spots. It only takes time, mother nature is patient but it pays off! We love it and are very proud of the end result. Lots of sweat...
      Hugs to you,

  13. Wat geweldig om zo'n boom in de tuin te hebben. Leuk om de tuin zo in verschillende seizoenen te zien. Wij hebben een kleine tuin, maar zonder bomen zou ik het maar kaal vinden. Er staat geen eik, maar wel twee kleine bomen. De eiken staan verderop langs de weg en daar genieten we elke keer van als we er langs komen. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  14. Dearest Mariette, Ah, The mighty Oak! Such a wonderful, strong tree. I was fun to see the record of its growth over the years.
    Have a great weekend and love to you, Ginger

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    The ouk tree 100ks Majestie snow and ice The winter tree goes beautiful tree.
    I am enjoyed your precious yard.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  16. You take some great photographs! I love the compare and contrast of your yard during winter to spring. Absolutely glorious nature display.

    -Samudaworth Tree Service
    Tree Removal Brooklyn


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