
Saturday, November 3, 2012

{Our Speckie girl with Snake}

On October 11, we did spot our youngest feline, Speckie girl, playing with a small snake. Anxious to see what she got, we ran out to capture it with my iPhone. In our reptile book we could not find anything like it for identification. Obviously this was not a dangerous one, the way Spicy girl played with it. Any help in identification of this one is appreciated! The last photos show it clearly, a very pretty one I must say. 
It is a tiny snake...
Speckie girl is not even 3 years old but she's not afraid of anything.
If it would bite she would not be tail–gating it here...
She was very proud that we came to look!
Very nice patterns...
Belly up to show that part too. 
Does any of you know what this tiny snake is called? 
We have no idea if it is a small species or just a juvenile snaky...
As mentioned before; any help is appreciated!

Related links:
{Our Garden Critters} previous post about a skink and a swamp snake.
{Southern Ringneck Snake} previous post about snake.


  1. no idea what kind. it is beautiful.

  2. J'espère que ce n'était pas une vipère ?! dernièrement un de mes chat jouait avec un scorpion !!!! vraiment ils n'ont peur de rien ou surtout ne se rende pas compte du danger
    Bon week-end

  3. Your cat was very brave!I don't no anything about snakes !
    I am scare so much .I hope that somebody knows and will help you .
    Have a nice day!

  4. Hallo Mariette,
    Spicy ist recht mutig - ich hab ja selber eine Katze und weiß um den Spieltrieb - da ist so eine Schlange natürlich sehr reizvoll - die langsamen Bewegungen animieren zum Spielen - Hauptsache, es passiert Spicy nichts -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - lg .Ruth

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist wie immer, einfach schön bei dir.

    Alles Liebe


  6. Nature gives us so many wonderful creatures - big and small. This little one is quite cute. Spicy Girl is oh so brave ... it's amazing our furbabies bring so much beauty to our attention and life. Wishing you all a very wonderful and blessed week-end..xo C. (HHL)

  7. Zou het echt niet weten, maar vind het bijzonder te zien dat zoiets bij jullie gewoon in de tuin voorkomt! Ben benieuwd of je er achter komt welke het precies is...fijn weekend!

  8. Dearest Mariette,

    I have no idea, presume baby pyton ;),
    have a nice weekend


  9. My previous comments disappeared into the ether.... Trying again with Google Chrome:

    My best guess is an Eastern Hog-nosed Snake. Did it flatten its jaws and hiss to resemble a cobra, or roll over and play dead when the cat disturbed it?

    My second guess is a common Rat Snake.

  10. A beautiful snake, but I don't know what kind. Snakes are so beneficial for the environment, eating mice and slugs and all those things that give us grief. Be kind to snakes! xx

  11. Dear Mariette,

    You have a very brave cat! The snake looks really scare. I am glad we don't have that many in Holland. I hope it wasn't a venomous snake!

    Happy weekend!

    madelief x

  12. When you check the snake manual, photos may not look exactly like your snake. You might use Google search to find a similar photo to your best pictures. He doesn't look like a copperhead nor a rattlesnake and kitty doesn't seem to fear him.

    Poison sumac is differentiated from the good kind by the leaflet shape -- the good ones are thin and serrated -- and the color of the berries. The good kind are red, the poisonous berries are white or grey.

    Be very careful when removing your gloves and clothing after gardening where you suspect poisonous plants, wash everything, including your skin in COLD water to wash away the oils that cause the rash. Old-time calamine lotion is my go-to remedy when I do get a rash. As Dr. Peng used to say, 'Old fashioned way the best.'

  13. Kitty is brave getting that close to the snake. I would be not so brave taking it's photo. Unless I had a zoom lens. ;)
    Happy November Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  14. Eeek- I would stay well away from any snake- however small!!
    Thank you so much by the way for your lovely comments on my blog... I have been so super busy, I have not had the time to do the rounds.
    Must dash as I still have 20 press packs to make for the show next week.
    Much love

  15. Dear Mariette, sorry, I am not a snake person, my husband doesn't know also, maybe this is only an American snake...Enjoy your weekend, lots of love, Jagoda

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    The spicy girl are very enjoyable with the snake.
    I don't very much like to watch the snake.
    Mariette san!You don't mind that worry with not at all.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  17. Spicy girl got a friend! It is very tiny snake, I have no idea what it's called though. I hope you can find out!

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, really cute spicy girl♡♡♡ Lovely that she find it and being proud for you♬♬♬

    I hope you are have wonderful weekend, my friend.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  19. I hate snakes, my heart run faster just by the sight of your photos, so I'd rather not see them.
    But a big thank you for the information on my blog Mariette, I have written it in the post and linked to you.
    There will be nothing news on my blog in the coming days, so I made a large post about alcoves instead.
    Wishing you a beautiful Sunday!
    Big hug from Lene

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    your cat is braver than me!!!!!
    Great pictures!
    have a good week,
    love and hugs,

  21. Mariette,

    I have no idea what kind of snake it is. It is pretty looking :)



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