
Sunday, December 9, 2012

{16th World Wide Candle Lighting}

Every year, since 1997, on the second Sunday in December The Compassionate Friends (TCF) hold a Worldwide Candle Lighting in memory for all children who have died too soon.
On this day, people around the world are encouraged to light a candle too so, That Their Light May Always Shine.
The Compassionate Friends
The healing began when a friend embraced me, leaving a tear on my cheek ~ author unknown


  1. Hier brand iedere dag een kaarsje......mooi hoor!!...liefs van

  2. Vraag me af waarvoor er nog géén werelddag in het leven geroepen is,het lijstje wordt steeds langer...
    Maar goed dat dat alles vrijwillig is.
    Ik zit niet zó in elkaar dat ik op de kalender wil lezen wanneer het de datum is om massaal iets of iemand te gedenken.
    De situatie en mijn gevoel van dag tot dag maakt dat voor mij uit,
    en mijn ervaring is dat er hier dagelijks in huis wel een lichtje brand voor deze of gene, en we steun vragen voor hen en voor onszelf, aan Onze Lieve Vrouwke op de schouw.

    Lieve Mariette ik wens jullie een fijne zondag!!
    Warme winterse groeten,

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    alles Gute und einen schönen 2. Advent


  4. This is such a beautiful thought... thank you for sharing it. No matter how old a person they are always someone's child. For a child to go before a parent no matter the age - it is always too soon. Many blessings to all the Angels that have returned home and continue to watch over their loved ones. Blessings my friend ...wishing you a lovely Sunday.xo C. (HHL)

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    ich bin zu Tränen gerührt - danke dir für diesen wundervollen Gedanken -
    ich werde eine Kerze anzünden und all der Kinder gedenken....
    und hoffen auf eine besser Welt...

    ich drück dich - Ruth

  6. What a beautiful candle. We will light our candle, too.

  7. Prachtig intiatief, Mariette!
    En je had gelijk, ik had de vorige post verkeerd gelezen...
    Fijne dag!

  8. What a beautiful initiative Mariette!

    Have a lovely new week!

    Madelief x

  9. There are several bloggers who participate in this for the loss of their children. I never even knew about it until I read their posts last year. God bless them all. Best wishes and blessings to you, Tammy

  10. Dear Mariette,

    This is such a beautiful idea and thanks for sharing.
    Wishing you a happy new week


  11. Dear Mariette, Thank you for sharing this - I will light a candle tonight at 7:00 for the precious Angels who are gone and for their loving families left behind, but always watched over from above. xx

  12. Dearest Mariette, Thank you for sharing. I watched my parents live out their lifespan never getting over the loss of a child. My older sister and only sibling died from a congenital heart problem. She was five and I was less than three. After my mother's death in 1978 I found my sister's robe and slippers, from her last hospital stay, in her closet.
    My daddy didn't know she had kept them.
    My heart goes out to any family living with such a loss.
    Love to you, Ginger

  13. Beautiful. Hoping you are having a wonderful December Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  14. dearest MAriette,
    what a wonderful post...
    I light a little candle everyday.....
    .....and I lighted one at 7:00 last night
    Have a wonderful week,
    take care,
    Love and hugs

  15. My candles always on light everyday 24 hours, prays to my Mother 'MADONNA= my lady' for these souls .
    great initiative
    have a nice December my Mariette


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