
Friday, December 7, 2012

{188 Countries visited and I forgot my 3rd Blog birthday...}

On November 23, was actually my 3rd Blog Anniversary and I forgot... Well, I was having severe back pain and was away from my PC so it passed by. That would have been my 761st post, up from the 484th the previous year. And 148th for the very 1st year. Quite some writing and sharing with lots of loyal readers. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL! Also a BIG WELCOME to my 2 newest countries since November 9. 
December 4, the Republic of the Congo was my 187th Country visited. WELCOME!
December 5, the Newest Country visited was Curaçao, making the total 188. WELCOME!
Wishing you a happy December week.

Related links:
{# 148 and my blog is 1 year old today!} previous blog post where I explain WHY I changed to  Mariette
{# 484 and my blog is 2 years old today!} previous blog post
{Romancing the Home} my very 1st blog post... November 23, 2009
{186 Countries Visited - Welcome Burkina Faso} my previous blog post


  1. Well, my friend, you are a very popular lady, for sure!! Hope your back is better, so painful and so unconfortable! Congrats on your 3 years, I will soon be was literally last Oct., but didn't start posting for real til January 2011,so I count every January. Happy holiday season.
    Big hugs,

  2. Congratulations - and here is to many more years of blogging, Mariette! <3

  3. Happy 3rd blog birthday!! And 188 countries, wow that is quite impressive! Curaçao is one of the places I want to go some day :-)

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    congratulations to your 3rd Blog Bithday!
    I hope, many more years will follow with so nice and informative posts :O)
    Thank you so much for your kind words yesterday :O)
    Always nice whe you visit my blog !
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    love and hugs

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch.

    Alles Liebe


  6. Dear Mariette, congatulations on this milestone of writing your beautiful blog! So many countries, too and another congratulations for that! Hugs, Karen

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Blog-Geburtstag. ist das nicht unglaublich, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. Deine Leserschar ist ganz toll angestiegen und richtig international, wie du selbst. Ich wünsche dir gut Besserung für deinen Rücken.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on your new beautiful blog!
    thank you so much for your kind email to helping me 23th July 2011.
    Thank you again for your precious time given to me which appreciate very much.
    End you are helping me Thank you again for your precious time given to me which appreciate very much.
    Please many more years as much long as yours Mariette!
    Hugs and love to YOU ALWAYS!

  9. Hello marietta, doubly Congratulations! Both to be celebrating your stay in wonderful blog blogger with estse!
    I hope in these days with the help of God, and you can feel Continues restablesida and giving as many people in your magnificent presence! Hugs, Rose m

  10. Dearest Mariette , Congratulations on 3 years of sharing wonderful adventures, elegant and simple living and most of all for sharing a part of you ~ that inspires and encourages others around the world to keep going. Wishing you many many more great years of writing and can't wait what the next 12 months will bring. much love, C. (HHL)

  11. Cara Mariette,auguri per il terzo anno del tuo blog!e soprattutto spero che il tuo mal di schiena sia passato!baci e buon fine settimana,Rosetta

  12. Gefeliciteerd met je 3e jaar :)
    Ik vind die republiek Congo wel speciaal hoor...

  13. Happy blogobirthday! :)

  14. Dear Mariette,

    Congratulations on your 3rd blog anniversary! Time flies :-) I hope you will feel better soon. Take care!

    Madelief x

  15. Happy 3 years Anniversary! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments on my blog, I am falling behind in my blog reading. Have a lovely weekend.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on your 3rd blog anniversary♡♡♡ So sorry for my belated comment for your important day, my friend. I always DO appropriate your generosity and friendship to me☆☆☆
    Wow, from 188 countries(^_^)彡☆ I should check where Curaçao is p;)
    Trying hard to catching up visiting friends; hectic time of the year and I do hope you are doing fine.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  17. Dearest Mariette,

    Happy 3rd blog anniversary.188 countries,wow.. amazing.I haven't checked mine ever ;),
    me too I should check where is curaçao.
    wish you a happy weekend ;)
    love to you


Thanks for your visit and comment.
