
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

{Chocolate Letter LOVE}

In my previous post: {Since 1896 Dutch CHOCOLATE LETTERS - Have YOU Tried Them?}, I did mention towards the end that we gave two years ago a package with the word LOVE to a very special extended family member... It meant so much to him. And there was not much more we could give him, other than true LOVE and this symbol written out in CHOCOLATE...
Great idea for Santa Claus!
Sweet Chocolate LOVE... to a dear extended family member.
The son of my dear friend Natacha, who is like a younger sister, and her sons are like our own.
Sadly they moved away and we managed to visit still; Miami is not the end of the world!
Below this post you find a story about: Our EVERGLADES ADVENTURE with friend NATACHA.
In that EVERGLADES ADVENTURE post you will see photos of their cute sons.
The sad  thing is that their eldest son lost the battle of brain cancer, just last month.
Young; just turned 30 and only married for a couple of years.
Such a tragedy and it did hit hard.
It was Natacha's son that received the word: LOVE in chocolate...
Because otherwise we both were at a loss for words. What to say? What to do?
He fought the battle for more than two years but he lost it.
Now he is in heaven, a new Angel that probably is even closer to all of us as before.
Christmas is a happy time of the year; sure.
But with the loss of several loved ones, it also is a melancholic time of the year...
Certainly there are others that feel like I do.
May we all find the strength to open our hearts again and to trust the Angels for guiding us on our earthly journey. 
For the same reason I do love those silver alphabet Angels from Giovanni Raspini, Italy | they can express so much sentiment.
Chocolate can be bittersweet and I even like it that way.
Life can be bittersweet but we never like that part.
Together  we can do it.
LOVE heals...

Related links:
Mariette's Back to Basics my Zen Cart powered on line boutique for Giovanni Raspini Angels in silver


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely post and words, so true!
    Thank you!
    Have a wonderful week,
    take care,
    Love and hugs

  2. Mooie post !!...liefs van

  3. Dear Mariette,

    What beaufiful sentiments that you have shared with us today! It is such a tragedy for one so young, and a heart ache for all that loved him. Christmas can be a difficult time when we have lost our Dear Ones, but also a time to celebrate the life with loving memories, however painful because they are not here. My heart goes out to this family and to you also, Mariette, and your Dear Peiter, as I know you have had your share of heartache this year. We know they are with the Angels watching over. Hugs to you. xx

  4. Un post dolcissimo cara Mariette!!!
    Bacioni dall'Italia e scusa se non sono sempre presente ma la connessione in questi giorni รจ proprio pessima!
    Buona giornata

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht einladend aus.

    Alles Liebe


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, what a lovely sweet post with sentiment. Your friend's son must have fought the fight really bravely.
    By reading this post, I remembered my late brother and I shared one chocolate bar our mother left for us sometimes. At times he could be sweet enough for me to share the big portion. I miss having him at the Christmas and the New Year table a lot. As he was single, he was always with us these special occasions.
    Your words in the last paragraph touched me SO much. Such a beautiful phrases.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. So very sad that he died so young of brain cancer. My uncle suffered the same but lost his battle much quicker. He was diagnosed in March and gone by September -- that was the same year of Hurricane Katrina and a very hard year for many reasons. Love and hugs to you, Tammy

  8. I love this sentiment post. I feel like you do.
    The end of the year..the best moment of the year.. far from dear family. something lack of presence of loved ones.
    deeply sorry for your dear friend's son. I knew how does it feel.
    let's pray for his soul.

    so touching..
    lots of love to you


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