
Friday, December 21, 2012

{Fragrant Pillar Candle from Last Call by Neiman Marcus}

Are you also shopping at Outlets? Our favorite is Last Call by Neiman Marcus at Premium Outlets or even on line (first hyperlink). So also this Pillar Candle did come from Last Call by Neiman Marcus and it is heavenly fragrant. That way, one of life's luxuries comes available to those living on a budget. Last Call's After - Christmas Sale is SUPER! Just check on line often for knowing what's coming, click the hyperlink above. It really does pay off for having email notifications of their special one day SUPER Sales. They are also on Facebook: Neiman Marcus Last Call.
Love the golden green huge pillar candle. This one is a full 6" or 15 cm in diameter and will last for more than 60 hours... Smells heavenly!
Just added some of our abundant holly berries.
Last year we had none and now plenty!
The Christmas table topper is made from hardanger fabric, bought in Germany...
Fresh cranberries added...
These Antioxidant Super Fruits will be turned into Cranberry Conserve later!
Have you used any fresh cranberries this year? Either for cooking or for decorating...?


  1. What a beautiful arrangement with that pretty pilar candle my friend. How are your holidays coming along? I wish you the very best of happiness this Christmas and New Year 2013. Thank you for your warm and sweet visit, I love it when you do!

  2. it is pretty. i like the weave design on the outside.

  3. Dear Mariette, what a beautiful candle and I love how you have it displayed! So pretty on your lovely table cloth and with the holly and cranberries. Thank you for sharing the link, I will take a peek. xx

  4. Dear Mariette, Your candle is gorgeous and I love the basket weave design on the side. I can imagine the beautiful scent throughout your home. So pretty with the cranberries and holly all around. You just know how to create beauty my friend. Wishing you wonderful Christmas days.
    Hugs, CM

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    a wonderful candle and it looks so nice with Cranberries!
    I usted them often this year in my Morning Muesli :O)
    HAve a wonderful 4th Advent Weekend!
    love and hugs

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Another beautiful candle and setting♡♡♡ Your holly berries and the table cloth is gorgeous, my friend☆☆☆ Wishing you and your husband blessed coming Christmas.
    Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Che bella questa candela contornata di mirtilli, chissà che profumo! Meravigliosa decorazione cara Mariette!
    Un abbraccio

  8. Lieve Mariëtte,

    Heel erg bedankt voor je attente gelukswensen!! Dat je dat nog wist! Lief hoor...
    Kom helaas niet zo vaak meer langs, drukke tijden en niet meer zoveel online ( qua blog bedoel ik), maar misschien kan ik dat in 2013 verbeteren :)
    Ik wens jou en Pieter een hele fijne Kerst en 'unne gooie roetsj' in 2013!!
    Lieve groet, Chantal

  9. Hoi Mariette,

    Ik ben meer een kringloop shopper dan outlet shopper :-) Je kaars is prachtig. Jammer dat wij de heerlijke geur niet kunnen ruiken!

    Ik wens Pieter en jou hele gezellige kerstdagen toe! Geniet ervan!

    Madelief x

  10. Dear Mariette,

    What a pretty candle with it's arrangement. I just found another holly that is growing in the woods. We have an abundance of cranberries.

    I wish you and Pieter a Joyous Christmas and New Year!


  11. That is a lovely candle. Especially beautiful with the fresh greenery and berries around it. Haven't seen any fresh cranberries in the store this year, but fortunately I found some frozen so was still able to make yummy cranberry bread. Happy holidays! Tammy

  12. Dearest Mariette,

    So unique this candle.We don't have cranberries tree in my yard. perhaps growth beside of my house, but I am not sure it is.It has a red fruits as well.
    let me check it out tomorrow ;)
    Have a nice Christmas to both of you
    warmly hugs


Thanks for your visit and comment.
