
Thursday, December 27, 2012

{Humble Gifts of the 1950s}

Which makes a child more happy? Loads of toys, gadgets and candy; or a simple gift that is given with lots of LOVE? Looking back onto my own childhood, I do remember many warm and fuzzy moments. One of them was when Dad took all of us on a Sunday in December, to a local restaurant where he sang with all the choir members. The PROTECTRESS (wife of one of the wealthy Chairmen) of the 'Horster Mannenkoor', male choir, gave each year, to all children of the choir members, a bag with candy and a thick orange. That was quite a treat for us. At that time children got no candy. The sugar consumption was still not so drastically high...
Here we walked just home on that Sunday in 1957. I was almost 6 years old (I'm to the right).
Sister Diny nibbles on her Spekkie = Marshmallow in a double diamond shape.
Martin is eating maybe a caramel and the stick of his lollipop peaks through the bag...
Little brother Piet is like me, still holding on to the entire bag of sweets.
We also got given an orange into our hands by the PROTECTRESS, that was very special, the smell alone was great as we seldom got any oranges at home.
We had to walk all to town = almost 2 km or 1 mile 427 yards, one way.
Baby Harry in the carriage... Two siblings not yet born.
This photo is taken in front of the chicken barn, away from the house.
Earlier in April of 1957, I was playing with my doll and the doll carriage that Diny and I had to share.
We usually got some clothes for Saint Nicholas but no sweets and very few toys.
Dad hand made for brother Martin, a beautiful wooden truck trailer, as he had to live frugal with his large family. So they only bought the truck, without trailer. 
Each evening after supper, when the little ones went to bed, Dad went to his work bench in the barn part of the house. There was no heat, nothing... His fingers must have turned blue from cold. But proudly it sat there, for my brother Martin as a complete gift on Saint Nicholas day.
That is giving with LOVE! My Parents, and no doubt many others at that time, gave all they could afford but always keeping in mind that it was not about the volume of gifts but about loving and caring for their children. How much have they sacrificed themselves? There were no luxuries at that time...
Do you have similar childhood memories?
Certainly several countries are still living like that because there are no means for giving that much.
The question remains would that be better? 
I learned to be grateful for very little! 

Some thoughts for Santa Claus...

Related link:
{Saint Nicholas | Sinterklaas} previous post by me


  1. we had very little as kids. very poor. sometimes simple is best. :)

  2. Beautiful photos and such wonderful memories to have. I think many challenges today oddly enough are a result of abundance. Too much sets children up for expectations that may not continue as they get older and become adults themselves. They also do not learn to treasure the simple things in life. And take for granted what they are given.

    In my humble opinion (not having children ourselves) the best gift a parent can give their child nowadays is time together - maybe baking, or playing an "old fashion" board game - no technology between them.

    Hugs to you both and the furbabies ... xo C. (HHL)

  3. I remember my father made for me doll furniture from cigar boxes that my uncle would discard when they were empty. Also he made doll slippers and purses and evening bags from left over material from our fancy clothes. It was hard to believe that he was so good at making these things as he was not a tailor or a carpenter but an accountant by profession.

  4. Beautiful photos and memories!Have a nice day!

    1. I agree with the above, sometimes the simple things are the best :)
      Lovely post and beautiful memories

  5. Dear Mariette
    Beautiful reminiscing - it's that time of year when we look back to our childhood when gift giving was very different.
    I was a war baby and times were fairly tough - I remember receiving a big juicy orange too, and there was always a book. I had a small pram but I can't remember when or where that came from - I don't think it was a present but passed on to me by family friends.
    Definitely better - less is more and we learnt to value what little we had. Imagine a child today being excited by receiving an orange in their stocking!??
    My granddaughters have every conceivable toy - not their fault but that's how times have changed.

    How was your Christmas Church service in Dublin.
    I adore a Midnight Mass, we always have the organ and a beautiful choir.
    The earlier services might have guitars.
    I have to sing Adeste Fidelis to the accompaniment of the organ too!!!
    Christmas Blessings
    much love and hugs
    Give my love to Ireland!

    Joyeux Noël

  6. My Christmas growing up was simple and not much in the ay of toys either -- But always had a very nice meal. I raised my children without a lot of gifts too..though they had it better then I did..and always had a nice meal for them too! I love how you have photos -- do you have photo of your Christmas tree! Did you ever have a silver tree with a spot light on it that changes color. We did - I did not like it I want a green tree (real one) thanks goodness we did not have it for to many Christmases.. I like Christmas to be simple and all about service to others...
    Hugs to you and a Most wonderful New Year EVER!!

  7. Beautiful photos and it's very important with these memories.


  8. Prachtige herinneringen Mariette en wat een leuke foto's!

    Een goede jaarwisseling toegewenst.

    Madelief x

  9. So sweet memories Dearest Mariette,thank so much for sharing.
    you look so cute!
    children are more happy when they spend moment only with their dad and mom rather than toys,gadgets etc.
    Have a nice day

  10. Che belle e care queste foto!Baci,Rosetta

  11. Lovely memories, Mariette, of your precious family and sweet hand made gifts of love. I do think that just a few special gifts are best and always special treats at Christmas time instead of all the time. How Dear was your Father, working in his workshop to give his gift of love. Oh, how it reminds me of my own Dear Father. And your Mother, so loving to take her little ones on this long walk in the cold to recieve these little treats so treasured. Yes, these are the best things in life. Thank you for sharing this lovely story, Mariette. xx

  12. Wonderful memories. Thanx Mariette.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, those memories are precious!


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