
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{Our Roses in December}

On December 4, when we walked through our garden  we found still some roses blooming! Just have a look at them. That is such a joy for having them even in late fall! I placed these three in a Baccarat Crystal vase and put them on our Corian window sill in the kitchen. Have a look...
The light was perfect for capturing them...
Do you have anything blooming in your fall garden right now?
Not talking about the southern hemisphere though; you have late spring!
More sunlight...
Lovely lilac rose!

Related link:
{Our Lilac Orchid & Roses} my previous post


  1. they are really beautiful! no, we've had several short freezes that have killed off all we had left. and the wind took pretty much the rest of the leaves off the trees, too.

  2. All of our flowers have passed into the earth now. I miss them already. I love your Roses my friend. Truly beautiful.

    Thank you for always coming by to see me. Your words and encouragement bless me. Last week was a REALLY HARD WEEK and your comments always make me smile. Thank you again...

    Love, Rebecca

  3. How wonderful to discover such lovelies still displaying their beauty. Ours have long gone. Today as I look out from the kitchen windows - I did think how green the grass still is. This weather really is confusing .... Wishing you a wonderful evening. xo C. (HHL)

  4. How wonderful to be enjoying your roses in December Mariette. So pretty!
    xo Catherine

  5. Dear Mariette,
    Your December roses are gorgeous and yes, we too have roses blooming and just picked a bouquet over the weekend. I too placed mine in a pretty glass pitcher vase and they are so pretty. It is turning colder here now so not sure how much longer they will last, but they sure blessed us for many months.
    Wishing you a lovely week.
    Sending big hugs, Celestina Marie

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    The roses are so much lovely idea with yours at garden and remember never forget.
    I never for got yours.
    Have a lovely garden is yours.
    Hugs and Love to you always!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    your Roses are wonderful! So good to see them, wehile here everything is grey...
    Wishing you a wonderful week,
    Love and Hugs

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    How wonderful it must be for you to find these marvelous bloom in this season♡♡♡ Marvelous lilac roses☆☆☆  GORGEOUS pictures as well.
    PS> My father sometimes have respiratory problem lately. So sorry if I miss commenting, my friend.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Van zulke laatste bloemen kun je extra genieten, mooi!
    Fijne dag, lieve groet,

  10. Hi Mariette, I guess it's a gift that has made them his garden after your care! and look so beautiful! hugs, Rose Marie

  11. queste rose sono meravigliose!!!!!!! un abbraccio grande grande Lory

  12. That is unbelievable!
    As you know, we are in Canada...this year, the flowers in my urns in front of the house lasted through to mid-November! That is crazy for our climate. I didn't even switch to fall mums. First time ever!

  13. Mariette, le tue rose sono davvero bellissime,
    fanno tanto primavera. Quella rosa antico
    è la più bella di tutte.
    Love Susy x

  14. Hallo Mariette,
    bei dir blühen die Rosen bis in den Winter. Hier ist schon alles erfroren und verschneit. Die Rosen sehen sehr hübsch aus und sind durch die späte Zeit doppelt wertvoll. Ach, wenn es nur schon wieder Frühling wäre. Ich bräuchte den Winter nicht.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  15. Beautiful roses..I love these colors of roses.
    with the glass jar looks perfect.
    hugs to you dearest Mariette

  16. Wat een mooie toegift....Rozen daar heb je zo lang plezier van en sommige blijven maar doorbloeien.

    Wat een mooie foto's zo met het zonlicht erbij en op de achtergrond het dorre herfstblad in de tuin.
    Fijne avond en een lieve groet, Mea

  17. Was für ein schöner Ehrenplatz für deine späten Rosen, lieve Mariette!!!
    Bei uns blühen heuer im Vorgarten auch noch ein paar Bodendecker-Rosen (die allerdings inzwischen viel höher als nur "bodendeckend" sind ;o))
    Auch dein Header mit dem Hirsch gefällt mir sehr!
    ★ Allerliebste rostrosige Adventgrüße, Traude ★

  18. Prachtig die rozen.....een paar jaar geleden hadden we met kerst nog een bloeiende voor het huiskamerraam
    Dat zit er dit jaar niet in jammer genoeg..
    Je leren rendiertje in de post hierboven is erg leuk...en speciaal, ik wist niet dat ze in INdia rendieertjes maakten..van de kerststerplantjes ben ik niet zo...maar wel speciaal dat jij er een postje aan besteed hebt...


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