
Saturday, January 19, 2013

{Thanks Karen; I made Your Butternut Squash Soup!}

Reading blogs is rewarding in many ways and we learn each time from other talented ladies. One I admire is Karen from the blog Beatrice Euphemie. Just recently, on January 11, she posted a delicious and healthy Butternut Squash Soup recipe that she had made for her husband and herself. Karen is not only an excellent and captivating writer, but a great cook and handy with needle and thread as well. We all can learn from role models like her! So we did buy at Trader Joe's in Atlanta, Butternut Squash, already diced and also the low sodium chicken stock and I made the soup myself at home. Just have a look at how it turned out. Below my post you find Karen's recipe in the link to her blog post about it.
Served in our French Pillivuyt soup cups & saucers 
Ramekin for butter is also French Pillivuyt
Like Karen, I did not use heavy cream either... keeping it low cholesterol. 
I did not bake my own bread, this is Costco's whole grain Artisan bread, see link below post about: {How to get a FLATTER TUMMY}
Hand  crocheted placemats are made by me...
Butter knife and soup spoons are Bridal Rose by Alvin and will be available at Replacements Ltd., see link below post. I did find mine at eBay over the years...
Carved Flameless Wax Roses are with battery.
Had to take those photos outside as it is too dark inside the house for nice photos.
Besides, in our bay window we do have those small window inserts and it does cast a shadow in that shape... A big open window would work far better. But our windows do look romantic and Victorian.
But this soup is delicious I can tell you! Worthwhile trying and getting over to Karen's blog post below...
Are you a soup person for winter time?

Related links:
Butternut Squash Soup by Karen from Beatrice Euphemie
{My Lace Crocheted Placemats} Previous post by me with Lentil Soup recipe
Pillivuyt French oven proof table ware
{How to get a FLATTER TUMMY} Previous post by me with Costco whole grain Artisan bread
Bridal Rose by Alvin silver table ware at Replacements Ltd.


  1. i bet it was really good. i've just 'met' karen recently. :)

  2. Dearest Mariette , your soup seems very attractive and delicious !The disk is wonderful and your crochet so beautiful ! A lovely dinner for two !
    Have a nice weekend !

  3. The soup looks and sounds delicious. I have a butternut squash, and just today I was thinking what I should use it for. I know now!
    I absolutely love your lacy placemats.
    And now I'm going to visit Karen's blog.

    P.S. Thank you for your get well wishes; it seems that my family finally recovered.

  4. Thank you, Mariette for your lovely endorsement of my soup and my blog! You are a Dear! I do love your hand made placemats, so lovely! Your place settings are gorgeous - true Mariette elegance! Hugs to you! xx

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Very much a soup person for winter - love it.
    Your butternut squash looks delicious and love your setting. I often make pumpkin soup, but will wait until winter.
    Happy weekend

  6. Dearest Mariette
    As if the soup wasn't enough in itself, you sure know how to make it look just soo inviting. I was very surprised when I heard about butternut squash soup the first time, but it is now one of my all time favorite soups, just so utterly delicious.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Love from Joan

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    zu dir komme ich immer wieder gern.

    Alles Liebe


  8. Dearest Mariette,
    I usually make Japanese soup (miso-soup, soy-source base soup etc). And sometimes, all of a sudden I have a crave for western soup p;) Really looks delectable and your arrangement for the table is fabulous♡♡♡ Have a wonderful coming weekend, my friend!
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Hello Mariette, The soup looks delicious, and what an inviting setting for it. I am impressed that you made those mats yourself. I just tried making soup with cubed squash and taro, but the problem is that those vegetables disintegrate too quickly, so a puree like yours would be the answer.
    --Road to Parnassus

  10. Hallo Mariette,

    Na het verorberen van zo'n kop maaltijdsoep heb je de buik wel dik volgens mij.

    Ben dol op het eten van pompoen in allerlei variëteiten en recepten.

    Je hebt de soep vast met veel liefde gemaakt, vervolgens was je zo attent om te verwijzen naar het blog van jou lieve blogvriendin,en last but not mooie manier waarop jij de soep met brood presenteert,het oog wil ook wat,leuk gedaan.

    Lieve groeten!

  11. Dear Mariette,

    That soup looks delicious and your setting looks very inviting too.
    Have a lovely weekend!


  12. Het ziet er allemaal heerlijk uit Mariëtte. Ik ben zelf ook dol op soep en maak iedere week wel een pan soep. s'Winters de stevige soepen en zomers de lichte bouillonsoepen.
    Je heb alles stijlvol op de foto gezet.
    Fijn weekend.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  13. Looks yummny, Mariette. I love your table setting, too. You're very creative! <3

  14. ciao Mariette, come stai? un bacione e buon fine settimana Lory

  15. Dear Mariette,your soup looks delicious!Very nice recipe!I love your crocheted placemats!You're so talented!! I love chicken soup and meat soup!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  16. Oh ja, liebe Mariette, ich bin ein absoluter Suppen-Fan - nicht nur im Winter - aber in dieser kalten Zeit schmecken herzhafte Suppen besonders gut - so einladend sieht das Tablett aus - die Suppe sieht lecker aus - hmmmm - Hühner-/Fleischsuppe ist ideal für die Erkältungszeit -

    liebevoll hast du den Essplatz gestaltet -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  17. Lieve Mariette,

    De soep ziet er heerlijk uit! Ik had het ook al op de blog bij Karen zien staan, maar heb mijn eigen recept waar ik heel blij mee ben.

    Ik las zojuist je berichtje op mijn blog. Wat had ik het leuk gevonden als jij mij haakles had kunnen geven. Het lukt nu wel, maar het gaat erg langzaam. Ik heb nog veel te leren! Ook de tekeningen begrijp ik niet helemaal, maar ik merk dat, naarmate ik meer haak, het steeds duidelijk wordt.

    Jee, dat jij zelfs linkshandig kan haken. Dat was handig geweest om voor te doen aan mijn jongste dochter :-)!

    EEn fijne zondag!

    Madelief x

  18. Dearest Mariette,

    Surely yummy soup, I love Japanese soup too. I just eat the pumpkin soup
    love to try that soup.Your placemats crochet so beautiful.
    wishing you a beautiful weekend ..both of you!

  19. MMMMM, lieve Mariette, in der Winterzeit ist eine köstliche Suppe durch nichts zu ersetzen! Deine Fotos sehen einfach lekker aus!!!
    Ich will dir auch ganz herzlich DANKE sagen für deine Besserungswünsche und für deine lieben "zweisprachigen" ;o)) Zeilen zu meinem Las-Vegas-Posting! :o)
    Der Honig hat mir sehr gut geholfen - aber bestimmt auch die frische Luft - denn ich war jetzt eine Woche lang im "Salzburgischen" Skifahren (darum herrschte so lange "Kommentar-Funkstille" - ... und das Las-Vegas-Posting, das du diese Woche lesen konntest, war "vorprogrammiert" - das Posting derzeitige über Vitamine in flüssiger Form ebenfalls :o))). Aber jetzt bin ich wieder da - und schön langsam "am Besuche-Nachholen" ;o)
    Und nun bin ich dank deiner Suppe auch wieder frisch gestärkt und gut aufgewärmt (hier ist zur Zeit TIEFSCHNEE!!!)
    ♥♥liche Grüße & alles Liebe von der rostrosigen Traude

  20. Ohhh yum!! I love butternut squash soup very much, only, I've never made it myself! I always get it in the store and warm it :-) Still, pretty good, I think.
    Haha, maybe I change my mind if I try yours... Your soup looks so yummy, and healthy!!

  21. Yum, yum, yum ! I love soup! And break makes it even better. It's way past my bedtime but I'm dreaming about soup. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    this soup looks so delicious! Sure it will taste wonderful and it is so healthy!
    have a lovely new week,
    love and hugs

  23. Oh this looks so yummy!!! Your presentation is tres chic. Soup and stews are a fav around our home in the winter too!! Hugs, C. (HHL)


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