
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

{Travel with me to Southeastern Europe & Blog Award}

From the very talented Anavi, from: I did receive another Blog Award. Thank you ever so much dear Anavi and it is a pleasure to mention you here. So let's travel to her country...
As many of you know by now, I worked together with my husband and partner Pieter, in Italy where we lived outside of Venice. Our household belongings all came in through the Italian port of Trieste on the border of Slovenia and close to Croatia. Anavi is from Croatia, so you have an idea now where that is located. We did drive with our manager, Dr. Gigi Bagnasco, to Trieste, in order to pick up our cars at the harbor and driving them home. We imported all our belongings to Italy at that time, from Pennsylvania, USA to Italy and later back over land to The Netherlands via Rotterdam to Charleston, South Carolina/USA...
Working in Italy I had many harvesters that came from former Yugoslavia, so I actually worked with many of them. They spoke some Italian and I mastered Italian fluently at that time, still can read and understand it with ease but it takes more time for speaking and writing it. 
This is the Premio (Italian for Award)  that I got from Anavi.
A lot of young bloggers have no idea about the hardships in this world, far worse than what some are facing here in the USA. Growing up in a war-torn country is no fun and the outlook for the future is most times very dim. No chance for education, no chance for realizing almost any dreams.
It is with pleasure that I have seen more sewing, knitting and crocheting all around the world; that is a great come back to living more frugal (or shabby as it is now called...). 
Please do me a favor and visit Anavi's and scroll down to see what this young lady is able to make with her crochet hook!
Also on Facebook you find: Pletionica and you can make me happy if you like this girl!
We CAN CROSS BORDERS and pass some LOVE!
Let's do it and learn from one another.
Thank you all; wherever you are 

I like to pass this blog award on to:
Jagoda from from Slovenia
Susan from who lives in Canada but speaks still Croatian and Slovenian


  1. congratulations on your award! it does help to see the map, too. :)

  2. WOW! I had so many sites to explore!
    Congratulations on the award : well deserved. And thank you so much for thinking of me and passing it along! Much love. xo

  3. PS - I followed and liked Pletionica's page! Wow. She is talented. I must show my mother...she will be envious. ;)

  4. Congrats my friend... and will be popping over to Petionica's. Wishing you a fabulous evening. xo Blessings C. (HHL)

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Congratulations on your well deserved Award and for telling us about Pletionica's page - shall go over and visit.
    Have a wonderful new week and many thanks for visiting me.


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    congratulationes to your new Award!
    How lovely is your post to show us her country and blog!
    You are such a wonderful and kind person!
    Big Hugs to you
    Claudia :O)

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    gern besuche ich dich hier jeden Tag. Es
    schenkt Freude.

    In Liebe

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    congratulations to your new Award☆☆☆ Oh, yes, thanks for sharing the map, my friend.
    I hope you are having a wonderful new week.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Dearest Mariette,

    Congratulation for your award. I am so happy for you. I love your post today. I love your generosity. It is true.
    I agree with your like once a time ago in farm no modern at all , but we still can see the value of life, family, love, generosity,kindness. Now days hard to find ;( even we have everything.
    I am happy to learn from other people,exchange,sharing..such a beautiful expieriences.
    wishing you a beautiful days

  10. Dear Mariette, thank you so much for this cute award, it is always very welcomed:) I live in Slovenia, my husband is Sloven, I am Croat:) We live about 150 km from Trieste, in central Slovenia. It is so nice that you have represented our countries here on your blog:)
    Sending you hugs from snowy Slovenia!

  11. Congratulations on your award Mariette! It's so true that, here in the U.S., we don't often realize how fortunate we are. Years ago, I worked with a lady from Poland. She couldn't believe that we had endless pots of coffee at work, she said back in Poland they would line up for hours just to get one small bag and she and her husband would have a half cup each in the morning. Needless to say, during our work day she drank big mugs of coffee all day long:)

  12. Dear Mariette thank you so much for your wonderful post. Beautiful words! I read it with a smile on my face. You really deserve this award. Thanks also to your dear friends who are connected with me via blog. You are truly extraordinary woman and I am very grateful to you.
    Farewell and good luck!
    Hugs to you!

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulation to your new award, You with your husband and parther Pieter in Italy where you lived outside of Venice.
    Hugs and love to you always!
    I will be back tonight.

  14. Hi Mariette,
    Congratulations!!! what a sweet and kind award. I will go over a pay Anavi a visit. Thank you so much for your visit it always makes me happy.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  15. Congrats on the award and well I like this type of travel no jetlag or terrible

  16. Dear Mariette,congratulation for your award,you deserve it!I will visit Avanis blog!Wishing you a lovely day!

  17. Thanks Mariette! :) :) :)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
