
Saturday, February 16, 2013

{Color Psychology and Blogger I Admire}

  • On my dear Mom's Birthday, Susan from the blog: Ava Grace's closet, did post about a very special subject. Where the Magic Happens. Just click the link... 
  • Susan is one of those young and energetic women I greatly admire. She has a flare all of her own and knows how to deal with fashion, interior decoration à la Susan and managing to raise her three super cute kids. 
  • When visiting her great blog you will no doubt start clicking on one of the LinkWithin Thumbnails to read more and lots MORE! 
  • Because she did bring up the blue gray colors that she's worked with in her Master Bedroom, I came up with today's subject. 
  • Are you aware of the influences of colors we wear and what we chose for our interior? It is telling a story about us; our moods etc.

This circle is revealing a lot about the main colors and we can learn from it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's, 1809 color wheel, from above link.

The Meaning of Colors link with full story from above photo.  

In my wardrobe there is a wide scala of colors, depending on the season and on the mood I guess...
For the home there is a lot of white and earth tones from beige to brown.

What is your opinion about colors?
Do you love but one color or are you more like a chameleon that changes ever so often? 

Related link:
An Easy and Elegant Palette just click


  1. Mariette,
    Thank you so much for your kind words...this really means a lot to me.
    I truly believe that color plays a huge impact on our moods...and funny enough, in the warm weather (when everyone is happier!) you tend to wear brighter colors.
    As for interiors, the same is true. Neutrals and warm tones make for cozy spaces...(I hope to share our family room next week!) and the blue/gray that I have in the bedroom definitely proves relaxing.
    This is a great post! xo

    1. Dearest Susan,
      You are a keen observer as the climate does make us wear happy colors indeed. We could observe that so well during our travels over all continents as international mushroom consultants. But the environment always did blend in so well.
      Thanks for your visit and valuable comment and looking forward to your family room posting!

  2. I cannot choose any one color. My home is filled with them all. And I tend to wear whatever, whenever. I've been told that royal blue and pink look good on me but I don't wear them often. I tend to stick with neutrals when it comes to clothing so that I can easily mix and match. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      It does lift your spirits up when living within a rainbow of colors! That makes you still happy on those dusty and dreary looking days. Sticking with neutrals to mix and match is always a clever choice and great for traveling when you have to avoid the bulk.

  3. Dear Mariette, this is an interesting topic and I do believe that color influences our moods and feelings. Your friend's beautiful bedroom is so soothing and restful. I do have a preference for certain colors in clothing and decorating. It seems I always choose the same colors; rose, deep garnet red, robin's egg blue, soft green and gold. An unlikely combination, but it works for me! I do like to have color in my life, but not bright colors, always soft. These make me feel happy. Hope you have a lovely weekend! xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      It is an interesting topic as this is what keeps our minds occupied all our lives; making lots of choices! You are a lady that knows what she wants and you have great taste. As for me, no clashing colors and not too loud, that makes me restless. Soft tones are more peaceful and they sooth our minds.
      Hugs to you,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    du überraschst immer wieder mit neuen Schönheiten.

    Alles Liebe


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und ich liebe Überraschungen, deswegen teile ich auch gerne mit euch!
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Io amo tutti i colori in generale, anche se prediligo il verde e la mia cucina l'ho arredata con tessuti a quadretti verdi. Amo però anche i colori pastello e la mia casa cambia colore in base alla stanza: la mia camera è in rosa, le camerette azzurre, il bagno bianco-beige e l'altro bianco-azzurro, il soggiorno color salmone e qua è là delle tonalità beige. i colori! Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Sai che un tessuto a quadretti c'è anche molto olandese? Ho avuto nel mio primo appartamento tessuti a quadretti rossi. Si cambia nel corso degli anni, ma infatti possiamo adornare la nostra vita con i colori!

  6. Good Morning Mariette, Colour is a fascinating subject. My living room is neutral in colour and it is restful and calming. My kitchen/dining room however, is yellow, with blue plaid furniture and red items which I have picked up along my travels. Our bedroom is blue and G's den is blue, so I think we are a bit of a mish mash. I fell in love with bright colours when I lived in Cyprus, it was so bright and sunny that it was perfect to have bright colours dotted around the house.
    I have really enjoyed this post. Have a lovely weekend.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      As you already said, we do pick up trends and ideas from other cultures where we live or travel to. That is shaping us and it is ever changing as life itself continuously evolves.
      Glad you enjoyed this subject!
      Hugs to you,

  7. Cara Mariette a me piacciono i colori delicati e mi fanno star bene:rosa,azzurro,bianco,lilla,violetto chiaro,quelli accesi mi fanno venire mal di test e occhi!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Si hai raggione con i colori delicati, sono molto rilassante. Se non sei davvero molto in forma, sono infatti i colori vivaci un po fastidiosi e chiudete gli occhi!

      fastidiosi e chiudere il vostro come il vostro occhi...

  8. Dearest Mariette
    I read your last post and must say that the picture of your garden in the winter light is very pleasant to look at.
    Colours affect us much more than we think. This can be useful when you dress for special tasks too.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      You are a smart business woman that knows how to play that card of influence! Why do business men often wear a blue business suit you think? We love that spot for our breakfast especially to catch the early morning sun. It does lift one up, instead of sitting in a dark corner of he house...

  9. Across the hotel we stayed at in Venice there was a scary building that I had never stopped talking about how scary it was. I can't explain its color. It's something like light blue...It looked like mental hospital. It was distracting me the whole time while I was chatting with my friends on balcony. No one understood me actually, they were just laughing. But colors REALLY attack my mind. It's crazy. Not to talk about orange. It's more falling in agony than waking up creativity! :)

    1. Dearest Bela,
      You are right about associating certain colors with different emotional meanings too. Such an odd colored building did pop constantly right into your face and it is annoying that it even interrupts our thoughts... Colors have an impact on our daily life's behavior. People are happier in a sunny and exotic looking surrounding and sad in a dreary and rainy one.
      Hugs to you,

  10. Dearest Mariette,

    Love delicate, soft and sweet colors, Even the most I love white.The colors show us our character,personality I believed.
    Interesting post. Just ordered the color wheel for my painting ;)
    have a nice weekend

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      That must be thelepathy that both of us were working with a color wheel in a way. If only I put Johann Wolfgang Goethe's color wheel on this post. For me the colors we wear or chose to live in, are an extension of our soul, of our whole being, our true character. Painting is an extension of our mind as well.
      Hugs to you,

  11. It is interesting with colors. I stick mostly to black, white and gray, but sometimes it can sneak in a little pink.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      We all do have our favorite colors, the ones we feel most comfortable with. But we also do add color by putting flowers inside our homes...

  12. I enjoyed this post I too find how colours affect us interesting............

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      This is a subject that will keep us captivated till our last breath...

  13. How interesting to learn about the influence of each color! I love white for many things including clothes and home interior. I like yellow/orange as mental color because I think these colors make me feel cheerful. And I love gray which is just because of the color of my kitties' coat :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Colors are probably embedded into our memories from early childhood on and we do associate with particular colors more than others. Loving the gray of your kitties fur is a sweet statement!
      Hugs to you,

  14. Dear Mariette,very interesting post!I like most blue-indigo colour,it reminds me the sea and the sky,and pastel colours too!
    Have a lovely Sunday!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      We may even select the colors of our dreams, our favorite places. Like in your case the sea and the sky. Pastel colors do sooth the soul.
      Hugs to you,

  15. I definitely think colors reflect something about us - or maybe we choose certain colors because of how they make us feel. My favorite color is brown - and I have lots of it in my wardrobe and my house - all different types of wood surround me. I think my mother describes me as an "earth" sign. Maybe that explains it.

    Very interesting thoughts, Mariette! <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Guess your Mother knows you very well, inside and out. Yes, I am convinced that this pattern is woven all through our mind from early childhood on. Impressions that are there forever embedded and we seek them out time after time. We do create our own space to live in and to be happy with.
      Hugs to you and thanks for your visit and comments!

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    a very interseting post again :O)
    My favorite colours are black, brownn, green.....´well, natural Earth colours I name them... I am not pink person ;O)
    Have a wonderful new week,
    Love and hugs,
    ....and thank you for this wonderful Link!

  17. Dear Mariette. That was a very interesting read:-) It is so true - how colors affect us :-) After moving to India I have been much more "color-addicted" . My favorite color is green, but I also love colors like lilac, blue and yellow.. Funny how I sometimes use how I feel one day to choose color -- with this overview it makes much more sense... A black Monday morning for example... What if I put on something Orange instead:-) Ha ha :-) As always, a very enjoyable post Mariette. Big hugs to you


Thanks for your visit and comment.
