
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

{Olive Bar at Whole Foods Market}

  • For my readers that live in the USA, they maybe know about the ENORMOUS selection of OLIVES at the Olive Bar of  Whole Foods Market
  • Did you know that they come in that many sizes, colors and varieties?

  • Do you love olives?
  • I do, as long as they are not too salty...

  • Pasta & Olives

  • Tiny gherkins or cornichons as we know them.
  • Or in Dutch 'augurkjes'...

Funny is that the American gherkin taste is so different from the Dutch, French or German ones!
What is your favorite pickle?


  1. now i like pickles - sweet gherkins are yummy! but i do not care for olives.

  2. Mmmmm sieht das lecker aus !! Ich mag Oliven .Gurken am liebsten die richtig dicken und großen Gewürzgurken .Liebe Grüße Ina

  3. Oh, they do look so good all together! I love black olives and I love gherkins. I am the only one in my family that loves gherkins, so I buy them for a special treat. But I cook with black olives often - with pasta or on pizza. Yum! xx

  4. I do love olives of course! If you do not like olives in Andalusia you are an odd person. We've got lots of olive trees all over the comunity so We are use to eat olives from child

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    wow, they really have a lot of different olives! Gherkins we had in the garden last year and I pickeld them sweet and spicy ;O)
    Olives I only like, if they are not to salty.
    Love and hugs,

  6. Liebe Mariette,


    Einen guten Mittwoch wünscht dir


  7. Amo le olive e le uso spesso anche nella preparazione di sughi o torte salate. Devo dire però che mai ho visto una carellata di olive come quella che ci hai mostrato in questo post. Paola

  8. Favorite pickles: Kosher baby dills Favorite olives: Kalamatas (but really any that don't come from a can)

    We have a local family owned market (A chain of three) that stocks all sorts of goodies, including a locally roasted coffee that Proge swears by. It's nice to be able to shop locally; plus they generally have great sales and they are of a size that I don't have to prepare for a major hike.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    ich habe es wirklich nicht gewußt, dass es so viele
    Sorten Oliven gibt. Danke für die Aufklärung.
    Liebe Grüße schickt

  10. Dearest Mariette
    Sure, I like olives - but I've never seen so many different varieties at once.
    Hmm, now I was hungry for those...
    Hugs to you

  11. Oh, I love olives - nice to have as snacks whenever really.
    Love Italian cuisine ^_^
    Enjoy your week.

  12. ¸. • °º° ✿✿ ·.
    A foto do cabeçalho do seu blog é maravilhosa!...
    Super imagens, gosto de azeitonas, a pesar de não termos muita escolha...
    nosso clima não é propício para olivais.
    Boa continuação da semana!
    º° ✿ ·.✿✿¸.•♪

  13. Yummy! I love olives and of course we can get a very wide variety here. Bread & butter pickles are my favorite. :) Have a great day. Tammy


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