
Sunday, March 24, 2013

{Our Bathroom Renovation from Tub to Shower while Caring for the Environment}

  • Planning our Master Bathroom Renovation from Tub to Shower started out with ordering our Danish, Damixa Plus Shower Set and Damixa Space Shower Mixer. 
  • Our entire home is equiped with Danish Damixa faucets, except lately in our laundry room. We both agree with the Damixa company philosophy; Caring for the Environment and reducing water consumption by 25% or 30%. Going Green!
  • Just click the above hyperlink to read their statement. 
  • So we did contact our long time business relation Kömhoff Sanitair in Meijel, The Netherlands. 
  • They previously did ship some items to us, in case we did not go to The Netherlands for hand carrying it back home to the USA, inside our suitcases. 
  • This was mid August... the first step was laid. 
  • The reason we wanted to proceed with this renovation was because of the great difficulty I had in January of 2010 when I had become paralyzed. For husband Pieter, having to lift me over that tub's edge for taking a shower was nearly impossible. Not because I'm heavy but a motionless person doesn't give... 

  • Not a great photo but you still can see the tub with mirrored tub doors...
  • Our vanity is from Italy. We did bring it with us after living there but not building our home in Italy.

  • Danish Damixa Space Shower Mixer that we ordered.
  • We also had a new water filter and conditioner installed, before proceeding with the renovation because we have very hard water in our area.
  • We moved into our Rose Suite while doing the renovations... 
  • Out came the fiber glass tub and also our all white Damixa Tub Mixer...
  • Dusty job!

  • The drain goes into our garage's ceiling...

  • This was on November 8, 2012 and Pieter wanted to make sure that our Tile Redi Bathtub Replacement Shower Pan would actually FIT.
  • It will; so I went ahead and ordered it on line, from Coral Springs, Florida...

  • We did go ahead and selected their Redi Drain in Polished Chrome. Easy for the tile men to work around.

  • A  special aluminum guard is included in their Bathtub Replacement as well.

  • The day after Thanksgiving, November 23 of 2012, Pieter did cement this Redi Tile Shower Pan in place!
  • You can see the shelves in our Master Bedroom closet through those holes...

  • ALL Made in the USA...

  • A nice ledge in the front for the shower door...

  • A sample tile in Snow White on the ledge. 
  • All our bathroom tiles came in a container across the ocean from Italy, so we had to find some matching ones for this shower!

  • The entire pan...
  • That will make quite a difference for getting in and out of; whenever health conditions would change for either one of us.

  • Husband Pieter working out something for covering up the space in front of the pan...
  • You will see it later!

  • Next search was for a fitting shower door.
  • We found that Lowe's had by far the best selection.
  • We wanted something in a simple Scandinavian look so we found it: 
  • DreamLine 60-in W x 72-in H Frameless Sliding Shower Door
  • Our Cute Ute; Ravy our RAV4 did haul it back home from the Lowe's store.

  • Frankly speaking, I was very happy to reach our destiny just before dark; driving this load home.

  • Of course our cats must inspect whatever we bring home...

Till next time where you will see it all built in!

Related links:


  1. The before picture will look so different after the work is done eh?

  2. Dear Mariette,

    I know how thrilled you will be having your new Master bathroom and will be so happy that you can step right into the shower.
    The new shower and bathroom fittings are lovely.
    Also love your new Spring look to your blog - all the daffodils are so bright and pretty.

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend

  3. Hello Mariette, The shower retrofit was a good idea. Today it seems that many take showers exclusively, so there is no reason to hold onto tubs just for tradition's sake, especially in a house that is not an old one with original fixtures.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich staune immer wieder über das, was du hier zeigst.

    Alles Liebe


  5. Liebe Mariette,
    dein Header macht mir das Herz weit - so schön -

    eine neue Dusche bedeutet immer viel Arbeit - aber wenn alles fertig ist, kann man ganz stolz auf sein Werk blicken - schön sieht es aus -

    ja Katzen sind sehr neugierig - das sehe ich auch immer bei unserem Logan - es muss alles genauestens inspiziert werden -

    ihr wohnt so schön - Bäume und Wald drumherum - herrlich -

    liebe Grüße- Ruth

  6. Liebe Maritte, der neue Header ist wirklich etwas ganz Besonderes.
    Die Arbeit, die ihr da bewältigen müßt, ist sehr groß. Bin auf das
    Resultat gespannt. Katzen sind nun mal neugierig. Das macht sie doch so liebenswert.
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht

  7. Va quedar un baño realmente fantastico!!

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    oh, das sieht nach sehr, sehr viel Arbeit aus - aber du hast natürlich recht, in manchen Notfällen ist eine Dusche die bessere Lösung als eine Badewanne. Wir planen schon seit einiger Zeit, unser (kleines) Badezimmer zu renovieren und sehen mittlerweile eine Lösung, um BEIDES (eine Wanne UND eine Dusche unterzubringen). Im Moment haben wir nur eine Wanne, in der man auch duschen kann, und wir wollen auf die Möglichkeit, in der Wanne zu baden, nicht verzichten. Denn eine Wanne bietet für unseren Rücken jede Menge therapeutische Möglichkeiten und viel Entspannung...
    Süß, wie das Kätzchen alles inspiziert :o))
    Allerliebste rostrosige Palmsonntagsgrüße,
    ✿ܓܓ✿ܓ✿ܓ✿ ♥♥♥♥ ܓܓ✿ܓ✿ܓ

  9. ✿✿彡 °•.

    Bom domingo!
    Boa semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.✿✿彡 °•.

  10. My dearest friend Mariette:
    I think this renovation will very beneficial for both of you since will be easier to take a shower. And the plus side of this, is that you are a wonderful woman with an exquisite taste for decor and I'm sure everything will look amazing. I can't wait to see all the complete renovation.
    Send you a bug hug,
    Lots of love,
    Laura :)

  11. There is a lot of work but so nice it will be. Always good with cats that helps.


  12. It must require lot of work for renovation but I'm sure it will look fantastic! And it is great to keep environment in mind. I hope the shower door got your kitty's approval :-)

  13. Looks like quite a project Mariette! Looking forward to see how it will look like once finished!

    Madelief x

  14. You are so right my dearest Mariete showers where one needs to step over the tub wall is not particle when there are physical limitations involved. We designed a walk in shower for me during our renovations on the main level of our home. Living through renovations is not an easy task ... what a blessing you have the Rose Suite to enjoy during the process. Pieter is such a darling and most creative and skilled to be able to carry out all this work. Can't wait to see the finished shower! ... Happy Palm Sunday..Blessings from us both.. C. (HHL)

  15. Awesome and I think you are so right for many people showers over the bath are not ideal thankfully we haven't got to that point and I hope we neither hubby or do as I love my bath but my dad often finds it hard to get in and out of the shower because it is over the bath and really should see if he can get their bathroom altered the only thing holding him back is that Dawson likes to have a bath and there is not enough room for a bath and a shower as it is only a small room

  16. Liebste Mariette,
    das sieht nach einer Menge Arbeit aus!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen guten Start in eine wunderschöne Osterwoche!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥


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