
Monday, March 4, 2013

{Our FIRST Beaver Encounter}

  • With all the raging water through our creek and the big pond where the creek is feeding into, we did notice this beaver on the side of the road. 
  • Husband Pieter did take some photos of it.
  • Quite impressive in size; over 35" or 89 cm! 
  • We learned that their weight is from 28 to 70 lb or 13 to 32 kg. 
  • Their tail alone measures over 10" or 25 cm. 
  • This one was dead, but I still love to show it; no wounds, nothing. 
  • It measures over 35" or 89 cm as that is the total length of this yard stick.
  • You see husband Pieter's shoe, just for comparison...

  • This one probably weighed around 30 lb or 13.6 kg.
  • Check out the two links below this post for more info about their amazing consumption of 200 trees annually! They are HARD workers and also can do lots of damage.

  • The tail alone is 10" or 25 cm long! 
  • Look at its feet...

  • Great fur too...
  • Would make a nice Russian Hat!

  • Here you very clearly see its foot and the large 10"+ tail...

  • Face is not really visible but it has tiny ears...
  • Have you ever encountered a beaver in your area?

Related links:
Castor canadensis  American Beaver some interesting facts about beavers from the University of Michigan
Fooled by Nature video link about beaver dams


  1. poor guy must have been washed out of its house. very cool critters.

    have never had a beaver here, but did have a nutria - kind of like a cross between a muskrat and beaver, i'd describe it. :)

  2. It looks like he was a flood casualty. Did you call your state wildlife people. They usually want to know about dead animals like beaver.

    We've had beaver in this area for several years. They have a nice house down in the duck/beaver pond about a mile through the woods in the state forest management area. I should try to dig out some photos I took a few years ago.

  3. Hello Mariette, There are quite a few beaver in northern Ohio. My old high school, which has a wooded campus and pond, had a problem with them because no one had the heart to trap them, and the beavers felled all the surrounding trees. It is amazing how much they changed the landscape in just a few years.
    --Road to Parnassus

  4. Oh, a dead beaver in the garden? Poor thing .....

    Have a great new week,
    love and hugs

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das war eine Überraschung.

    Sonnige Grüße


  6. Dearest Mariette.
    I don't know about Beaver in Australia? The Beaver has weighed 301b - 13.6 Kg.
    your Pieter's has take photos from Beaver.
    I don't like very much has workers with lots of damage Beavers...
    Hugs and love to you always!

  7. Dear Mariette,very interesting post!We dont have beavers in our counrty,poor little thing!Have a lovely week!Hugs!

  8. Ik heb er nog nooit één echt gezien, ken alleen Ed en Willem Bever van de Fabeltjeskrant ;)
    Fijne week, lieve groet,

  9. Mariette, I just love how the beaver just posed for your adorable!! I've never had an encaunter with one in NY and worst here..I don't know if there are any, lol...Hope you have a good week. I'm stroing my gifts just where you saw them, as I want to enjoy them til I get bored with them, than I store where other things come replacing the storage space, lol!

  10. I have not ever seen one on our property, but I'm told that they're around these parts. That fellow you found is huge! <3

  11. Accidempoli, che incontro! Davvero incredibile, e che misure! No, dalle mie parti non ce ne sono, o almeno non mi sembra. A presto. Paola

  12. Hallo Mariette,
    Bieber leben hier auch. Kerstin vom Blog Träumerle lebt in der Nähe von Dresden und berichtet immer wieder von ihren Bieberbeobachtungen. Das war ein stattliches Exemplar bei euch. Du hast noch nie von den Fraßspuren berichtet. War er neu im Revier?
    Schöne Grüße

  13. Liebe Mariette, auch bei uns kommen die Biber zurück. Ich freue mich darüber.
    Allerdings habe ich noch keinen aus der Nähe gesehen. Danke für die schönen Fotos.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

  14. Wat een groot dier Mariette. Jammer dat het de aanrijding met de auto niet heeft overleeft.

    Fijne week!

    Madelief x

  15. Dear Mariette, how sad that your little friend was dead! We have beaver's here, too. They are a protected species and we are not allowed to bother them. Big fines! Hopefully his mate is not too sad. xoxo

  16. Wow...dat vind ik wel speciaal hoor..hier zitten wel bevers in de Biesbosch...maar die zie je niet...

  17. Hi Marietta,
    Oh the poor thing. He was a pretty big one too.
    We have never encountered a beaver but have a raccoon. It can be very scary.
    Your pics are great.
    Wishing you a wonderful evening
    Love, Celestina Marie

  18. I have never seen a beaver.............

  19. He sure looks like he was healthy. Wonder what happened to him? So you've been getting lots of rain? Is that why you are having the water problem? For some reason I thought it was a plumbing issue. Hope you having everything under control now. Best wishes, Tammy

  20. Ach wie schade! So ein hübsches Tierchen! Auch in Deutschland gibt es Bieber.
    Woran mag er nur gestorben sein, wenn er unversehrt ist? Vergiftet?

    Liebe Grüße nochmal


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