
Thursday, March 14, 2013

{Our Irish Blarney Castle Sweaters + Short Hair}

  • Yep, yesterday I had a major haircut... much needed and I would like to hear what you think...
  • Today we went to a special music program at our Christ Episcopal Church at noon. 
  • Since it is an official event of the Saint Patrick's Festival most people did wear some green. 
  • So out came our all cotton Irish Blarney Castle Sweaters that we bought during one of our consulting trips to Ireland.
  • They just feel comfy to wear on a sunny, but windy day!

  • That's me with short hair and our feline boy Bandido, on the steps of our gazebo...
  • You can tell the pollen is starting to come, as seen by Dido's paw prints on my navy Escada jeans!
  • That's the Blarney Castle, all cotton sweater from Ireland.
  • Below I will show you a detail of it and also form the necklace and earrings.

  • These Blarney Castle sweaters do have a shamrock knitted into the front!
  • Quite appropriate for our City of Dublin, as it is the emblem here.
  • Escada jeans in navy with old Salamander ballerina shoes with ankle strap.

  • The yellow Carolina jasmine is budding out and will look pretty very soon.
  • The sun is so harsh already that making photos is nearly impossible without shade marks.

  • Yes, we both are dressed in partner look...
  • Pieter is holding the chicken wire, on which our Carolina jasmine vine is climbing up as a support.

  • Here it is with one Blarney Castle emblem up on the left sleeve and a larger one inside the neck.
  • From Pieter I received once this cloisonné Hex sign that he got me in Pennsylvania in the early 80s.
  • The Irish Shamrock Hex is a sign for good luck surrounded by smooth round lines for an easy life. The two distelfinks make for a double  portion of good fortune while the heart suggests love.
  • The silver earrings with green Malachite stone, we bought while doing consulting work in México, during a weekend sight seeing with our boss/friend Agustín.
  • Fond memories and they play an annual role in our Dublin St. Patrick's Festival...

Are you celebrating St. Patrick's Festival in your City?


  1. You look like a fair Irish Lass, Mariette, and that's no Blarney! I do like your green sweaters and the jewelry that matches, and your hair cut is quite becoming! Your Carolina Jasmine must smell so nice. Seattle has a big parade on St. Patrick's Day. Hugs, xoxo

  2. Dearest Mariette your hair cut is brilliant. It really lightens your face and you can see your lovely face. Booth you and Pieter look dashing in your sweaters. Bandido looks very happy sitting on mama's lap. Wishing you a gorgeous day. Hugs and blessings C. HHL

  3. Heej, wat leuk!! Dat staat je heel goed!

    Ik vind het veel beter bij je passen als dat lange haar.


    Liefs Thea ♥

  4. I like the way you both dress up in partner style.
    We used to have a St.Patrick's Day Parade in Dutchess County NY ( our previous home). Here in Orange County I have not heard of any as yet.
    Happy St.Patrick's Day to you and your loved ones.

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Your new haircut is fabulous, you look tres chic and I love your matching green sweaters. Wonder did you kiss the Blarney stone when you were in Ireland?
    Thank you for visiting me today, I realized I had made a mistake with my flowers, was doing the post in a hurry and when I went back to look at it today, so I have corrected it, thanks.

    Sending hugs

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    How lovely you both look and especially you do look fabulous with the new haircut♡♡♡
    I hope you enjoyed the music, I wish I could be with you, p;)
    Your green cotton Irish Blarney Castle Sweaters are really GORGEOUS especially coming St. Patrick's Day. Oh, may not be able to kiss the stone in my life time(^^;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. You look younger with your shorter and pretty haircut, Mariette. Congrats on the decision! You guys make a lovely couple Hugs,

  8. I like your new hairstyle! How fun to have two identical sweaters for you and your husband. They look nice.

  9. Liebste Mariette,
    Deine neue Frisur läßct Dich so jung und frisch aussehen :O9 Steht Dir richtig gut!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen wunderschönen Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    du strahlst. Das sind wunderschöne Fotos.

    Einen guten Donnerstag wünscht dir


  11. Love your new haircut Mariette - you're all ready for Spring now!
    Most attractive Blarney Castle green sweaters - very practical souvenirs of your trip.
    Wishing you a very "Happy St Pat's Day" for the 17th!!
    Shane ♥

    1. Kort of lang, het staat je alletwee.De leukste cut die ik gezien heb voor de vorm van je gezicht was de korte bob die je ooit had- dit was op een foto waar je een gele sweater aanhad- ooit- moet de jaren 80 geweest zijn, toen waren die korte, volle bob's echt heel veel ..Omdat je van dat mooie volle haar hebt, met een naturlijke krul, is het soms leuk om het te laten groeien, maar zo heel kort met een bob ( dus zlefs nog korter dan je nu hebt) toont het haar zo prachtig met die krullen.
      Ik vind eens een andere haarstijl heel verfrissend en echt nu het voorjaar wordt is het leuk om wat anders te doen.
      Kan me voorstellen dat omdat jullie in/ bij een Iers klinkende plaats wonen St Patrick's day gevierd wordt.. mooi dat groen!!
      Groetjes uit een koud en zonnig Engeland.
      Bea ( met lang haar waar nu waarschijnlijk ook de schaar ingaat :-)

  12. Your hair looks terrific Mariette! And of course, kitty looks very cute too! :)
    Wishing you a beautiful sunshiny day!
    xo Catherine

  13. Hej Mariëtte, de nieuwe coupe staat je goed. Mooie groene truien, ik kende ze niet. Fijne dag, lieve groet

  14. Egal mit welcher Frisur, dein Lächeln bleibt hinreißend und bezaubernd ...
    Liefs en heel hartelijk Anett

  15. Cara Mariette,stai molto bene con questo taglio di capelli corto,anche se a me piacciono molto i capelli lunghi!!
    Siete una bellissima coppia ed i maglioni vi stanno molto bene,anche io,mio figlio e mio marito ogni tanto ci divertiamo ad indossare abbigliamento simile!!;D
    Un bacione cara amica e buona giornata!!

  16. Hoi Mariette,
    erg leuk dat bij jullie ook St. Patrick´s day word gevierd, en dan jullie nog helemaal in! Mijn man en ik waren ook ooit in Ierland op vakantie, een prachtig land! Toen was ook net St. Patrick´s day en daardoor hadden we bijna ons vliegtuig gemist...
    Je kortere haren vind ik je erg leuk staan!
    Groetjes uit een wit Limburg

  17. Cara Mariette!I capelli ti stanno meglio così,ne troppo corti,ne troppo lungi!Che carini che siete!Baci,Rosetta

  18. I love your new hairdo Mariette, it suits you very well and I'm sure it'll be nice in the coming summer months:) You and Pieter look adorable in your matching green sweaters, perfect for St. Patrick's Day!

  19. Bello il tuo nuovo look, i capelli corti ti donano un'aria unò sbarazzina! Bellissimi i maglioni verdi tuoi e di tuo marito. Il verde è il mio colore preferito e i gioielli......stupendi! Adorabile anche il tuo gattino! Un bacione. Paola

  20. Lieve Mariette,

    Je ziet er nog jonger uit dan voordat je haar geknipt was, staat je leuk,
    en met deze lengte kan je volgens mij nog altijd een staart maken.

    Mooie truien en niet enkel om op speciale dagen te dragen zoals St. Patrick's day maar voor andere dagen ook.


  21. Liebe Mariette,
    Deine Frisur gefällt mir sehr gut und sie passt zu Deinem Typ.
    Bei uns feiert man den St.Patrick
    Day nicht-
    Schön finde ich auch den Partnerlook.
    Abendgrüße schickt dir

  22. LOVE your new do! So flattering, looking years younger!!!

  23. First, I like your pretty header photo. Such pretty pink blooms! And I really like your hair shorter. The sweaters from Ireland are very nice. I've been crocheting some shamrocks today. This summer, a friend is going with her husband and daughter to stay in Ireland for a month. She's always wanted to go and since they don't want to go back to Canada for the summer, they are going to make their dream come true. :) Best wishes to you, Tammy

  24. Liebe Mariette,
    auch wenn deine vorherige Haarpracht beeindruckend war, der Haarschnitt steht dir supergut. Das Haar springt jetzt in schönen Locken und das sieht einfach zauberhaft aus. Eure irischen Pullover sehen sehr warm und gemütlich aus. Die Malachite-Ohrringe und der irische Anhänger passen perfekt dazu. Bei dir stimmt immer alles!
    Und dein Katerchen trägt ebenfalls einen wertvollen, gepflegten Pelz, glänzend und warm. Da sieht man die gute Pflege.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Dearest Johanna,
      Thanks a lot for mentioning the stone's name: Malachite! I was in a hurry and did not research my info. I will ad this to the post.
      Our Bandido (Dido) is the most shiny and silky feline we have. He inherited that from his Mamita Spicy, she was so gorgeous. In November it were already five years since she disappeared...
      Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  25. Thanks a lot for all your kind comments! Tonight I will write a general reply to this subject... Have a great weekend all!

  26. My dear friend Mariette,
    you look so beautiful with your new haircut, you and Pieter look so nice in your matching sweaters, I hope you have had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day.
    Con cariño,

  27. Liebe Mariette,
    und ich dachte schon, die Haare sind ganz kurz. Das ist doch noch eine ganz passable Länge und steht Dir sehr gut! Wenn man langes Haar gewohnt ist.
    Mit zunehmendem Alter werden die Haare ja leider nicht schöner und dann ist man öfter gezwungen, den Friseur zu bemühen. Erst kürzlich war ich mit meiner Mutti dort. Sie fühlt sich auch immer nicht wohl, wenn die Haare nur ein wenig herausgewachsen sind und hält anch wie vor an ihrer Dauerwelle fest. ;-) Ich selbst gehe alle 4 Wochen, dann hab' ich immer einen schönen kurzen Putz.

    Hier war auch schon so schöne Sonne, aber der Winter war noch einmal zurückgekommen. ;-)

    Liebe Grüße nochmal


Thanks for your visit and comment.
