
Saturday, April 13, 2013

{Antique 19th Century Silver Toast Rack Replica, Made in Kotagede, Indonesia}

Going back and forth all those years for working in Indonesia, we did have this beautiful Antique 19th Century Toast Rack Replica made by those Silversmiths from Kotagede, Indonesia.
It sure is a bonus for having access to such fine craftsmen and when we spotted this exceptional silver toast rack from ca 1819-1831, husband Pieter took a photo of it in July of 1996. We gave the photo to the silversmiths and we were lucky as in the book, also measurements were given. So let me show you this incredible piece of art...
Here it is... After I removed the Birthday cards and such, that I keep in there for writing, I did polish it first. It was not ready for a photo shoot. What do you say? Nice detailing or not? I fell in love with the ball feet from the photo in the antiques book.
This is the photo we took with us to Kotagede, Indonesia on one of our consulting trips in november of 1996.
Don't you think that they did an excellent job in creating this replica from the antique 19th century silver toast rack? 
I have used this also for High Teas, for putting the napkins inside. 
Love the handle at the top, it really is a very convenient one.
Probably since we had this made in November of 1996, there are not that many active silversmiths left in Kotagede... I hate to see this art being lost!
On Sunday, November 17, 1996 at SS Silver shop in Kotagede with Australian business connection Geoff Price. He fell in love with their silver as well and purchased some nice items for his wife.
That Sunday we did hand them the photo for the creation of the Silver Toast Rack.
Husband Pieter did capture my passion for silver very well...
Here the toast rack is on our table on March 16, 1997 with a vase full of fragrant Wisteria blossoms...
The La Perla lingerie set was in Wisteria color, that's why I placed it there.

Related link:
{Have YOU Ever Seen the Making of Silver in Kotagede, Indonesia?} | previous post by me


  1. it is nice to have something custom made that you still treasure. :)

  2. Don't you just love those toast racks? I just bought one for my mom at an antique's for Mother's Day. She saw one in London a few years ago, but it was too expensive, and she has wanted one ever since! <3

  3. Weet niet te kiezen op foto wat ik mooier vind:het zilveren toast rek,het La Perla lingerie set of de prachtige Wisteria bloesems.....;-)

    Fijn weekeind gewenst en lieve groet!!

  4. what a beautiful piece! He did a great job indeed

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh My, I've never seen toast racks before♡♡♡ How wonderful to see it in the gorgeous table setting with beautiful Wisteria. Yes, you DO look fascinated with these wonderful silverware(^_^)彡☆
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank und herzliche Grüße


  7. Dearest Mariette
    I love things that are practical and useful addition beautiful!
    Hugs to you

  8. coucou
    on dirait de la glycine dans votre vase
    j' aime ce mauve très doux
    un support à toast qui peut servir à beaucoup
    d' autre chose , le principal c' est de l' avoir
    régulièrement sous les yeux , quand on aime
    bon weekend

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderschön sind die Kirschblüten in deinem neuen Header -
    sehr schön gearbeitet ist der Toast-Ständer - ich mag es sehr, wenn Gebrauchsdinge nicht nur nützlich sondern auch schön anzusehen sind -
    da hast du ein ganz tolles Stück ergattert -
    wundervoll sind auch die Glyzinien in ihrer Farbe und Pracht -

    ich wünsche dir ein entspanntes Wochenende und schicke dir liebe Grüße -


  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ein tolles Stück. Ich habe mir damals einen
    kleineren mitgebracht, der auch heute noch
    in Gebrauch ist.
    Übrigens: Dein neues Blogoutfit ist wieder
    eine wahre Pracht.
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht

  11. Dear Mariette,

    How fabulous your silver toast rack is.Also love the. Wisteria and La Perla

    Happy weekend


  12. Hello Mariette, They really did a good job on your toast rack. I have been trying to think of something that I might commission over here.

  13. So many of the crafts are becoming a lost art aren't they?
    Hope you are having a fantastic weekend Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    Your toast rack is beautiful. They did an exceptional job of recreating it for you. Love the shot with the Wisteria. I thought Pieter had place you pic on the table. LOL!
    Love to you and Pieter

  15. Dearest Blogger Friends,
    Thanks for the visit and for all your comments. Ginger was naughty for thinking that husband Pieter had placed my picture on the table... No Ma'am; I do have that bra in white and in cream; not in wisteria and I would not dare to show a picture of me wearing it!
    But the beautiful wisterias make a nice photo with this silver toast/waffle rack. Or napkin holder, card & letter holder... Whatever use we find for it.
    We do love it!
    Happy weekend to all of you world wide!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
