
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


In several of my blog posts about My Sewing Creations, you have read my mention of buttons from BRITEX FABRICS or lining, thread, top stitching from BRITEX NOTIONS. Just like to show you this remarkable store in San Francisco, California. I've frequented that store on and on while doing consulting work on the west coast.
This is it! FOUR floors with fabrics and over 30,000 buttons! I'm telling you that is hard to make a choice! You can ask for swatch service as well, for a small fee they mail you a little piece of fabric. You can mail order from them. Now I'm very far away from this unique store; my all time favorite! I always keep their blog listed in my sidebar for whenever I might need to call upon them. You can check out their amazing stock right here: Britex Fabrics - Blog. Just click on all their options in the gray area at the top for getting just an idea how mind bogling this store really is. You have no idea how huge. My rayon cotton jacquard curtains in rose pattern, for covering the front door, are also from Britex fabrics. They did mail me a swatch first and then I ordered from them what I needed.
Does any of my readers know this store? Would love to hear about it!

Related link:
{My French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains} | previous post by me showing rayon cotton damask fabric from Britex


  1. Dear Mariette,

    No have never been there, but know if I am ever in San Francisco, will go.
    Will check out their online store. I love fabric and notions shops. Just last week I went to one here called Centerpoint and they have beautiful fabrics.

    Enjoy the week

  2. I have not been to a fabulous fabric store since moving to Oklahoma. They just aren't here. We have a few interior fabric places and a great quilt shop...but nothing like I saw in Cali or in Tx. :(



  3. Liebe Mariette,

    herzliche Grüße und einen guten Mittwoch


  4. Liebste Mariette,
    das ist ja ein Paradies, dieser Laden! Schade, daß er so weit entfernt ist....Ich glaub, da könnt ich den ganzen Tag verbringen ;O)
    Vielen Dank auch für Deine wieder so lieben Kommentare!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen wunderschönen Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ja ein Eldorado für Schneiderinnen. Dort würde ich auch gerne mal stöbern.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  6. Dear Mariette,we can only find stores like that,in the center of Athens,or i can order from online stores!Thank you for your sweet comments!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Wow! One could definitely get lost in there for hours. Maybe all day! :) Best wishes, Tammy

  9. Hi Mariette,
    This sounds like a wonderful fabric shoppe and I will be sure to visit when we are in SF. I have not been and it sounds perfect. I love wonderful fabrics and notions.
    Have a wonderful day and thank you for sharing.
    Hugs, CM

  10. Liebe Mariewtte,
    ich mag Stoffe und halte mich gern
    in den entsprechenden Abteilungen auf.
    Aber einen Shop in dieser Größe gibt es
    bei uns nicht.
    Einen lieben Abendgruß schickt

  11. Our plans to go to California in Feb were cancelled because of our flight getting cancelled. If we go to California sometimes this year, I would like to check out San Francisco as well. May be then I might go take a visit to this store. My daughter loves arts and crafts. Thanks for sharing:)

  12. What a lovely shop. I want to go there *smile*.


  13. Don't know what happened:
    smartcat has left a new comment on your post "{BRITEX FABRICS & NOTIONS}":

    Dearest Mariette...

    I walked or rode past Britex whenever I visited Proge in the nineties. I never went inside as I didn't want to bring the too much stuff back to the east coast....which would have happened. I still have the potential to be a fabric junkie!

    Enjoy the day......*s*

    Posted by smartcat to MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS at April 10, 2013 at 8:28 AM

  14. Wooow four floors full of fabrics and 30,000 buttons! It must be really hard to choose but also there may be no fabric that you can't find :-) I would love to check out the store!

  15. Oh My what a treasure you are sharing! 4 floors of luxurious fabrics! Angel P's mother is a brilliant seamstress she would be in sewing delight in such a place. I'm not a good with needle and thread - or a machine for that matter... but to just be in such a place would be fabulous! xo C. (HHL)

  16. I love stores like that they are just so awesome


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