
Sunday, May 12, 2013

{Comment about Killer Legs - Daring to Pose in my Escada Hot Pants}

It was Zosia from Polonica: Home Again, who did comment on my March 13, 2013 blog post: {My Green Sewing Creation}, saying that I had Killer Legs... Just scroll down by clicking on this hyperlink and you find her comment at the bottom, as the last one. Well, Zosia sure did encourage me to take my Escada Moc Croc Hot Pants with me to Curaçao and daring to pose in them!
Posing in Paradise at the Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort Curaçao with the Dutch Caribbean Sea behind me, only 35 miles north of Venezuela...
Two days before departure. We enjoyed our 10 days of great relaxing.
Our free trip on American Airlines miles... one of the perks of having been consultants!
Zosia from Polonica: Home Again, did write on March 14: What a nice spring outfit. You look lovely in green and, may I say, you have killer legs and look fantastic in shorter skirts.
Thanks for the compliment Zosia! You did encourage me to wear my Escada Moc Croc Hot Pants!
The cotton t-shirt is also from Escada.
We had a very happy time together as a family in this tropical paradise!
Marc Cain sandals.
Holding on to this Caribbean dream...
This was a day before husband Pieter's birthday. The reason of our get-together as a family.
Pieter gifted his adopted daughter Liz and her husband Hans with a ticket and a stay at this resort.
This Escada set also comes with a jeans jacket in moc croc...
Here we are at the other side of the hotel...
Turning around for you.
Natural hair; never ever had any dye... Not bad for 62+ I guess.
How I miss those palm trees...
That jacket is really not needed out there!
Those legs did lots of walking around the resort... very healthy lifestyle we followed.
Yes, we ate a lot too! Step-daughter Liz could not believe how much I actually ate...
Not that we ought to turn away from that lifestyle, but at home it is different...
You need to prepare all the healthy food yourself!
At least climbing stairs we also do a lot here at home!
This is inside the hotel, going down to the MIDI or to the Bella Italia restaurants...
Yes, seriously...
In the lobby there was JUN'S SUSHI BAR where we also ate one night.
Already miss the sea wind blowing through my hair...
It is VERY hard to turn your back to PARADISE...
Okay, here is the real runway model from Escada...
Have any of you worn, or are wearing hot pants?
As of August 1, 2024 11,756 views

For those that celebrate Mother's Day (not the entire world); I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!


  1. You look great !!! from day..x !

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    so schön wie bei einer Vorführung.

    Alles Liebe


  3. "Killer legs"?

    Understatement of the century!

    I'm new here - are you a dancer?
    How do you get such amazing legs :D ?

  4. Mariette,sei sempre carina e solare!Bacioni,Rosetta

  5. I had hotpants when I was 20 or something, I don't think I should wear them now. But you look ageless and can get on the catwalk with your outfit.

  6. Killer legs! That's quite accurate description of your long beautiful legs :-) And not just legs, seriously, how you keep so fit! I don't wear short pants or skirts because my O-shaped legs don't look good. I try to disguise them with long pants and skirts :-) And I don't like my big, long buttock. I am so jealous with yours!!
    The resort looks very nice. I love the view of beautiful garden and sea.

  7. Mariette, Hot Pants trug ich mal in grauer Vorzeit. Jetzt schon lange nicht mehr.
    Du kannst sie gut tragen und ich finde, dass du eine tolel Figur und schöne
    Beine hast. Man sieht dir deine 62 nicht an! Ich meine es ehrlich.
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht dir

  8. You make me feel very jealous! I have problem wearing anything short (during summer of course :D ) because I have so much cellulite it's scary. :(
    Maybe you have some advice for reducing it (except that one about drinking a lot of water 'cause it doesn't help). :)
    I googled Curaçao, very beautiful place and interesting history.
    And one more thing, you definetly have better body shape than the model wearing Escada. I think we'd all agree here. :)

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    It sure is amazing how well you can keep in shape; you eat a lot, wow. I am so happy to see you enjoyed the paradise and even Sushi, my friend.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  10. You have a fantastic figure Mariette and you do have killer legs! Pieter is a lucky man to have such a beautiful wife, not only on the outside but on the inside too. I wore cut off's last summer but I've been careless lately and can't squeeze into them so I need to get back in bathing suit shape:)

    Happy Mother's Day Mariette!!!

  11. Dearest Mariette,

    How terrific that you look both cool and elegant in your hot pants!

    Happy Mothers Day............*s*

  12. Dearest Mariette.
    you look stunning ! I would dare to wear those short shorts too if I were as slim as you are.
    Have a wonderful day.

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    so ein süßes Kompliment und du hast es wirklich zu Recht bekommen. Wenn das keine Killer legs sind. Du siehst fantastisch aus, so eine Figur hatte ich nicht mal als junges Mädchen. Ich wünsche dir auch einen schönen Muttertag.
    Liebe Grüße,

  14. What incredibly beautiful clothes and you really wear them out. Imagine having such a fine figure.


  15. Not everyone could pull that outfit off but you do it well. Have a great day! Tammy

  16. Wow Mariette, hai davvero delle belle gambe...anche se io sono magra e un pò più giovane di te non potrei mai permettermi un paio di shorts così corti! Complimenti davvero...anche per la bella vacanza ovviamente!
    Un pò in ritardo ma "buona festa della mamma anche a te"
    Un abbraccio

  17. Dear Blogger Friends,
    Thanks for all your comments; it means a lot to both of us.
    Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day with some sunshine.
    Happy New Week to all!

  18. Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes, Mariette. You do look wonderful in your hot pants. All of your clothes fit you like a glove. I'm sold on Escada. <3

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    I'am very happy for you with lovely holiday with Piter's birthdays,
    Are you having Sushi bar The japanes's Sushi with sake too...
    Bella Italia restaurantsof I thinking of lovely enjoy food.
    You having a fantastic lovely in shorter skits and perfect still good years.
    Hugs and love to always!

  20. Dear Mariette,
    you keep so fit and you have beautiful legs.You are so chic!!!Happy New Week,dear & wishes for the Mother' Day.Kisses from Greece!

  21. Preciosas pierna, maravillosa figura. Feliz día. Besos.

  22. Olá

    Está maravilhosa, muito elegante, parabéns.


  23. WOW... what a hot pants and lovely leg! Beautiful outfit! Happy weekend Mariette. Mei

  24. Dear Mariette, the Escada model has nothing on you! You look sensational in this outfit.
    It was so very nice of you to mention my comment. Thank you.

  25. Mariette - STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!
    Gorgeous. And she was very, very right. KILLER legs.

    And love the shoes.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
