
Friday, May 3, 2013

{Curaçao Airport on Coronation Day King Willem-Alexander}

On Tuesday, April 30 was the Coronation Day of the Dutch King Willem-Alexander. We were lucky for being still on the Island of Curaçao, for our family vacation of 10 days at the Santa Barbara Resort. Enjoying our tropical environment, together with daughter Liz and husband Hans, who flew in from The Netherlands to be with us for celebrating Pieter's Birthdays on April 23 and 29. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the comments on Pieter's Birthday! It meant a lot to all of us and I will be back soon at your blogs.

  • By the way, on April 23, Pieter turned 20, as a USA citizen!

  • We could watch the Coronation ceremonies from our hotel room via Live TV stream of NOS Journaal; Dutch broadcasting. When we did arrive at 1:00 PM at the airport we were in for a Royal Treat in honor of King Willem-Alexander's Coronation Day.
  • Cupcakes with an orange crown made for some great treats to all passengers willing to take one!

Image by Vogue on my Pinterest
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima in her elegant royal blue gown by Dutch designer Jan Taminiau.
The Dutch have a new Queen of Fashion by the Argentine blonde, Máxima!

  • Husband Pieter enjoyed it very much. He ate already an orange glazed Tompouce (Napoleon) pastry and now the cupcake goes down as sweet lunch food! Just click the link above for recipe and historical information...

  • The colors of the Dutch flag: Red - White - Blue were shown as well as tiny flags on each cupcake.
  • There were two flights going to Amsterdam but the one showing at gate 3 was not the one for Liz & Hans... 
  • We got so lucky for arriving almost at the same time; only 15 minutes after KLM landed, we got there on our American Airlines flight for frequent flyer miles. Great service by that airline we must say!
  • Our departure was also 20 minutes apart from each other. We departed from gate 4 and Liz & Hans from gate 1...

  • Orange balloons on the floor; it looked very festive!

  • Very nice presentation...

  • At another table, ladies in orange shirts were offering the typical Dutch 'Bitter Ballen' from which I did taste one. Long ago that I had one, typically being served at weddings during reception and at parties.
  • Customary these Bitter Balls were being served alongside Bitters such as Dutch Gin or in this case, Dutch Oranje Bitter (Orange Bitter). Click the above link for Dutch Beef Bitterballen recipe and info.

  • Another Dutch treat are Poffertjes or Pancake Puffs.
  • Click above link again, for recipe of Classic Poffertjes.
So that's why I have been missing several blog posts... We're back home since yesterday morning at 2:30 AM. It took us about as long as it took Liz & Hans for flying home to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For us with a stop in Miami for going through immigration, re-check of luggage and on to Atlanta.
A very happy Daddy Pieter, who was feeling great for having gifted his girl this nice vacation, together with her husband.

Related articles:
Curaçao Airport | Find out more about this great tropical destination.
Willem-Alexander sworn in as king of the Netherlands after his mother abdicates | Dutch Caribbean Legal Portal
King Willem-Alexander will be inaugurated, not crowned | Dutch Caribbean Legal Portal
Maxima's parents will watch Dutch coronation on TV | Hello Magazine - Royalty
Queen Maxima gives nod to Dutch flag with cobalt blue gown | Hello Magazine - Royalty
Willem-Alexander Becomes New Dutch King After Queen Beatrix Abdicates The Throne (VIDEO, PHOTOS) | Huffington Post
Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort Curaçao | Where we were last year and again this year (formerly Hyatt)


  1. how wonderful that you got to have a family vacation! and the airport festivities are really great, too! i'd have had a cupcake (or two!)

  2. Oh dear Mariette, congrats on your new King and why not, on the new South American Queen as well! I wish I had one of those cute cupcakes! Big hugs,

  3. Welcome home, Mariette! And a belated Happy Birthday to Dear Pieter, as I have missed some posts being on vacation, myself. How exciting to have a new King and Queen in The Netherlands. Queen Maxima looks very stunning in her beautiful gown. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family. I do hope you share some photos with us! Hugs, xoxo

  4. Those are a lot of yummy looking cupcakes!! :)
    Glad you made it home safe and sound!
    xo Catherine

  5. Oh, that is why I missed have been on holidays :O)
    Hope oyu had a lovely time, dearest Mariette!
    Have a happy weekend,
    Love and hugs
    P.S. I watched the enthronement in TV...they are such a wonderful couple!

  6. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße


  7. Wat een leuke verrassing en wat hebben ze er een werk van gemaakt, zelfs poffertjes en bitterballen! Het was ook echt een bijzondere dag hier, iedereen werd er helemaal vrolijk en koningsgezind van. Het zag er allemaal perfect uit, heel goed georganiseerd en iedereen zo mooi gekleed, met Maxima natuurlijk als hoogtepunt.

  8. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat heerlijk dat jullie samen met familie vakantie konden vieren.
    Had ik het toch goed begrepen...;-)
    jij maakte blogposten in het vooruit,en ging er lekker tussenuit.

    Wat een verwennerij op de luchthaven....ha,ha,ha....nou is NL voor buitenlanders al het land van tulpen,molens en klompen........komen daar vanaf 30 april nog eens de poffertjes,bitterballen en cupcakes bij.
    Wij zaten af en toe voor de buis,genoten van de mooie beelden en aten en dronken niets anders dan op andere dagen in de week,het was een kroningsdag en daarom anders dan andere dagen,ach ik zal wel bij die nuchtere Hollanders horen....

    Geniet nog maar lekker even na van de vakantie.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet!!

  9. Hej Mariëtte, een heerlijke plek om samen de vakantie door te brengen. Jullie hebben ook volop van de Oranje sfeer kunnen proeven. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  10. Wat leuk zo al die aandacht voor het Konings paar....ook wij hebben er van genoten......liefs

  11. Liebe Mariette, die beiden sind ein seehr schönes Paar. Maxima hat ihren Prinzen
    gezähmt! Und ich zolle Beatrix meinen höchsten Respekt.
    Wunderbar, wie alles dekoriert war. Auch die Törtchen sehen lecker aus.
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    da habt ihr ja einen wunderbaren Urlaub gehabt. Und trotz Auslandsreise habt ihr bei den Krönungsfeierlichkeiten sozusagen einen Logenplatz gehabt. Das sieht alles sehr lecker aus, hätte ich auch gerne probiert.
    Liebe Grüße, Johannna


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