
Monday, January 27, 2014

{SOULFUL RELATIONSHIPS - Celia M. High Heeled Life's Contribution}

What a joy to receive this excellent short stories book: ADVENTURES IN MANIFESTING about SOULFUL RELATIONSHIPS! Even more so since dear blogger friend Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista wrote her story in it as well. She sure is and remains a Blogger I Admire! So glad I took advantage of the pre-ordering in September before it got published...
Indeed; Featuring Celia M.
You can read about her fatal accident and her story in my post: {"A Blogger I Admire" - Celia from High Heeled Life}
Celia knows a thing or two about wrapping things in a very special and meaningful way.
Peace and Joy it did bring to our home!
Thank you again dear Friend!
Here it is on page 137...
Had to put a rose birdie paperweight on top for making the page lay 'still'...
Love her enclosure card too! 
Very stylish, the way she is; a true Fashionista.
For anyone wanting to obtain this lovely book, you can still order it!
Just go to the link: Resilientista


  1. how neat to receive a gift from a published author. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, I am so glad I did pre order this book in September and the way she ships them out they certainly look like a gift! Considering her fatal accident and her brain injury 7 years ago, she is a remarkable person and a role model for most of us!

  2. Hi my dear friend,
    How wonderful it is to receive a gift like this from a good friend and also the author, you are very lucky. Enjoy your nice gift and stay warm,
    Hugs with love

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Celia M. certainly is a dear friend and one I admire tremendously because of what she managed after brain injury. Glad I did pre order this book in which she is featured.
      Hugs to you and yes, we will stay warm.

  3. Dearest Mariette;
    Yes, I remember your post and the book sure must be the one worthwhile to read. Her way of wrapping is really elegant and you birdie paperweight is so lovely♡♡♡
    I hope your Sunday will be the wonderful one, my friend.
    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and yes, her contributing story is a lovely written one and about a true life experience; that makes quite a difference too.
      Oh, that paperweight birdie is very lovely indeed.
      This Sunday is not as cold as past week so it already feels better.
      Hugs to you,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wiederhole: wundervoll und elegant.

    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, es ist wundervoll dass so eine junge Frau nach einen schweren Unfall mit schwere Hirnschäden noch wieder in sieben Jahre Zeit sich so auf arbeitet. Ihr schreiben ist sehr gut und ich kann sie nur bewundern, auch als Bloggerin.
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Looks like a splendid read dear mariette. Love the way its been wrapped :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      It sure was a splendid read and above all from such a role model that made it this far after severe brain damage from a fatal accident.

  6. Lieve Mariette,

    Na de dramatische post gelezen te hebben over het fatale ongeluk en daarna, kan ik begrijpen dat jij deze vrouw bewonderd.Het boek vaak ter hand zal nemen om de vele verhalen te lezen.

    Je hebt er een mooie post met foto's van gemaakt en die zal wereldwijd gelezen worden.
    Hoop dat de oplage van het boek groot genoeg zal zijn.

    Ken ook lieve mensen in mijn naaste omgeving die zich door omstandigheden(waar zijzelf geen schuld aan hebben) dagelijks door het leven knokken,niet in de publiciteit staan of die zoeken,geen blog hebben,geen boek uitgeven,geen luxe leven gehad hebben of nog hebben..... etc.etc.
    En toch zijn ze op hun manier gelukkig met de ''gewone'' dagelijkse dingen in hun leventje.....ook al gaat dat hun levensweg lang niet altijd over rozen.

    Fijne zondag en liefs,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jazeker bewonder je zulke mensen en ongeacht of ze iets publiceren of niet. Hun kringetje kan ook gewoon klein zijn maar desalnietemin is het bewonderenswaardig hoe sommigen hun kruis dragen en weer met volledige inzet het leven verder leiden. Het zijn ook meestal diegenen die eigenlijk geen reden hebben tot klagen die het wèl doen. Juist diegenen die alle recht tot klagen zouden hebben, hoor je niet. Een zekere trots, ook kracht van binnenuit (of van bovenaf...) maakt dat ze door gaan.
      Daarom gun ik deze Celia ook het àllerbeste voor haar toekomst; iemand om echt te bewonderen.

  7. Your friend Ceila sounds such an amazing person. No wonder you so admire her! The book must be wonderful. I love the pretty wrapping. And I love your rose birdie paperweight, too :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Celia sure is an amazing lady! She definitely is one I admire and always will. Thank you for your kind comment.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Celia is truly a lovely and inspirational lady. I know you have enjoyed this special gift.
    Have a blessed day.
    Love to you,

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Oh, we should have a lot more like her and the world would be a different place!
      So glad I ordered her book; her first contribution as an author.
      Happy Sunday afternoon and evening to you.

  9. Dear Mariette,the book looks very interesting!How nice you recieved a book from the author!!!Lucky you!!Enjoy reading it!!!Wish you a lovely new week!!Hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      You bet this is an interesting book for good reading and Celia's contribution is a lovely one. You all can order her book; just like I did and enjoy it.
      Hugs and happy new week to you as well.

  10. Dearest Mariette; I'm beyond words with your post today. It was a most beautiful surprise to see as I logged on this morning with my cup of tea to catch up on some blog visits and reading. So happy that you enjoyed the book (and my chapter) ... it is filled with so much inspiration from all the various contributors. - it really is a wonderful book to own and gift.
    Thank you more mentioning my website ... it's been a long road to figure out what next on this journey ... but the one thing that has always been constant is my desire to help others achieve their best life by finding peace and balance mind, body and spirit. And speaking and coaching seems like a good venue to inspire and educate on ways to do this.
    Again thank you so much for your support, encouragement and inspiration (you truly live a life of balance and I love you for sharing and reminding us what is important by sharing your stories.)

    Stay warm and wishing you and Pieter a blessed week ahead. Hugs from Canada, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      You are most deserving of this post and I meant to do this a long time but it was for weeks rainy, dreary and above all way too dark for making any decent pictures. Finally I got to do it and than lining things up and adding the text. But hindsight this worked well because your video on YouTube got listed also just recently... So I was glad for being able to add your website's link!
      Thank you for being a loyal friend over the years and I hope you will figure out what to do next. Life comes with so many decisions to make at certain crossroads in our lives. But it will show itself one way or another.
      Today is so much milder here and we will have more frost this week; that will delay the completion of our latest project but never mind...
      Hugs to you and Giulio + furbabies.

  11. What a lovely card. I wish I could have high heels.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      Guess you could as you have not had severe injuries from a fatal accident like Celia.
      But the card sure is very lovely and her story in this book I'd ordered is also wonderful.

  12. Hello dear Mariette
    What a lovely card from Celia - her book sounds inspirational!
    We all need to grab hold of inspirations in whatever way we can.
    I've made a note about it already - thank you my dear friend - you are a treasure!

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Such a card is a gift in itself and the book is inspirational!
      Celia sure is a role model and none of us even had to live through what she went through with her brain injury.
      Thank you for your sweet words; you are very kind yourself.

  13. Mariette you have many sweet friends. I love how the book was wrapped with the beautiful card.

    1. Dearest Dee,
      Thank you and friend Celia is one I always will admire. Looking where she came from in seven years since her fatal accident...
      Hugs to you,

  14. Replies
    1. Dearest Leticia,
      The gift was the writing in this pre-ordered book by me. This is Celia's first publication as a contributing author and I admire her for what she's accomplished in seven years since her fatal accident with brain injury.
      We are lucky indeed for having such role models leading us!

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    ich kann mir deine Freude vorstellen, als du das Buch von der
    Autorin bekommen hast. Es scheint sehr interessant zu sein.
    Werde im Internet mal nachforschen.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja diese Autorin ist eine sehr besondere Frau die nie aufgab; auch nicht nach ihrem schweren Unfall. Ich habe dich einen Bericht via Google+ geschickt.
      Lieber Gruss und auch eine schöne neue Woche.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Your lovely friend Dear Celia was a wonderful book to gift you Hi-T Celia M and Mariette are both good looking lady Heelet life!.
    hugs and happy weekend to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      And above all, Celia M. is living proof as to what can be reached in seven years of therapy, focus, love and perseverance. Never, ever giving up! Love you for your way of dealing with life after your brain injury and considering the fact that English is NOT your mother tongue and neither is the Roman alphabet; you are doing great!!!
      Hugs and love with admiration,

  17. Nou die vrouw heeft heel wat meegemaakt zeg, bewonderingswaardig dat ze weer zo ver hersteld is en zo positief haar leven leidt.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, zulke mensen zijn een bron van inspiratie en doorgaans een veel belangrijker 'Role Model' dan menige zogenaamde Hollywood ster... Zoiets geeft de burger moed!

  18. Yep!
    I guess I have lived my life pretty much like I wanted and.... I am not quite finished with it yet! LOL!
    Many thanks for your kind comment on my blog! :)
    Keep well!

    1. Dear Noushka,
      You have been lucky than... friend Celia got hit by a car and her life changed dramatically but she came back very strong.
      You're quite welcome as for the comment(s).
      Stay well yourself.

  19. Good Evening Mariette, Do you know, that is what I love about you, you are such a generous spirit, as you frequently highlight your friends blogs. To pre-order Celia's book sounds like it was a very good thing to do. I love how it arrived, wrapped so beautifully and the little bird paperweight which you added is so lovely, it blended beautifully with the card.
    I am now going to pop over and visit Celia's blog.
    Best Wishes to you.

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Thank you for your lovely comment! Trying to be nice to others is most rewarding; you know that yourself.
      Celia is such a dear friend and I wish her all the best for her new career.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
