
Saturday, February 8, 2014

{Poinsettia as Tree in Indonesia}

THANK you all for the many Birthday wishes; here and on FB!

Most of my readers do know that we have worked and lived on the island of Java, Indonesia. In that tropical setting you find many exotic plants, shrubs and trees. Also you find there the Poinsettia Tree!

They really do become as tall as a tree and bloom year round of course. Our Poinsettia plant is only rewarding us with some blooms around Christmas. Many of you for sure have tried to keep such a plant alive but it is hard to do so... On January 18, ours looked still great and even today, it still is alive but has lost some leaves already because it is not happy in the dry conditions of winter inside our home.

Of course, those are the cultivated species and they look beautiful!

Did you know they were like trees in tropical areas?
Do you still have yours from Christmas...?
Related links:
{December 12th is Poinsettia Day} | previous post by me
{Today I turned 17!} previous post by me showing you white and red Poinsettia
{Our Pinckneya Pubens - Poinsettia Tree} previous post by me about our Poinsettia Tree in our garden.
{History of the Poinsettia} previous post by me
America's First Poinsettia: The Introduction at Bartram’s Garden  published on Poinsettia Day, 2011!
Joell Roberts Poinsett 1759 - 1851 Info
Joell Roberts Poinsett Info History


  1. i tried to keep one growing one year and it made it a few months before succumbing. :)

    again, happy birthday to you!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      They sooner or later do succumb... We cannot replace the tropical environment with high humidity and especially not during winter time!
      Thank you.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    what a wonderful tree! Here you only get those as small plants during Christmastime!
    HAve a wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Like here in the USA, they don't last that long... But it was amazing to see them in Indonesia alongside the road as trees! Ours sure do look pretty as a plant as they are cultivated for looks but they are short lived.
      Hugs and happy weekend!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    alles Liebe und Gute

  4. Hello Mariette, Coming from cold Ohio, I was surprised to see many what I considered houseplants growing wild, forming large trees or extensive patches in Taiwan. The massed blooms and foliage seem especially spectacular when one is used to seeing one small plant at a time. I especially love the fruit trees, loaded down with mangoes, star-fruit, lian-wu (wax apples), etc.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      We often have found in the tropics that their weeds or wildlife flowers/plants are the pot plants sold in our regions.
      Sure, fruit trees are quite a sight; we got to see plenty of mango trees in East Java, Indonesia.

  5. Lieve Mariette,

    Toen wij tijdens onze rondreis in Indonesië de theeplantages op Java bezochten viel het mij op dat er overal tussen de theestruiken hoge bomen stonden van het soort wat wij hier de kerstster noemen,ik stelde daar natuurlijk een vraag over aan onze gids,kreeg als antwoord:doordat de theepluksters de hele dag naar de groene blaadjes turen ontstaat er een soort van kleurenblindheid en daardoor kunnen ze de kleur van jonge blaadjes niet meer onderscheiden van de rest,door even naar het rode blad van de bomen te kijken of naar elkaars gekleurde kleding zou het zicht in ogen en hersenen zich weer herstellen tot normaal.

    Ben nooit niet zó van de kerststerren geweest als kamerplant en vond het ook helemaal niet erg dat de plant binnen de kortste keren al zijn blad verloor wanneer ik jaar in jaar uit rond Kerstmis zo'n grote plant van mijn schoonmoeder kreeg.Het klinkt een ''beetje'' ondankbaar.....maar ik kan niet blij worden van iets wat niet mijn smaak is.
    Bij schoonouders op de vensterbanken deden de kerststerren het altijd erg goed en stonden met Pasen nog mooi te wezen,maar zij was ook dol op dit soort plant en haar ''groene vingers'' deden de rest.
    In de tijd van de doorzonkamers toen er meer licht in de huizen binnenviel kwamen ook de tropische planten in de mode als kamerplant....maar ik weet dat ze heel wat meer eisen stellen aan hun omgeving om mooi te blijven groeien en bloeien.

    Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Het eentonige plukken van groene blaadjes zal best vermoeiend kunnen zijn aan de ogen maar toch niet anders dan het plukken van augurken of i.d. Wij hadden ook geen andere kleur in de kassen staan of op het veld tussen de struikboontjes... Maar het klinkt goed zo'n verhaaltje. Even de ogen sluiten doet meer denk ik!
      Nee, ik ben ook niet zó weg van de Kerstster, ze zijn erg groot en worden al snel slap. Wij hebben beiden wel groene vingers maar de onze van Kerst 2013 hangt nu ook met slappe ledematen en je kunt ze ook amper er door krijgen. Ze zijn n.l. in zó 'n ijltemp opgekweekt voor de massa verkoop dat ze daarna nauwelijks in staat zijn om nog normaal te kunnen groeien. Maar dat is gewoon voor de verkoop en we zitten er verder ook niet mee. Slap, ook goed dan gaan ze weg.
      Het hangt voornamelijk af van de luchtvochtigheid in de huizen, naast voldoende licht natuurlijk. Maar in onze veranda, met zo'n strenge vorst voor een week lang dan is de luchtvochtigheid vanwege de centrale airconditioning die verwarmt, zó laag dat ze het erbij laten zitten hoor. Niks aan te doen en je gaat omwille van zo'n inwonende Kerstster ook niet in de kou zitten met hogere luchtvochtigheid.

  6. Dear Mariette,yours looks great even now!Mine in not looking like yours!I really like the information about this plant!Hope you have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Oh, since this picture has been taken, ours is now kind of floppy looking and it never has worked for keeping them alive. They were too much forced to grow out in a hurry for sales around Christmas and they cannnot adapt to normal life...
      Enjoy your weekend as well.

  7. I do see many of these around here dear Mariette. Nice to know they are blooming half way across the world too :) have a great weekend .

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Oh sure, Singapore is in many ways equal to Indonesia and you will find numerous growing in the wild in your region. Oh, this is quite a commodity in the Western hemisphere for Christmas sales, they are being forced in greenhouses and ready for sales at the right time.
      Happy weekend to you!

  8. I see the plant around Christmas, so I had an image it was from somewhere north :-)
    It must be difficult to keep it alive through winter. Even though it lost some leaves, your plant looks really beautiful!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      This is one more cultivar that derived from the tropics and got bred to beautiful houseplant in different colors. Ours is now wilting away too...

  9. Eine wahre Pracht, liebe Mariette!
    Ich hatte auch einen Weihnachtsstern, der mir leider eingegangen war. Im jetzigen Haus haben wir wenig Platz für Topfpflanzen, daher besitze ich derzeit nur noch sehr wenige.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Es ist ohne weiteres sehr schwierig um solche getriebene Weihnachtsternen am Leben zu halten. In unsere Wohnzimmer ist die Luftfeuchtigheit im Winter nicht in das Optimum für Pflanzen.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  10. Nie wiedziałam, że Poinsecja to też drzewo. Piękne zdjęcia tych, które rosną w domu. Pozdrawiam.
    I did not know that the poinsettia is also a tree. Beautiful pictures of the ones that grow in the home. Yours.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Oh most of our potplants are coming from some tropical country where they thrive in the wild. With some breeding they become adorable houseplants to brighten up our homes a little bit.

    2. Jak byłam u Ciebie z wizytą , to zauważyłam Twojego Tłumacza. Pomyślałam, że może spróbuję go u siebie. Potem Ty mi o nim napisałaś i zdecydowałam się. Jest i działa. Cieszę się. Dziękuję.
      When I was with you for a visit, I noticed your interpreter. I thought maybe I'll try it at home. Then you wrote me about it and I decided to. It's up and running. I'm glad. Thank you.

    3. Dearest Giga,
      Glad you managed to put it on.
      Happy weekend to you!

  11. WOW!!! your poinsettia looks amazing - and it's already February. Unfortunately no matter what I try they seem to say goodbye by early January. That is so interesting to learn that they grow into tree - how fabulous to have been able to experience that... thank you mon ami for sharing this.. hugs and blessings, C.

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Ours is wilting too... there is no way for saving them as potplant.
      But they are quite striking as tree form in the tropics and we enjoyed nature in Indonesia while working and living there.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    schön, dass du noch Aufnahmen von dem Weihnacahtssternbaum hast.
    Ich war damals auch ganz überwältigt von einem ganzen kleinen Wald.
    das hätte ich niemals gedacht. Es war auch auf Java.
    Deine Weihnachtssterne sind noch so schön. Ich habe meinen gestern
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, die Aufnahmen sind schöner als die Weihnachtssterne im Moment... Es klappt einfach nicht sie durch zu halten im Winter.
      Ja, auf Java sind diese Weihnachtssternbäume sehr schön.
      Auch ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir mit liebe Grüsse,

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    You would not believe it, but I used to have a poinsettia tree in my garden some years ago!!! It was a small tree, about 2m tall, which I had grown from a cutting!!! When we built a hedge between us and the neighbour, the Poinsettia found itself on the other side. I asked the neighbours to take care of the tree but they did not care much. I regretted I did not think to dig it out and replant it on our side. The following year it died. I have tried many other times to root some cuttings, but they did not survive.
    It is not unusual in Greece to see small poinsettia trees in some sheltered gardens. The one I bought at Christma is still in good shape, inside the house, but as yours, it looses its leaves little by little. We also call it Alexandrian plant here.
    Many hugs to you ! Have a nice week-end.
    I am very sad tonight as we lost one very dear blog friend. She was only 45 and I will go to her funeral tomorrow. But, that's life!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Oh sure I do believe you; when that tree had some fertile soil and protection from wind and such it would thrive definitely. Too bad that it got lost but that is hind sight with so many things in life.
      You are very sad you write and I only read your comment right before we left for dinner, for my birthday (which was yesterday) so I worried too as I was thinking about our friend Georgia... Let's hope not!
      Wishing you lots of strength and the family that is involved as well.

    2. I am sure you had a lovely birthday dinner with Pieter!!!
      It was a difficult day for me! Virginia (or Virgo, as she used to sign her creations) was so young -she had just turned 46 - and she was the first friend I met about 3 years ago, when I started the decoupage technique. She was quite an artist! But cancer struck her about the same time we met. I am so sorry for her husband and her two children! May she rest in peace! I don't know if the translation is working properly on my blog...and if you will be able to understand my post about her.
      Have a nice Sunday, my dear Mariette!

    3. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thanks for your update. No matter whom it is that gets taken down by cancer at such a young age; it is tragic for all loved ones that stay behind...
      Wishing you strength for dealing with this loss of a dear friend.
      Hugs and a peaceful Sunday.

  14. Hi Marie -Anne, We have poinsettia trees here in Australia, although like you said they don't flower all the year around. Certainly they flower at Christmas. Some people keep the pot plants inside before planting them out.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Depending in which area of Australia they sure will thrive there too. Here it would not work for keeping them outside, we can have surprise winter-weather and that kills them.

  15. Dear Mariette,
    I think that would be wonderful to see a Poinsettia Tree! Sometimes I have had Poinsettias that last for a few years as house plants, but this year both of mine have not been lucky. They are beautiful plants. Your time in Java must have been amazing.

    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      In the tropics they are a great sight. Keeping those forced houseplants alive is very tricky. Yes, living in Indonesia is like being in paradise; nature is so beautiful!

  16. Dear Mariette,

    I believe I missed your birthday post! Congratulations to you! Hope you and Pieter had a lovely day. It hard to believe that our 'kerstster' can grow into such a pretty tree!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Thank you, never mind as we cannot be at all places at once... Time is the limit.
      We had yesterday a lovely 5-course dinner so that was great; gifted by the Lady Chef and her husband.
      Oh, the 'kerstster' indeed grows into a tree! That looks always so beautiful all over Java...
      Hugs and happy weekend!

  17. Happy belated wishes Mariette, I wish you the best because you are a strong, dynamic woman , kind, warm and sweet. I thank you for all your lovely comments that I read with so much interest.
    Java, it sounds so exotic to my ears, lucky you to have lived so enriching experiences!
    Wish you a happy Sunday!

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you; never mind as I have been receiving wishes for several days.
      You are very kind with your words!
      Oh, Java sure is exotic in many ways because of its tropical environment and always great temperatures, delicious food... wish we could be there in winter time again; skipping the dreary season here.
      It has been very enriching for living in so many countries and continents.
      Hugs and happy Sunday to you as well.

  18. Happy Birthday Mariette!!! XO

    I use to have poinsettias in my sunroom. They would bloom in the summer at times.

    1. Dearest Dee,
      You were very lucky for keeping them that long! They are rewarding when they bloom, but tricky for keeping them alive...
      Hugs and happy weekend.

  19. Dearest Mariette;
    Like some of other your friends, I've never seen or known about poinsettia trees p;) Just enjoy seeing cultivated ones around Christmas season. Haha, you made me curious about the connection with Christmas. I checked with PC and learned about a great man called 'Joel Roberts Poinsett' who used be the Mexican ambassador. Thank you very much for the new knowledge♪♪♪

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      They only grow in the tropics and are not as beautiful as those specially bred Christmas version we all know. The two last links under my blog post would tell you about the history of the Poinsettia... It was a pleasure sharing this!
      Hugs and love all the way back to you from Georgia,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
