
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

{Can't get into ANY Blog nor Comment!}

Is there anyone else having the same problem with Blogger? I cannot see my own blog nor any other blog... NOT visit anybody NOR comment! Would like to get feedback from other bloggers on this. Funny enough, I can get into 'the back door' for editing but that's it! Uploading photos works only on Google Chrome. 

Today, Thursday the 20th I had again the very same problem.
When I did unplug the power of my modem and restart, also rebooting my PC, it worked again!
Make sure to keep the URL of your Blog's design page handy because at all times that did work.
So you still can edit, post, upload photos or publish comments that is.


  1. i use google chrome and read blogs via feedly and am not having troubles right now. i hope yours resolves soon.

  2. Ja, das ist schon immer wieder aufs Neue ärgerlich, liebe Mariette. Ich hatte zeitweilig auch Ausfälle, aber auch in Chrome. Wahrscheinlich arbeitet Blogger wieder an einer so genannten Verbesserung. ;.-) Mir waren die alten Blogs von früher lieber. Damals war alles einfach, aber es funktionierte weitgehend. Heute gibt es in allem eine Übersättigung. Wo viel Technik ist, gibt es auch so manche Fehlfunktion.

    Es wird gewiß bald wieder besser funktionieren.

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Hoi Mariette,
    Dat probleem hadden poos geleden meerdere bloggers, het bleek aan het vinkje te liggen bij aangemeld blijven op blogger,ook ik kampte destijds met die kuren van blogger,werk in mijn blog de laatste tijd met Google chrome en dan heb ik geen problemen.
    Hoop dat je snel de oplossing hebt en weer kan bloggen en reageren.


  4. Hola Marietta podrías probar con otro buscador como Google Chrome ,, yo cuando tuve problemas así me funciono
    Que se le solucionen sis problemas

  5. Mariette, I use Google chrome all the time and I have not had any trouble.I hope you get it sorted.
    Hugs Kay

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    Computerprobleme sind immer ärgerlich.

    Alles Liebe

  7. Dearest Mariette
    also have some problems with Blogger.
    I get error when I go to see my blog list.
    I can write messages in Windows, but if I want to change something in the settings, it only works with Google Chrome.
    A bit annoying ...

    Lucky you were able to write in my blog ☺

    Hugs to you

  8. Dear Mariette,on Friday it happened to me, very annoying, restart the computer, and after 2 hours to get in again, it certainly asks you some numbers !Good luck to you!Have a lovely week!!Hugs!

  9. Wie ärgerlich. Das tut mir leid liebe Mariette. Ich habe keine Ahnung, warum das so ist und hoffe, dass es sich bald von selbst löst.
    Liebe Grüße,

  10. hello
    j'utilise google chrome est je n'ai aucun problème en ce moment
    bon courage

  11. Ik had vandaag ook problemen met publiceren, kreeg maar een half bericht en met hulp van echtgenoot is het me met veel moeite gelukt het hele bericht te plaatsen. Ik gebruik ook Google Chrome omdat een tijd geleden het niet meer lukte met Google, maar dat is al wel meer dan een jaar geleden. Weet niet wat ze nu weer hebben. Wel vervelend allemaal.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm sorry about this problem, it must be SO annoying! Everything is fine here, I can both see and comment posts. Hope you can solve the problem soon!
    Big hugs!

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Your comment on my blog came through fine, but that was just after midnight. Technology is great until it isn't!
    Your little devil is most appropriate!..........xox*s*

  14. What browser have you been using? I only use Google Chrome. Though I did switch to Firefox for a little while when my computer kept crashing. I had done some updates that totally screwed things up as my laptop stopped reading my camera and my iPhone. It took me days to figure it out. Then when I wanted to visit The Moksi Homes, Firefox wouldn't work for me so now I am back to Chrome again. Lots of people are upgrading to Google+ which I hate because I can no longer leave comments on their blogs since I haven't upgraded. I don't know why things can't just be left alone when they are working. All the upgrades just screw everything up. Hope you get it sorted out. Best wishes, Tammy

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    ich schreib auch Deutsch, das geht jetzt schneller ;O) Also, diese Probleme hatte ich nciht, aber ich kann mich seit Tagen nirgends mehr als Leser eintragen, das mache ich jetzt über BlogLovin.
    Ich denke aber nicht, daß die Probleme mit dem Browser zusammenhängen, da werden bestimmt wieder updates oder sowas durchgeführt. Ich hoffe auch, daß bald wieder alles reibungslos funktioniert ;O)
    Ich wünsche Dir noch eine schöne Woche!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße, Claudia ♥

  16. Oh, no, I'm sorry you are having an issue. Blogger sometimes gives us such headache. I haven't been having any issues so far. I use Google Chrome, as Blogger doesn't work properly with Internet Explorer. I hope someone here can help you...or issues just go away (because sometimes they do.)

  17. So sorry, Mariette - I know these things can be frustrating, to say the least. This happened to me a while back, too, but it resolved itself after a time - I upgraded my Google Chrome and maybe that is the problem, just a little upgrade. It took me a while to figure out that was the problem. Love your devil - he certainly lurks around computers, doesn't he? Wishing you luck! xo Karen

  18. Dear Mariette,

    So sorry that you are having problems with blogger, as know it can be so annoying.
    I read where Miyako was having some problems with her site the other day.
    Will email you soon and hope that you get the problem sorted and can be back blogging again.
    Sending hugs

  19. Yes, I have had similar problems, now everything is working again.... don't know why ?


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