
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

{Dogwood Flowers Frame our Home & Gazebo}

When our Dogwood near the Gazebo is in full bloom, its Flowers literally do Frame our Home & Gazebo! Have a look at its magic. Photos were taken on April 3, before the heavy rain and thunderstorms of past Monday that did knock off all blossoms...
You see what I mean by 'Framing' our Home...
These photos also show the Gingerbread work from  Vintage Woodworks, like the Fleur de Lys trim under the gable.
The Benjamin Moore color Golden Mist for our Home stands out so pretty with those Dogwood Flowers!
Here I am actually standing inside our Gazebo, looking back at our Home.
No so far I did not regret the color choice; it blends in very nice with its surroundings!
However, such big trees create lots of shade...
You see those Pot-plants all lined up with our exotic jasmines?
From the stairs to our veranda, now looking toward the pond for showing the actual Dogwood tree and our Gazebo.
Against the sunlight it gives such a striking view.
The suet blocks for the birds are hanging down from our Holly tree...
Our cat-boy Barty is in front of the gazebo.
We also are very pleased with our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing by Interlock Metal Roofing.
That was it; an insight of our Spring in Georgia when the Dogwoods bloom.
Thanks for your visit and hope you enjoyed it!

Related link:


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    those are wonderful pictures from your house and Gazebo :O) What a lovely place to live :O)
    Happy Easter-week to you both,
    Love and hugs

  2. Hello Mariette, Dogwoods, with their delicate blooms, are the perfect flowering tree for early Spring. They grow wild everywhere in Ohio, and are a highlight of Spring walks. Your example is perfectly sited to add charm to both your house and your summerhouse.

  3. The house looks so pretty with the sunshine and the blossom. What a pity they all had gone with the storms.

  4. Dearest Mariette;
    Wow, how BEAUTIFUL to see that your Dogwood's early spring white flower framing your Home & Gazebo♡♡♡ Yes, the color coordination is facilitating and stunning!

    PS> Thank you SO much for the link of your post "Loropetalum chinense ‘Plum Delight’". Oh, yours have pink flower ans such gorgeously blooming. Hope you still can enjoy the beauty, my friend. We have a slight cold and runny nose p;) Take Care of Yourselves.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Gorgeous! I want to move to the south Mariette. Your property looks so pretty and always full of beautiful blooms.

  6. These are such beautiful sights of your home and gazebo with dogwood trees!
    I do love your color choice for your home - it blends well and also looks stunning.
    Looks like Barty is enjoying sunshine and flowers :-) Have a wonderful new week!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    tolle Fotos. Alles fügt sich gut ein.
    Ein herrlicher Baum.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

  8. I like the color of your home. And the grounds are so pretty. Lovely blossoming trees. You always seem to have something putting on a show. Best wishes for a great week. Tammy

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely tree!!! It's a pitty it could not keep its blossoms a little longer ! The same happens with our almond trees which blossom very early and then rain comes and most of the flowers are gone!!!
    You live in such a beautiful area! And I like the colour of your house very much!!!!
    I also wish you a blessed Holy week and a happy Easter!
    Many hugs!!!

  10. Qué maravilla de lugar, es para tomar un té tranquilamente respirando aire puro y escuchando el trinar de los pajarillos.
    Sin pereza

  11. Nature gives us so much pleasure. I know you would be soaking in all the beauty.
    Hugs Kay

  12. Oh how I like the look of the gazebo I would love one of them at my home

  13. Que maravilla de floración Marietta querida ,, Que tengas una linda Semana Santa

  14. Dear Mariette,what a beautifful tree!!Gorgeous pictures of your house and the gazebo!!
    Wish you a lovely Holy Week and a happy Easter!Hugs!!

  15. Guten Morgen Mariette,ja ,wir waren in dem Orchideenpark in Hoeve.Es war soooo schön .Die kleinen Papageien ,die einem den Nektar aus dem Becher geschlürft hatten und einen richtig überfallen hatten .Klasse!!!!Es sind wieder wunderschöne Fotos von euch !!!Ich wünsche dir einen schönen tag .Grüßle Ina

    1. Liebe Ina,
      Ja, dass dachte ich schon es wäre in Luttelgeest die Orchideen Hoeve. Schön dass es so etwas gibt für vielen Menschen um so etwas geniessen zu können.
      Danke für dein Kompliment, wir haben hier leider keine Papageien, nur Kolibris und viele und sehr grosse Schmetterlingen auch.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  16. Liebe Mariette,

    ich bin begeistert.
    Sonnige Grüße

  17. Dearest mariette,
    Your framing your homeThere photos also the Genger bread from vintage wood works.
    You are actually inside our Gazebo looking back at your home.
    your Gazebo loking at your home. The Dogwood tree and your gagebo. Your cat boy Barty in front of the Gazebo
    Hory week and happy Easter.
    Hugs and with your Husband lots of love!

  18. Tranquil , serene, green and beautiful ..just what I needed to see this morning - after waking to snow in the city this morning. I hope Mother Nature realizes it's no longer winter.... thank you for sharing such warmth in pictures ..hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  19. Cara Mariette,hai colore della tua magnifica casa sta benissimo con la natura che la circonda!
    Stupendo il gazebo e i fiori del tuo gatto steso in mezzo al verde è dolcissimo.
    Un abbraccio cara amica,a presto!

  20. Oh Mariette dear. The house is so lovely and with the flowers outside, it looks like a fairy tale home..In the sunshine. Gorgeous:-) Warm hugs, Eli

  21. Mi hai fatto sognare....... la tua casa e il tuo giardino sono splendidi, un posto da favola, bellissimo anche il tuo gatto. A presto

  22. ich kann immer wieder nur sagen: ein Paradies - zum Wohlfühlen und Glücklichsein

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    I can only find one word: MAGICAL!!!!!! You have created a little paradise for you, your hubby and your furry babies! And of course, as you already know, I love-love-LOVE your gazebo... it looks right from a fairy tale! :)
    ENJOY! Big hugs :)

  24. Liebe Mariette, ein Haus, das einlädt und umarmt, warm, herzlich, mit sonnigem Gemüt und freundlicher Ausstrahlung, genau wie ihre Bewohnerin...
    Heel veel liefs Anett


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