
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

{Our Carolina Jasmine}

One of the most beautiful vines is the Carolina Jasmine Gelsemium sempervirens with its fragrant yellow flowers.
This species is by far not as invasive as e.g. wisterias are.
Very lovely sight when blooming like here seen on April 10.
There is a bird house right behind it and often the Caroline Wren lives in it.
What a romantic place for raising their young!
To the right you see our Wood Trail and to the left is our Gazebo...
Do you have a Carolina Jasmine?

Related link:
{Yellow Blossoms from Our Garden want to be YOUR Sunshine Today!} | previous post by me


  1. i wish i did! i bet the hummingbirds would love it!

  2. Beautiful and cheerful plant. Yellow makes me happy.

  3. Hola Marietta querida el jazmín es una planta olorosa y muy preciosa !!!....Que tengas un buen comienzo de semana

  4. No I don't have a Carolyner Jasmine, I try and stay away from yellow flowers in my garden, because my house is a orangy red brick and it is a little too warm a colour for it. So mostly blues and White. Although I do have a very few pale pink roses.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    this Jasmin is beautiful!
    Wishing you a wonderful new week!
    Love and hugs
    P.S. Your stuff is in work ;O)

  6. Hello Mariette! No, I havent' seen yellow jasimne here, but we have loads and loads of beautiful flowers which names I unfortuntaley cannot get to know even from local people.
    I am grateful I have blogger friends, and I ask some flowers' names from them from time to time - it helped a lot!
    Lovely gazebo, and I can imagine walking along that wood path...

  7. Dearest Mariette
    this is such an attractive climber - we have it over here, in fact it is climbing over part of our back fence, but didn't know the name!
    It looks wonderful climbing up your tree.
    I hope your Carolina wren lays her eggs in the bird box this Spring!
    Happy week!

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich wieder über deinen Post.

    Alles Liebe

  9. I don't have one of those beautiful climbing vines, but it sure would be wonderful to have one! I bet they smell wonderful. I love your little path. Such a beautiful yard you have Mariette.
    xo Catherine

  10. Dearest Mariette;
    Oh, Carolina Jasmine with yellow color♡♡♡ I wish I had bigger garden and I could enjoy the fragrance like Jasmine :-) Yes, wisteria is really invasive; In my neighbor's garden, they are in the overgrown Chinese juniper. Have a LOVELY new week, my friend.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Mooie bloemen in je tuin Mariette, je header is ook prachtig.

  12. Very pretty. And I like the photo of your house you've used for your header. Have a great week. Tammy

  13. ciao Mariette, la tua casa è un paradiso!!!!!! un abbraccio grande Lory

  14. Dear Mariette,this is a very preety tree!Here,we dont have yellow Jasmine,only white.
    I like your new header!What a wonderful house you have!Wish you a happy week!Hugs!

    1. We do, dear Dimi!!! I do have one and I can give you a pot, if you wish!!!!!!

  15. Beautiful! Thanks for the sunshine, Mariette.

  16. Oh I love your beautiful Carolina Jasmine! The bright yellow color make me fee so cheerful.
    Birds at the bird house get the best view and scent..I'm jealous! :-)

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    da bei uns die Sonne heute völlig fehlt, nehme ich den Gruß
    herzlich gern an.
    Ganz wunderschöne Blüten. Ich beneide dich darum-
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  18. Lieve Mariette,

    Prachtige waterval van gele bloemen in je tuin.
    Snap nooit dat veel mensen de kleur geel vermijden in hun tuin,in mijn optiek trekt het juist een vrolijk en zonnig aandacht punt naar zich toe.

    Denk dat alleen mensen oog hebben voor romantische plekjes....
    vogels stellen alleen eisen aan de plek waar ze hun nest bouwen om hun jongen groot te brengen in de vorm van veiligheid en of er genoeg voedsel in omgeving te vinden is.
    In ons kleine stadstuintje nestelen de mussen,merels gewoon al jaren in de Hedera haag en koolmeesjes nemen genoegen met de vogelhuisjes die her en der hangen.
    Vanmiddag was het een lieve lust om te zien hoe ze hun eerste vliegles kregen.

    Lie groet,

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Carolina Jasmine is gorgeous!!!! As I'm telling Dimi, I do have a yellow jasmine (apart from the winter jasmine), but it is not the same as yours. It is the Jasmine humilis, with smaller flowers, yet they are also scented.
    Many hugs!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      That particular one we too have had in the 90s but we had to remove it as it was growing almost into the garage. Guess all jasmines are scented. The Carolina Jasmine is called: Gelsemium sempervirens
      Hugs to you,

  20. Qué colorido más alegre para un lunes!
    Besos querida Mariette
    Sin pereza

  21. Dear Mariette,
    Oh, I wish I did have one of those beautiful Carolina Jasmine vines! How beautiful it is, and what a lucky little wren to live in such a lovely place. Your gardens are always so enchanting surrounding your sweet gingerbread cottage. (I love your new blog header) Wishing you a lovely week, my Dear.
    Hugs xo

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    Your beautiful the caroline jasmine are yellow flowers.The wistries are when blooming in only weeks ago.
    I hope you has beautiful day!
    Hugs and lots of Love!

  23. Liebe Mariette,
    ihr wohnt und lebt ja wunderschön. Mit herrlich bunt duftenden Blumen. Brücken mit weissen Geländer und sogar einem weissen Pavillion. Das gefällt mir so super gut.
    Ich stell mir vor... beim Sitzen mit Kaffee und einem interessanten Buch....*träum*.. ;-))

    Wünsche dir einen guten Tag!

    Alle Liebe

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    What a pretty color. I grow all jasmines in pots as they would never survive our winters. The yellow is so pretty, just what is needed on a cold, rainy day.
    Enjoy your lovely flowers.....*s*

  25. Bellissimo questo gelsomino Mariette...di giallo ho solamente il Nudiflorum ma fa pochissimi fiori mentre il tuo è meraviglioso!!!
    Un abbraccio cara amica

  26. Hi Mariette,
    No we do not have a Carolina Jasmine in our garden. Gary and I are working on our yard its very bare right now and we had to start over with new plants. The yellow bloom is so pretty! and I do love yellow.
    Thank you for your kind note about our kitchen, you are always so sweet.
    Have a wonderful day, hugs-Elizabeth

  27. Grazie Mariette di mostrarci sempre questi meravigliosi fiori del tuo splendido giardino!Baci,rosetta

  28. Such gorgeous flowers, dear Mariette!!!!! Thank you for sharing! :)

  29. Wow, how wonderful! Marirtte I found you in the facebok, that delights!

  30. Excelentes fotografias de belas flores....


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