
Saturday, May 3, 2014

{Our Lilac Clematis 'Silver Moon'}

A FREE gift from the birds by seed spreading, is this gorgeous LILAC CLEMATIS 'Silver Moon!
Very large blooms in perfect Lilac!
Are those huge flowers not lovely?
Photos are taken on April 12...
Husband Pieter did make this bamboo trellis for them and spray painted it green.
Those petals indeed look like silver...
When just opening up they are of a darker shade lilac; quite stunning!
We have two of these Clematis, here shown back to back in their pots.
Do you have any Clematis?

Related link:
{Our Lovely Lilac Clematis 'Silver Moon'} | previous post by me


  1. just beautiful! the birds gave back to you!

  2. Wow, beautiful Lilac Clematis♡♡♡ What a wonderful gift from bird♪ Your husband 's handmade bamboo trellis sure look supporting the flower nicely. Wishing you a wonderful coming weekend. Dearest Mariette;

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  3. Hello my dear friend Mariette,
    This post is awesome, what a fantastic gift from the birds, your Clematis looks great, I love the color and with that trellis they will be secure always. I don't have any Clematis, but it is on my list maybe for the near future. Here everything is still cold and all I have are Tulips, Narcissus and Hyacinth, looking forward for warmer temperatures and more flowers. Send you a big hug with lots of love,

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    I love Clematis, and this one is wonderful!
    Happy weekend to you,
    Love and hugs

  5. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

  6. Ze zien er prachtig uit, we hadden ooit een clematis tegen een muur voor ons huis, maar we zijn niet zo consequent in het verzorgen van planten, dus hij is niet meer....

  7. Dieses zarte lila ist ja wunderschön, liebe Mariette und sie hat große Blüten - einfach schön anzuschaun.
    Unsere Clematis ist noch nicht soweit, sie wird in pink blühen

    Hab eine schöne Maien-Zeit
    mit lieben Grüßen Traudi

  8. Dear Mariette,what a beautiful lilac flower!I love Clematis!!!Gorgeous pictures!
    Wish you a happy weekend!

  9. lieve Mariette ,
    Een beetje druk gehad deze dagen(visite uit nederland) dus een beetje achter met je blogen lezen
    maar ik heb het net ingehaald alles gelezen ..
    dus reageer over 3 posten .
    Als eerste wil ik je vertellen dat ik de foto van je huis heel mooi vindt ...
    En die gele jasmijn vondt ik ook heel mooi en de bloeiende boom.
    Maar de lila jasmijn is wel heel mooi..
    ik wens je een fijne maand mei ..
    veel liefs uit griekenland

  10. non ho una Clematis!!!!!!! e non ho un giardino meraviglioso come il tuo!!!!!! m guardo i tuoi fiori e sono contenta lo stesso!!!!! un abbraccio e buon fine settimana Lory

  11. Meine liebe Mariette,
    die Clematis ist wunderschön. Und so große Blüten.
    Das sieht man eher selten.
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht dir

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    What a wonderful gift from birds has gurglous Lilac clematic, your husband Pieter has been bamboo trellis them and spray painted it green color.
    We has raining for all the time.
    Hugs and Happy weekend !

  13. Your silver moon is beautiful! They sure are perfect blooms. What a wonderful gift from birds :-) We once had sunflower growing in the back of house. I think it came from bird seed I put out for birds.
    The bamboo trellis looks lovely, too! Your husband Pieter keeps amazing me!

  14. Hello dearest Mariette
    Oh it is perfect - thanks to our dear feathered friends - they knew who would welcome and nurture these precious seeds!
    Pieter is a treasure making you so many things around the house and garden.
    My husband is only interested in boats and war history - I keep telling him he is 'two dimensional'! LOL!
    Wishing you a very happy May my sweet friend!
    Shane xox

  15. Dear Mariette,

    Your lilac clematis is so very pretty and this really is a wonderful gifts from the birds spreading the seeds.
    We once had a pretty pale pink clematis at a house we owned at the back door and every time you went outside - the fragrance was beautiful.
    Happy weekend

  16. Sweet little birdies to bring you such a beautiful gift. Lovely, large bloom.

    I don't know if my boss' brother was rushing. I imagine it was part of the reason for his fall. Everyone seems to rush through their days going from one thing to the next. It's not worth it. I've had quite a relaxing weekend. Just the way I like it.

    Have a super Saturday. Hugs, Tammy

  17. Clematis are so beautiful. We have to be careful here in Australia the we plant them where they have a cool root run.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Visiting your beautiful home and your amazing garden is always a joy to the heart and soul!
    Thank you for sharing this beauty with us! And thank you to the birdies! :)
    Many hugs from the Alps!

  19. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat een prachtige bloemen en geweldige kleur!!!
    Volgens mij gaat er geen dag voorbij of er is wel iets fraais in jullie tuin te bewonderen, geniet ervan!!!

    Fijne zondag en lieve groet,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
